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Commented by André Will-Laudien on June 21st, 2024 | 07:00 CEST

Biotech: What counts is selection! Bayer, Vidac Pharma, Formycon, and Evotec in focus

  • Biotechnology
  • Pharma
  • Biotech

The biotech sector has so far been unable to keep pace with the high-tech-heavy NASDAQ. However, there are now signals from the central banks that a turnaround in interest rates is imminent. This is because, on the one hand, the US economy is weakening, and on the other hand, inflationary pressure appears to be easing. With lower interest rates, life science companies can refinance themselves more cheaply. Due to the different dynamics, it is now important to fish out the pearls. We select attractive entry levels.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on April 24th, 2024 | 07:00 CEST

Takeover rumors for biotech shares: BioNTech, Formycon, Cardiol Therapeutics and Novo Nordisk in focus

  • Biotechnology
  • Pharma
  • Innovations
  • Cancer

The biotech sector has significantly lagged behind the performance of artificial intelligence and high-tech this year. This is due to high inflation, which in turn has made an imminent interest rate cut unlikely. Nevertheless, Germany's economic conditions are deteriorating dramatically, particularly due to the ongoing geopolitical conflicts. It should, therefore, come as no surprise if the ECB announces an "emergency interest rate cut" in the summer. That would then be the starting signal for a major reshuffle out of the best performers of recent months and into the long-neglected biotech segment. We have selected a few interesting stocks.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on April 16th, 2024 | 07:40 CEST

Formycon, Defence Therapeutics, Morphosys - Significant movement in the biotech sector

  • Biotechnology
  • Pharma
  • Cancer

At the moment, investors are focusing on gold and Bitcoin in addition to the most important indices, like the DAX and Dow Jones. Meanwhile, the biotechnology sector is barely mentioned in the local newspapers. However, the market is on the move, and the wave of takeovers continues unabated. Recently, the Danish pharmaceutical company Genmab announced it was acquiring the private biotech company ProfoundBio for USD 1.8 billion in cash. The acquisition is intended to help deepen the cancer pipeline with next-generation antibody-drug conjugate therapies. Big Pharma is likely to make further acquisitions in this area in the near future.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on May 31st, 2023 | 08:30 CEST

Biotech in turnaround mode! BioNTech, Defence Therapeutics, MorphoSys, Formycon - Take a close look at these shares!

  • Biotechnology
  • Pharma
  • vaccine

Since the major pandemic wave in the biotech sector, most industry players have had to come to terms with normality again. Scolded investors quickly learned their lesson and are now looking warily at an industry that experienced its heyday between 2019 and 2021. Today, it is no longer the small announcements of hope that lead to significant price swings. After months of sell-offs, however, the sector is stabilizing for the first time, and some protagonists can report minor progress. When the sector trend weakens, selection is the trump card. Here are some suggestions.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on May 16th, 2023 | 09:45 CEST

BioNTech, Bayer, BioNxt, Formycon - The next biotech wave is rolling in - select carefully now!

  • Biotechnology
  • Pharma

Even after Corona, the biotech sector remains an interesting investment sector because it is still important to keep an eye on the major widespread diseases. For many companies, this will probably mean a longer waiting game for investors. In addition to the promising research approaches and milestone plans, the cash reserves of these companies are also important. While having ample funding can lead to quick progress in the laboratory, it is crucial to have the necessary liquidity. In refinancing, however, things have become a little frostier since the rise in interest rates. Which companies should be put under the microscope?


Commented by André Will-Laudien on February 14th, 2023 | 15:54 CET

Election winners in the fight against cancer! Bayer, Defence Therapeutics, Formycon, Valneva - 300% rises are possible!

  • Biotechnology
  • Cancer
  • vaccine

In 2021, 18.7 million people received the shocking diagnosis of "cancer". Current trends, unfortunately, suggest that this number will continue to rise in the coming years. Thanks to growing research successes, however, there is hope that biotechnology will make it much more likely that sufferers will survive. It is a matter of developing suitable active substances or launching modern therapies. Recently, mRNA technology has also been making a name for itself in cancer prevention. Innovative biotech companies are back on the radar of risk-conscious investors. Which shares are currently in the spotlight?


Commented by Stefan Feulner on September 27th, 2022 | 11:45 CEST

Evotec, Defence Therapeutics, Formycon - Biotech opportunity!

  • Biotechnology

Due to the stricter monetary policy of the central banks and inflation concerns, the capital-intensive biotech sector is also suffering. The NASDAQ Biotechnology Index has lost almost a quarter of its value since the beginning of the stock market year. In addition, the number of companies trading even below their cash levels is higher than ever. At the same time, as can be seen with vaccine manufacturers, the industry is becoming increasingly important in everyday life. Especially in cancer research, some companies have the opportunity to multiply in the coming years based on their product pipeline.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on September 8th, 2022 | 11:02 CEST

SGL Carbon, Viva Gold, Formycon - Strong news in the bear market

  • Mining
  • Gold

The stock markets are reeling, and uncertainties and tensions have increased in recent days. Thus, not only did the stock market corrected, but the DAX sank again significantly below the 13,000 mark due to the stop of gas deliveries via Nord Stream 1, and other asset classes such as precious metals, cryptocurrencies and even oil dropped significantly. Nevertheless, even in the bear market, there are companies that can shine with excellent reports and should be among the winners in a possible upward movement.


Commented by Armin Schulz on September 5th, 2022 | 11:49 CEST

BioNTech, Cardiol Therapeutics, Formycon - Biotech stocks about to make a comeback?

  • Biotechnology
  • Turnaround

Fears of a recession have recently pushed the markets down again. Those who want to bet on crisis-proof investments should look at biotech stocks. The world population is growing, people are getting older, and in line with age, more diseases are appearing. This trend will continue in the coming years. Therefore, the prospects for success in this sector are excellent. One cannot cut corners on health. Since September 2021, shares of biotech companies have also consolidated strongly. In some cases, shares appear severely undervalued. Today, we look at three interesting companies in the biotech sector.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on July 28th, 2022 | 14:20 CEST

Finding the next BioNTech: MorphoSys, XPhyto Therapeutics, Formycon - Who will make the breakthrough?

  • Biotechnology

The Mainz-based biotech Company BioNTech has shown the way with Cormirnaty®: stringent research and adherence to milestones ultimately lead to success. The main and founding investors Strüngmann are still on board as long-term investors with over 40% even after the price correction. The mRNA technology is now mutating into the basis for a whole new class of drugs, and BioNTech could thus become a new German pharmaceutical giant. The brothers from Tegernsee know what they are talking about. Their start-up capital came from the first major exit after they sold their generic drug manufacturer Hexal, founded in 1979, to Novartis for EUR 5.65 billion in 2005. Since then, they have continued to invest in biotechnology through their family office. The challenge is to find the next BioNTech.
