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Commented by André Will-Laudien on December 22nd, 2022 | 11:18 CET

Christmas hype alert: BASF, Meta Materials, Varta, Nordex - Strong start to 2023 with GreenTech!

  • Technology
  • Investments
  • metamaterials

Fossil energy supply is becoming more and more expensive. The political end of the supplier and raw material giant Russia creates a dangerous undersupply, especially for Central Europe. The current winter, but especially the next one, could pose problems, and the industry will probably have to calculate significantly higher input costs in the medium term. Products are becoming considerably more expensive to produce, so selling prices on the shelves are also increasing. The inflationary spiral will thus continue to spiral upward, and consumers' purchasing power will decline. GreenTech solutions are more in demand than ever for the purchase of low-cost energy. So which stocks to watch out for?


Commented by Fabian Lorenz on December 21st, 2022 | 08:48 CET

BASF, BioNTech, Cardiol Therapeutics: Stocks for 2023?

  • Biotechnology
  • chemicals
  • Investments

Is there a 400% upside potential in 2023? At the end of a challenging 2022 stock market year, we are looking ahead to the new year. Which share is worth buying, and which is better left alone? In the case of BASF, the high dividend yield is one of the attractions. The latest company news shows that the chemical group is also involved in the mega market of electromobility. But the dependence on gas supplies is causing uncertainty, and an analyst has renewed a sell recommendation for BASF shares. BioNTech, on the other hand, is looking good, even if the chart picture has recently clouded over. The development pipeline is full, capacities - especially in Asia - are being expanded, and analysts are also more courageous again. Investors also need a little courage and, above all, patience with Cardiol Therapeutics. They could soon be rewarded. The cash position of the biotech pearl is almost equal to the market capitalization, the main product is already in the Phase 2 pilot study, and analysts see massive upside potential.


Commented by Armin Schulz on December 14th, 2022 | 11:54 CET

Nvidia, Meta Materials, BASF - High-tech stocks in focus

  • metamaterials
  • chemicals
  • hightech

Interest rate hikes this year put pressure on the share price of many high-tech stocks. The NASDAQ has lost over 27% in the last year. It has hit second-tier stocks in particular, but big players such as Amazon, Facebook and Google have also lost ground. On December 13, the US inflation figures were lower than expected at 7.1%. Today, Wednesday, the next interest rate decision by the FED is due. Both news could lead the way for the coming weeks, as the NASDAQ has been bottoming out since October.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on December 12th, 2022 | 10:45 CET

100% is possible: BYD, Varta, Power Nickel, BASF: E-mobility stocks for 2023!

  • Mining
  • Nickel
  • Electromobility

With advanced stock market corrections, rising inflation and disrupted supply chains, many market participants wonder if 100% is possible in 2023. It is! Because there are currently many challenges to solving the climate and energy crisis. More than ever, revolutionary ideas with vision are in demand. The pressure to innovate could not be higher in the area of batteries for e-mobility because the issues of range, service life and recycling have not yet been satisfactorily resolved for consumers. Some representatives of the industry have already recognized the signs of the times.


Commented by Juliane Zielonka on December 8th, 2022 | 09:38 CET

BASF, Kleos Space, Amazon - With Big Data to share price success

  • Space
  • bigdata
  • ecommerce
  • chemicals

For investors, the stock market remains a marketplace of innovations. But which company manages to expand its market power further? The ailing BASF Group relies on Big Data in the production processes of its subsidiary in the USA. A smart move, given the horrendous energy prices in Germany. Kleos Space is betting on space and, thanks to Elon Musk's SpaceX, is launching new satellites into space and, at the same time, cooperating with a data platform that was created around Airbus Defense. Amazon AWS is also betting on cooperation. The group is providing IT for cloud migration for a major US insurance company. Find out what exactly data predictions have to do with unscented body lotions here.


Commented by Nico Popp on December 5th, 2022 | 10:14 CET

Investment stories that inspire: Freyr Battery, Manuka Resources, BASF

  • Mining
  • Commodities
  • Batteries
  • renewableenergies

In order to be successful with stocks in the current market situation, a thorough analysis of companies and their business models is required. Blanket instructions for action do not lead to success. Investment strategies such as the value approach and the focus on unconditional growth are not guaranteed to lead to success. What matters now are convincing investment stories! We take a look at three stocks that are currently in focus and check their future.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on November 30th, 2022 | 11:58 CET

What to buy cheap? BYD and Uniper, BASF and Manuka Resources are on the rise

  • Mining
  • Commodities
  • Electromobility
  • chemicals

Even if BYD delivers close to 100,000 vehicles to Sixt in the next few years, this is not a guarantee for rising share prices. After all, major shareholder Warren Buffet is divesting his Chinese hobby horse. Does he know more? Is it a portfolio decision, or does he want to preemptively counter possible geopolitical surprises related to Taiwan? We do not know. The fact remains: Buffet has a lot of followers, and that is forcing the BYD price further and further down. Meanwhile, BASF reports good numbers and pushes further north with a seasonally firm DAX - who would have thought? We dive a little deeper.


Commented by Nico Popp on November 29th, 2022 | 12:20 CET

China as a risk factor? Here is how it looks: Uniper, TubeSolar, BASF

  • photovoltaics
  • Solar
  • renewableenergies

China has repeatedly been a source of risk in recent years: We think of the real estate bubble or the trade war with the US. Now, one of China's supposed plus points could become a risk factor: the authoritarian central regime in Beijing. In just four minutes, we explain what the nationwide protests against Chinese lockdowns mean and how investors can use foresight to gain information advantages.


Commented by Fabian Lorenz on November 24th, 2022 | 12:40 CET

New year, rising prices? BASF, BioNTech and Manuka Resources - Shares in check

  • Mining
  • Commodities
  • Biotechnology
  • chemicals

As the stock market year 2022 draws to a close, we look ahead to 2023. New year, rising prices? That is what many stock market players are hoping for. The chances are that we will see rising indices again with the end of interest rate hikes in the coming year. Today, we look at three companies likely to attract attention in 2023. At BioNTech, the research pipeline is full to bursting, and there are numerous study results to come. BASF is attractive due to its low valuation and high dividend yield. However, analysts warn of a write-off risk. Manuka Ressources convinces with a profitable core business, and an exciting project in the field of critical raw materials could lead to a revaluation.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on November 23rd, 2022 | 10:06 CET

GreenTech takes off again: BASF, Meta Materials, Nordex, JinkoSolar - Is there a quick comeback?

  • Innovations
  • Technology
  • GreenTech

For the rapid expansion of "renewable energies", the traffic light coalition has presented a 500-page package of measures this year. With its help, the share of alternative power generation is to be increased as quickly as possible from the current level of around 50% to about 80%. According to reports from Berlin, the necessary approval loops with authorities will be drastically shortened. However, a prerequisite for this would be the population's approval for any encroachments on property in terms of distance regulations, noise and residential quality. It is here where things are currently hitting a snag because the government's bill includes extensive encroachments on nature and major sacrifices by residents in order to serve the common good. But with no one pushing forward on this issue, skepticism about quick success is warranted. Who are the big beneficiaries of climate technology progress?
