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Commented by Armin Schulz on February 4th, 2022 | 13:56 CET

Infineon, MAS Gold, E.ON - Inflation and supply bottlenecks cause rising prices

  • Gold

According to the Federal Statistical Office, inflation in Germany was 4.9% in January. Experts had expected only 4.4%. Inflation rates were particularly high for energy prices. According to ECB President Lagarde, an interest rate increase is not currently under discussion. However, since Lagarde had already miscalculated the inflation rate, there are more and more voices saying that the ECB will have to raise interest rates after all. The Fed has already hinted at an interest rate hike in March. In addition to inflation, supply bottlenecks are causing prices to rise. The automotive industry still has too few chips to ramp up production again. Today, we look at three companies benefiting from the circumstances.


Commented by Nico Popp on February 4th, 2022 | 13:09 CET

Varta, Triumph Gold, Barrick Gold: Interest rate turnaround? That's what Goldman Sachs says!

  • Gold

Interest rates are rising - at least in the US, at least a little bit. But the market has turned signals of normalcy into warning signals. Rising interest rates could stall the recovery, and in general, rising rates would be poison for the stock market, which would become less attractive relative to interest-bearing securities. Here is why this argument is flawed, what Goldman Sachs has to say about it, and which stocks might benefit.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on February 4th, 2022 | 12:22 CET

Novavax, Cardiol, MorphoSys - Here's the second wave of Corona vaccine plays!

  • Cannabis

The number of new Corona infections reported to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) within one day has reached an all-time high. 236,120 additional cases were recorded, bringing the number of people in Germany who were confirmed to be infected with Sars-CoV-2 to 10.4 million. However, the number of unreported cases is significantly higher. Vaccine manufacturers from the early days have been able to clear the table in recent months, and now new companies such as Novavax and Valneva are entering the scene. But not all innovative approaches to fighting Corona are on the radar of investors. These are perfect conditions for a second share price wave.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on February 3rd, 2022 | 14:18 CET

JinkoSolar, Memiontec, Nordex - Elementary profit opportunities!

  • Technology

Fire, Water, Earth and Air - according to ancient teachings, these are the determining elements of our universe. The question is how we can harness them in the future without destroying ourselves in the process. On the one hand, this is about future possibilities of use, but on the other hand, it is also about the question of how we can create fair access for all people in order to avert impending distribution conflicts. Below are three companies whose profits are based on one each of these four elements.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on February 3rd, 2022 | 14:02 CET

Barrick Gold, Desert Gold, K+S - The big picture is right!

  • Gold

Does inflation hurt the stock markets? The answer is: it depends. It depends on how high it is and how long it lasts. Likewise, industries and consumers are affected quite differently. Interest rate levels also play an important role. What has been shown in the past - gold performs well during periods of high inflation. Agricultural commodities are also predicted to have a dazzling future.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on February 3rd, 2022 | 13:55 CET

Novavax, XPhyto Therapeutics, BioNTech, Valneva - The vaccine blockbusters are on the move again!

  • Biotechnology

It is on again with the vaccine producers. Experts consider the pandemic to be over by the summer of 2022, but vaccination rates are still low, and infection figures are rushing from record to record. Meanwhile, mandatory vaccination by law is also a daily topic of discussion, dividing society into at least two camps. According to the thinking of those currently taking action, the right to freedom of bodily integrity probably ceases when third parties could suffer a disadvantage as a result of one's own decision. It's so easy to knit laws under the postulate of "protection & general welfare," and the individual right to liberty under the Basic Law is thus unceremoniously nullified. After all, members of parliament are supposed to be able to vote without factional coercion. We evaluate the chances of the well-known biotech protagonists!


Commented by Stefan Feulner on February 3rd, 2022 | 13:46 CET

Allkem, Edison Lithium, NIO - The battery of the future

  • Lithium

The transformation from diesel- or gasoline-fueled vehicles to battery-powered electric vehicles is underway, the market is growing strongly, and automakers are increasingly adopting an electric strategy. However, this requires the necessary raw materials such as cobalt, copper, lithium and nickel. Increased demand meets a more than scarce supply. The result is sharply rising prices. The primary beneficiaries are the producers, who can expect growing sales in the coming years.


Commented by Nico Popp on February 3rd, 2022 | 12:30 CET

NEL, Tembo Gold, Newmont: Comeback shares or save yourself?

  • Gold

The stock market is currently proving capricious: what was hot yesterday is already out again today. But there are good reasons to see opportunities in fallen angels. We take a closer look at some stocks that are not doing so well at the moment and analyze their comeback potential.


Commented by Juliane Zielonka on February 3rd, 2022 | 11:56 CET

dynaCERT, AMD, Alibaba - Clean air for big growth

  • Innovations
  • Technology
  • Hydrogen

Pictures of the truck protest convoys in Canada also illustrate on the sidelines the extent of air pollution caused by CO2 exhaust gases. The company dynaCERT, also from Canada, offers its patented retrofit solution for combustion engines to counter these emissions and has enormous growth potential. AMD continues to grow through its merger with Chinese Company Xilinx. Alibaba continues to expand its business with cloud solutions. We take a look at three exciting candidates.


Commented by Fabian Lorenz on February 3rd, 2022 | 10:56 CET

Barrick Gold, Standard Lithium, Alerio Gold: Commodity stocks after the crash

  • Gold

Lithium and gold stocks have little in common at first glance. The lithium sector has undergone a severe correction in recent weeks. Albemarle, for example, has lost around 30% in value. In the case of the 2021 investor darling, Standard Lithium, it was almost 50%. What lasted only a few weeks in the case of lithium has dragged on for months in the case of gold shares. Again, industry heavyweights like Barrick Gold and young producers like Alerio Gold are trading well below their highs. And this brings us to the common thread. Both lithium and gold stocks appear ripe for a rebound. The lithium price is trading near all-time highs, and gold is trading back above USD 1,800. In addition, Barrick has released top numbers. Alerio Gold and Standard Lithium are also worth a closer look.
