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Commented by Juliane Zielonka on April 6th, 2023 | 09:47 CEST

Blackrock Silver, Amazon, FREYR Battery - Is now the time to get in?

  • Mining
  • Silver
  • Gold
  • Lithium
  • Batteries

The increasing demand for lithium in the fast-growing market for electric vehicles and electronic devices is helping to make the US state of Nevada a leader in the lithium industry with its abundant lithium deposits and favourable business climate. The exploration company Blackrock Silver has secured a lithium site there and is thus well-positioned for the unbroken demand for this raw material. The recently launched lithium-ion battery plant of FREYR Battery also proves the high demand. Another advantage for investors at FREYR Battery is already the more than 98% CO2-free production. This is exactly where Amazon seems to have a problem with its data centres in Oregon.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on April 5th, 2023 | 20:24 CEST

Triple AAA is in demand in the crisis - Amazon, Aspermont and Alibaba keep their promises!

  • Investments
  • Digitization
  • Technology

The DAX rises and rises and rises. At 15,742 points, a new high for the year was reached again yesterday, and the all-time high at around 16,290 points now also appears within reach. The strong rise in interest rates of recent months has slowed down somewhat, as inflation rates are no longer in double digits. However, it is questionable whether the next bull market on the NASDAQ is imminent since the FED recently indicated that it was not yet thinking about interest rate cuts. The so-called "dot plots" of the central bank members, however, speak a different language. We look at some classic growth stocks that are now returning to focus.


Commented by Juliane Zielonka on March 30th, 2023 | 12:15 CEST

Saturn Oil + Gas, Bayer, Amazon - Big business on a growth path

  • Mining
  • Oil
  • Pharma
  • entertainment

The oil industry is booming again: since Russia has been severely sanctioned, EU companies are fleeing to their international production sites to operate cost-efficiently. The winner in the energy poker is Saturn Oil & Gas. The Canadian company is now presenting its results for fiscal year 2022. What is clear is how hard the Company has worked on substance to grow steadily. Change is also felt at Bayer in the wake of the CEO change. Research in the field of women's health is discontinued, only one new blockbuster is still in the pipeline, but it is a big one. The fact that the stock market is associated with fear and greed is shown by the jump in AMC's share price. Just one piece of news from Amazon takeover rumors has investors jumping at the chance.


Commented by Juliane Zielonka on March 9th, 2023 | 10:54 CET

Aspermont, Amazon, Shop Apotheke - These shares embrace digitization!

  • Digitization
  • Technology
  • Investments

Companies like the Canadian media company Aspermont are among the pioneers of digitization and are thus miles ahead of their competitors. With their unique platform solution, the original mining trade magazine publisher can quickly scale into other segments and keep both industry and experts up to date with the latest knowledge. The value of successful digitization is also evident in the Shop Apotheke business figures now published. The digital mail-order pharmacy, which is accessible in Europe, is able to score points despite a change in the management board. In the US, Amazon is one step further, launching 24/7 digital patient care operations through One Medical.


Commented by Juliane Zielonka on February 23rd, 2023 | 16:13 CET

Almonty Industries, Rheinmetall and Amazon - The profiteers of the crises

  • Mining
  • Tungsten
  • Defense
  • crisis

South Korea is one of the few democratic countries with high tungsten deposits. Almonty Industries is a mining company with unbeatable expertise, bringing a disused tungsten mine in South Korea back to life. The metal is urgently needed in the defense, aerospace and automotive industries. Until now, China and Russia have dominated the tungsten market. But the last 24 months have shown how fragile supply chains and democracies can be. Alternatives are needed. One profiteer of the crisis is the arms company Rheinmetall. Since Russia launched its war of aggression in Ukraine, the share price has shot up. Amazon employees are currently experiencing the exact opposite. Their wages are supported partly by share packages - and thus, a disaster could occur in 2023.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on February 22nd, 2023 | 13:16 CET

Which stocks to get into now? Alphabet, Amazon, Aspermont and Alibaba under the magnifying glass!

  • Technology
  • ecommerce
  • Investments

Well, things turned out differently than expected! In the fall of 2022, the spectre of crisis made the rounds again several times. The forecasters overlapped in their assessment of the economic downturn. The reason was the strong inflation and the associated loss of purchasing power. But now: Where is inflation heading in 2023? In order to answer this question, it is helpful to look back to the period after the oil crisis in 1973. As was the case then, an energy price correction is to be expected today. Gas, meanwhile, has already fallen almost unnoticed to a 17-month low. Unfortunately, the Berlin traffic lights have already covered Germany's energy needs at peak prices, which is now blowing up people's utility bills. However, falling inflation also leads to lower interest rates, boosting growth stocks in particular. We take a look at important protagonists.


Commented by Nico Popp on February 20th, 2023 | 13:53 CET

Hydrogen bankruptcy? These are the laughing third parties: Plug Power, Amazon, First Hydrogen

  • Hydrogen
  • greenhydrogen
  • Solar
  • fuelcell

Hydrogen is not a foregone conclusion. The bankruptcy of the truck specialist Clean Logistics shows: Hype topics, in particular, must be solidly financed. We look at which niche investors can still invest with a clear conscience, which markets promise growth in the future and where hydrogen can also boost portfolios. We present three exciting companies.


Commented by Nico Popp on January 24th, 2023 | 16:04 CET

Hydrogen vision or greenwashing? Amazon, First Hydrogen, Plug Power

  • Hydrogen
  • greenhydrogen
  • cleantech
  • GreenTech

Nowadays, various sustainability projects are under criticism, for example, when companies invest in forests to offset their CO2 emissions. Even the EU Commission has been accused of greenwashing following its decision to classify natural gas as sustainable. The critical discourse that has now been initiated could put many companies under scrutiny. We explain where sustainability is just PR and where the hydrogen vision can become a reality.


Commented by Juliane Zielonka on January 3rd, 2023 | 08:38 CET

Desert Gold Ventures, Amazon, Volkswagen - Commodities in hot demand, while big tech and Automotive in a nosedive

  • Mining
  • Gold
  • bigtech
  • Automotive

The new stock market year is starting with a strong pole position for commodities and companies like Desert Gold Ventures, which is looking for gold in Mali. Mali is the third-largest gold-producing country in the world. Desert Gold Ventures' 'SMSZ Project' already surrounds 6 active gold mines, and drilling for 2023 is secured. Things remain shaky for big tech companies like Amazon and automotive like Volkswagen. Can the past Christmas sales bring Amazon's once largest pillar back into the black? Will the Wolfsburg-based company recapture its market power through restructuring in procurement?


Commented by Armin Schulz on January 2nd, 2023 | 08:07 CET

Amazon, Aspermont, TeamViewer - Which stock will take off fastest in 2023?

  • Digitization
  • Fintech
  • Growth

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically impacted the global economy, and investors have had to consider a host of new risks and opportunities. One phenomenon that has emerged from the crisis is a shift in demand toward digital business models. Digital companies were already present in the market before the pandemic, but their growth has gone through the roof since the pandemic. With the endemic in 2022, growth has often slowed. We take a look at three companies that could bounce back in 2023.
