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Commented by Nico Popp on May 25th, 2021 | 08:44 CEST

Barrick Gold, Newmont, GSP Resource: With this stock from the start

  • Commodities

Gold is trading around USD 1,900 again. At the same time, inflation data is picking up and Bitcoin is proving extremely volatile. These are good conditions for companies in the gold and commodities sectors. Although the shares of the best-known representatives are already slowly picking up, there are still numerous laggards. Commodity stocks have a lot to offer, from conservative to speculative - we outline this below using three stocks as examples.


Commented by Armin Schulz on May 25th, 2021 | 08:16 CEST

Deutsche Bank, Mineworx Technologies, Deutsche Telekom - ESG stocks have enormous potential

  • ESG

ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance. The Environmental area covers environmental pollution or hazards, such as CO2 emissions and energy efficiency issues. In the Social space, health care, occupational safety and social commitment are assessed. Under leadership, one looks at sustainability, corporate values and their control processes. The trend towards ESG shares has increased significantly in recent years. Especially for the younger generation, sustainability is fundamental. We take a look at three companies that are addressing sustainability.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on May 21st, 2021 | 10:44 CEST

BASF, White Metal Resources, Deutsche Telekom - The winners of future trends

  • Mining

By 2025, there will be around 1.5 billion vehicles on the road worldwide. This figure is alarming since today we have to contend with rising air pollution and the consequences of climate change. However, the energy transition, which is being accelerated more and more by both politics and business, will increasingly require scarce raw materials and novel technologies. These requirements give rise to young companies that will benefit in the long term from rising sales and bubbling profits.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on May 21st, 2021 | 09:58 CEST

Trend break, please look closely! BYD, Nel ASA, Bitcoin Group, SunMirror

  • Investments

"Turned on its heel" would be an apt description for Wednesday. Bitcoin was at the record-breaking USD 65,000 mark in mid-April and there were announcements that the USD 100,000 mark would soon be on the cards. Since that high, the cryptocurrency has plummeted by over 50% at the low and immediately stormed back up. The anti-protagonists of this casino mentality cite the decarbonization of the planet as a reason why the entire crypto world should be condemned for its power-hungry mining. Others see blockchain technology as the most significant digitization breakthrough of the future. Some companies are directly affected by these movements.


Commented by Armin Schulz on May 21st, 2021 | 09:28 CEST

BYD, Nevada Copper, AT&T - Nothing works without copper

  • Copper

More and more people worldwide have access to electricity. The electrification of the world is progressing and this requires copper - the non-precious metal that conducts electricity best. Copper was one of the most widely used industrial metals even before the advent of renewable energies and e-mobility. It is found in consumer goods such as air conditioners, telephones and everything around power grids. Increased sales of e-cars are also increasing demand for the "red gold" here, as more copper is needed for these than in conventional passenger cars. Added to this is the charging infrastructure for e-cars, which still has to be built nationwide. Demand will certainly not decrease, but since the supply is not growing at the same time, rising prices are the result.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on May 21st, 2021 | 09:14 CEST

Silkroad Nickel, NIO, Varta - Pre-programmed bottlenecks = price opportunities

  • Nickel

Electromobility and battery technology are inextricably linked. Sales figures for e-vehicles are rising rapidly and will multiply in the next few years. This global increase in production will become challenging in many places. Not just with the competitive situation, which is becoming increasingly intense as Chinese players gain strength, but also the availability of the critical raw materials for battery production. There are signs of a huge supply deficit in nickel over the next few years. We show you how to invest with foresight and profitably.


Commented by Nico Popp on May 21st, 2021 | 08:25 CEST

Newmont, Desert Gold, Kinross Gold, Aspermont: Gold outperforms Bitcoin

  • Gold

In about eight weeks, the price of gold has transformed from a problem child to a beacon of hope. The reason: inflation is on the rise. In the US, consumer prices are already at 4.2%. At the same time, more and more economies are taking steps towards normality as the pandemic nears its end. That should ensure that prices continue to rise. Gold is particularly interesting because while demand can explode overnight, supply is slow to grow. Using various companies as examples, we explain how money can be made with this mixture of factors.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on May 20th, 2021 | 13:29 CEST

BYD, Saturn Oil + Gas, Everfuel - Transformation in the oil market

  • Oil

Climate change, renewable energies, electric mobility - these are the topics that currently occupy the headlines alongside Corona. People forget that in 2020, more than 75% of the global energy supply was still covered by coal, oil and gas. Due to the resurgent economy after the pandemic, the demand for black gold is increasing enormously. Last year, JP Morgan already predicted the start of a new "oil supercycle" that could propel the price to just under USD 200 per barrel. A feast for producers.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on May 20th, 2021 | 10:10 CEST

Bitcoin Group, Deutsche Rohstoff, Aurelius - Alternative Investment Champions

  • Investments

Those who invest in the asset class "Alternative Assets" either move away from "Classic" investments such as stocks or bonds or invest in the liquid securities with "Alternative" strategies. Here, the universe available for selection is huge. Classic cars, private equity, cryptos or commodities - you decide. Except for the old-timers, we brought an investment idea from each category. If successful, there might be a classic car in there too...


Commented by Stefan Feulner on May 20th, 2021 | 09:24 CEST

XPeng, Kodiak Copper, NIO - Megatrend scarcity

  • Copper

Bitcoin, Etherum and the entire crypto family are rushing into the basement. The reason for this is once again the Middle Kingdom. After a statement by the Chinese central bank that one may not use digital currencies for payment purposes, they lost more than 20% in value yesterday. China's market power is even greater when it comes to raw materials for the energy transition. Due to the scarcity of the corresponding metals, prices will rise enormously in the long term. Producers who offer alternatives in the Western industrialized countries can profit significantly from this.
