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Commented by Armin Schulz on December 10th, 2021 | 13:14 CET

BYD, dynaCERT, Nikola - Traffic of the future must protect the environment

  • Hydrogen

Today, we are more mobile than ever before. The downside of this is the environmental impact. A good 20% of global CO2 emissions are caused by traffic. Relying on e-cars alone is probably too short-sighted. In the private sector, this is quite realistic, but the electric approach does not yet work in freight transport or only at a significant loss of performance. Hydrogen could play a major role in this area in the future, but hydrogen is still too expensive per kilogram, and mass production is still a long way off. Today, we look at e-mobility and hydrogen and an alternative that could help the transportation industry in the short term.


Commented by Nico Popp on November 18th, 2021 | 11:39 CET

Trucks and hydrogen as a billion-dollar business: Daimler, Clean Logistics, Nikola

  • Hydrogen

Hydrogen was the hot topic last fall: shares like NEL kept climbing. But then came the disillusionment: Alongside Tesla and BYD, more and more traditional carmakers also switched to electric cars with batteries. Hydrogen shares collapsed. But this does not mean that the technology is out of the picture. The energy carrier remains a beacon of hope for ships, trucks and even aircraft. Just recently, a German company even put a hydrogen bus on the road. We explain what hydrogen means for commercial vehicles and how investors can profit, using three shares as examples.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on November 10th, 2021 | 11:07 CET

Nordex, Clean Logistics, Nikola - Hardly manageable changeover

  • Hydrogen

Climate neutrality must be achieved as quickly as possible. The politicians share this view at the climate conference currently taking place in Glasgow. One critical point here is the reduction of CO2 emissions from the transport sector. Unlike in the energy sector or industry, for example, CO2 emissions in the transport sector have not fallen since 1990. Most of the debate focuses on emissions from passenger cars. However, according to the Federal Environment Agency, a good 35% of transport emissions are attributable to commercial vehicles. However, a rapid changeover, as the theorists are calling for, seems almost impossible.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on November 8th, 2021 | 13:14 CET

Nikola, Kleos Space, Xiaomi - Earth is not enough

  • Space

New technologies by adding satellites launched into space are increasingly used for a wide variety of services. Probably the most famous project is that of Tesla founder Elon Musk. The SpaceX "Starlink" project aims to make fast Internet available everywhere in every little corner of the world. In crime prevention, the view from above is also being used through the targeted use of satellite clusters. The market for this is gigantic and is still in its infancy.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on November 1st, 2021 | 12:30 CET

BASF, dynaCERT, Nikola - These shares will be exciting

  • Hydrogen

From today until November 12, all eyes are on the UN Climate Change Conference COP26 in Glasgow. Nothing less than the future of our planet and a trend reversal towards a climate-neutral economy are at stake. At the top of the agenda is the commitment of countries to reduce emissions. A company that has received little attention in the recent past is waiting in the wings with its patented technology and could soon take off. Be prepared.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on October 26th, 2021 | 10:31 CEST

Nel ASA, First Hydrogen, Nikola - Fully on schedule

  • Hydrogen

Time is pressing. From 2025, stricter emission targets issued by the European Union will apply, which gasoline and diesel engines will not meet. Due to the energy transition and decarbonization, carmakers globally are turning to battery-powered electric cars. However, electric mobility is unsuitable for transportation due to its short-range and long charging time. Here, the advantage currently lies very clearly with fuel cell technology.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on October 5th, 2021 | 12:20 CEST

Covestro, Royal Helium, Nikola - Where will this lead?

  • Helium

The situation is more than critical. Whether wood, steel or plastics, many raw materials are becoming increasingly scarce. The delays and interruptions in supply chains are jeopardizing smooth operations in business, industry and trade. Every sector is currently feeling the effects, from large corporations to small craft enterprises. Despite full order books, many companies are announcing short-time work. This situation is likely to worsen in the coming months.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on September 17th, 2021 | 10:41 CEST

Steinhoff, Tembo Gold, Nikola - Strong rebound potential

  • Gold

Which investor does not dream of investing in a stock anticyclically during strong price setbacks to earn disproportionately from the rebound? But the anticyclical investment strategy, in which one bets against the broad mass, is associated with considerable risks. Because of this, one should analyze the object of one's desire carefully to see the reasons for the rapid sell-off. Are they self-inflicted problems, as was best observed in the Wirecard example, or is the impulse coming from outside.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on September 10th, 2021 | 11:16 CEST

GameStop, wallstreet:online, Nikola - It goes on blithely

  • Investments

The ECB is following the lead of the FED. Although some council members warned not to ignore the risk of too high inflation, an end to the ultra-loose monetary policy is not in sight. Only the purchase of government and corporate securities under the Corona emergency purchase program should be "moderately" lower in the fourth quarter. The pro-growth decision is a balm for the stock markets. New highs should follow after the last mini-corrections.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on August 26th, 2021 | 13:12 CEST

Pure Extraction, Nikola, SFC Energy - Is Elon Musk wrong with his hydrogen forecast?

  • Hydrogen

On the subject of eMobility, Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla Automotive, takes a clear position: In the future, cars and transport vehicles will be electric, and the energy they need will come from batteries. Any other solution is unthinkable for him, as he recently let slip in a mocking remark when asked about hydrogen as a fuel. But even Elon Musk is not always right. Many respected scientists around the world recognize the advantages of hydrogen technology. Particularly in combination with a fuel cell, the advantages of rapid refueling and trouble-free gas transport to even the remotest corners of the earth do not seem to be underestimated. These stocks benefit from the triumph of hydrogen technology!
