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Commented by Stefan Feulner on May 18th, 2021 | 08:58 CEST

Volkswagen, Silver Viper, QuantumScape - Perfect timing

  • Silver

Concerns about escalating price increases pushed the precious metals away from their lows in recent weeks. Currently, both gold and silver are about to test their medium-term downtrends. A breakout could mean an attack on the highs reached in August 2020. Due to the historically high national debts and the ultra-loose monetary policy of the central banks, this would be fundamentally justified in any case. Gold and silver mining stocks have not yet benefited much from the recovery of the underlying assets. Now is a good time to get your foot in the door.


Commented by Nico Popp on May 18th, 2021 | 07:50 CEST

wallstreet:online, flatexDEGIRO, Facebook: Which broker share is the best?

  • Investments

When a high savings rate meets rising inflation, the stock market benefits. Even with the outbreak of the pandemic, private investors rushed to take advantage of promising opportunities: gold, hydrogen, electromobility - all these have recently been the trends that have made investors' hearts beat faster. But shares related to the stock market itself are also in demand. Some business models are so mature that they can benefit from the boom in several ways.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on May 17th, 2021 | 10:29 CEST

Aspermont, SAP, Square - "Digital transformation" megatrend as a snack for the portfolio!

  • Digitization

Paper tigers are threatened with extinction, and the threat is called digitalization. The simple definition of digitization (the conversion of analog formats into digital formats and their processing or storage in a digital system) conceals countless individual cases and, in total, the far-reaching upheaval of entire industries and sectors of the economy. In the following, we present three companies that are all profiting from the megatrend. Here are the yield drivers for your portfolio.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on May 17th, 2021 | 10:20 CEST

Plug Power, Defense Metals, Xiaomi - Easing or escalation?

  • RareEarths

A trade war between the US and China has been raging since 2018. Now, at the end of last week, news broke that the US Department of Defense has removed Xiaomi, a Chinese technology Company, from its blacklist and all sanctions will be lifted. A ray of hope in relations between the two superpowers? Probably not; after all, the dispute over human rights in China intensifies the conflict between the two countries. Should there be further escalation, the West faces a resource bottleneck that will not only jeopardize the energy transition.


Commented by Nico Popp on May 17th, 2021 | 09:59 CEST

Saturn Oil + Gas, NEL, BYD: Here come the multipliers!

  • Oil

The stock market offers something for every type of investor: the cool calculator, the bold speculator and the rational decision-maker. The bull market in hydrogen stocks around the turn of the year was a case for daring gamblers: the technology is not ready for the market yet, and every investment is a bet on the future. Investors in Saturn Oil & Gas are likely to have felt like gamblers at times during the past year, which was marked by a collapse in the oil price that has now been compensated for. But since the end of last week, it has become clear that the share is also interesting for cool calculators and rational decision-makers. The reason lies in an acquisition that takes the Company to a whole new level and should also mean enormous potential for the share price.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on May 17th, 2021 | 09:15 CEST

Gazprom, K+S, Blackrock Silver: Watch out for the turnaround - Do not miss it!

  • Silver

That was a turbulent week on the stock markets. Since Monday, the German benchmark index had been under pressure and reached its low of around 14,820 points on Thursday morning. But then it turned strongly and put in the biggest 24-hour upswing seen in a good 3 years. In the end, it gained a full 4.4% and reached a new all-time high of 15,472. Car stocks, Siemens and insurers, both trading ex-dividend, were responsible. We take a look at further turnaround candidates.


Commented by Armin Schulz on May 17th, 2021 | 08:40 CEST

Jinkosolar, Almonty Industries, ThyssenKrupp - Commodity and energy prices still rising

  • Tungsten

Last week, a 4.2% inflation rate for consumer products was reported in the USA, which caused a correction in the markets. Construction prices rose by up to 70% in some cases. The Federal Statistical Office in Germany currently assumes inflation of 2%. However, there is already a partial shortage of chips for the automotive industry, wood is being imported expensively from Ukraine, and there is also a shortage of supplier parts in other sectors. One should strongly assume that inflation will be higher. Energy prices also rose by a good 27% last year. The long cold winter will cause prices to increase further there as well. To protect against inflation, investors should focus on quality stocks of companies that manufacture products and benefit from such bull markets in the long term. We present three attractive candidates today.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on May 14th, 2021 | 15:56 CEST

BYD, Saturn Oil + Gas, Varta - Now the lid is flying off!

  • Oil

In April of last year, the outbreak of the Corona pandemic caused a crash in the oil markets. A sharp drop in demand due to global lockdowns and a massive supply overhang caused the sell-off and caused oil prices to drop below USD 20. Oil producers tried to save what could be saved by hedging and shutting down production. In contrast, other players used the Crisis as an opportunity and took over distressed competitors at bargain prices. One Company is now announcing a long-planned takeover of a major project that will multiply both sales and profits in one fell swoop - The rise to a new dimension with revaluation.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on May 14th, 2021 | 11:09 CEST

Troilus Gold, NIO, Steinhoff - Worries are on the rise!

  • Gold

Fears of rampant inflation are driving world stock markets lower this week. After the much higher than expected US consumer prices in April to 4.2%, the inflation rate is higher than at any time since 2008. However, the Federal Reserve, which should take preventive action against the overheated price increase, does not yet see any great danger in the significant rise and wants to continue to adhere to the ultra-loose monetary policy until at least 2023. Seldom have the conditions for an investment in gold been better than in the current situation. Take your chance!


Commented by Armin Schulz on May 14th, 2021 | 08:28 CEST

The Very Good Food Company, Anheuser-Busch InBev, HelloFresh - Reopening in the Food Sector

  • Food

At the moment, the topic of reopening is hotly debated in stock market circles. It is about stocks that either have some catch-up potential after the Corona Crisis or benefited greatly from the pandemic and could now come under pressure with the return of public life. Because of the lockdown, many people had much less exercise because they stopped exercising or, in some cases, even stopped walking to work. During this time, many people have focused on eating healthier to still stay in shape. Many people are happy when the clubs, bars and restaurants open again. So today, we are going to take a look at three stocks in the food sector.
