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Commented by Armin Schulz on June 17th, 2022 | 10:45 CEST

BioNTech, Defence Therapeutics, Formycon - Biotech stocks with a lot of future potential

  • Biotechnology

A look at the NASDAQ Biotechnology Index shows that the big hype on biotech companies seems to be over for now. Since September 2021, the index has been falling, repeatedly marking new lows. However, this decline can also be seen as an opportunity because the long-term prospects for the industry are good. People are getting older, and with age comes the diseases that want to be fought. Today we look at three companies with a lot of potential for the future.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on April 19th, 2022 | 12:10 CEST

Bayer, Defence Therapeutics, Formycon - Biotech stocks facing transformation

  • Biotechnology

The pharmaceutical industry proved to be a key industry in the Corona pandemic, developing tests, vaccines and drugs at record speed and making them available in large quantities. In the process, biotechnology emerged as the innovative engine. The development of new compounds is particularly important for the pharmaceutical industry, as patent protection for many blockbuster drugs will expire in the future or has already expired. For this reason, the pharmaceutical industry is now entering biotechs much more frequently in the early development phases of a new drug. As a result, early-stage development companies already offer opportunities for multiplication.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on April 4th, 2022 | 12:19 CEST

Bayer, Cardiol Therapeutics, Formycon, NanoRepro: Top Biotech Stocks - Delivering!

  • Biotechnology

Due to various public easing measures, the Corona pandemic is increasingly fading into the background. It has long been a hot ride for the stock market, especially for vaccine producers, but now investors are shifting their focus to other stocks in the biotech segment. After all, there are still many diseases that confront humanity with unresolved mysteries, and the field of human medical research seems endless. We focus on interesting stocks from the sector, which corrected strongly in the wake of the Ukraine downturn but are now trending north again. These trends are still in their infancy.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on January 20th, 2022 | 12:14 CET

Evotec, Defence Therapeutics, Formycon - Who will benefit from Omicron?

  • Biotechnology

The Coronavirus has shown that without biotechnology and ongoing research, we are relatively defenseless against the whims of nature. What would have happened if novel technology had not been available to produce potent vaccines in a very short time? Would our intensive care units have been as crowded as they were in Italy at the beginning of the pandemic? Would hospital triage be the norm today? No one can say for sure, but history has shown how epidemics - such as the Spanish flu - have claimed many lives in the past.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on December 16th, 2021 | 11:42 CET

Formycon, CoinAnalyst, Aixtron - Buy the dip

  • crypto

As an investor, who would not wish to buy stocks after a major setback at their lowest point and then go straight back to the top with them? The "buy the dip" strategy is mainly heard from self-appointed gurus from the crypto scene. But beware. Although major setbacks have recently emerged as lucrative buying opportunities in the highly volatile segment, Bitcoin & Co. are threatened with another slide to an even lower level.


Commented by Armin Schulz on November 3rd, 2021 | 11:03 CET

MorphoSys, Defence Therapeutics, Formycon - Biotech and pharma offer potential for the portfolio

  • Biotechnology

The pharmaceutical industry alone has annual sales of over EUR 1,000 billion worldwide and helps people overcome their illnesses. Since the Corona pandemic, biotech and pharma companies are even more in the spotlight. If a company manages to develop a blockbuster, big profits also beckon to shareholders. BioNTech is currently a prime example of this, even if the share has consolidated in the meantime. Where there are high profits, there is also a higher risk. The road to the development and approval of a drug is long, and failure is also possible. As people are getting older and diseases are rising, it makes sense to invest in these areas. Today we analyze three potential candidates.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on October 28th, 2021 | 12:04 CEST

Canopy, Tilray, Sativa Wellness, Formycon - Finding the next cannabis rocket!

  • Cannabis

The big bull market in cannabis ran through 2018 and 2019, and then in 2020, the reality set in that only a fraction of states around the world will implement general licensing for hemp. The newly elected federal parliament has its first constituent session these days. Climate change and investments in digital infrastructure are two of the most important topics in the coalition negotiations to form a new federal government. One topic that is not quite so high on the list of priorities, but is already causing a lot of excitement in the run-up, is the possible legalization of cannabis. The Greens and FDP have been advocating legal, regulated trade for some time. Of course, nothing has been decided yet, but the outgoing federal government's drug commissioner, Daniela Ludwig of the CSU, already warns of the consequences. We take a look at important industry representatives.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on October 20th, 2021 | 12:10 CEST

Formycon, Memiontec, Synlab - Act before it is too late!

  • Investments

When an unpredictable event occurs, humanity sees how powerless it is in the face of it. We saw this in the spring of last year with the outbreak of the Corona pandemic. Only since the approval of various vaccines has a normalization taken place. However, further, foreseeable problems are coming our way. According to expert forecasts, water demand will exceed supply by 40% as early as 2030. Some companies sense an opportunity to profit from the water shortage through novel technologies.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on October 8th, 2021 | 10:25 CEST

BioNTech, Defence Therapeutics, Valneva, Formycon - Close to the bio-revolution!

  • Biotechnology

Portugal is one of the countries with the highest vaccination rate, with 86% of the population already vaccinated. Approximately 98% of those eligible for vaccination - including everyone over the age of 12 - have been vaccinated. Germany, with about 64%, is one of the more vaccine-weary nations. What is the secret of the Portuguese? The government relied on an opinion maker from within its ranks, Admiral Gouveia e Melo. An expert in complicated logistical tasks in the military, he was appointed in February as the top leader of the national vaccination campaign. He is never seen without his military combat uniform in numerous public television appearances - and when asked how other countries can move their own vaccination effort forward, the admiral did not hesitate to offer his best advice: "You have to find people who are not politicians." Where are the current opportunities in the vaccination sector?


Commented by André Will-Laudien on August 6th, 2021 | 11:07 CEST

BioNTech, Formycon, Aztec Minerals, NanoRepro - Rollercoaster rides in the summer lull!

  • Commodities

Summer lull and total standstill! Who has not just invested in BioNTech or Northern Data feels barely any movement in the portfolio. The stock exchanges are rehearsing the standstill, somehow nothing is going up, but this does not mean that things have to fall. Old sayings such as "What goes up, must come down!" have already been outdated for some time. For some stocks, the fantasy lasts endlessly; for other former hype candidates, the rally ends in the shredder. The hydrogen stock Nel has now lost 20% in one week. Many will say no problem because the stock market darling stands on a 3-year view still over 300% in the plus. Just someone probably has his initial investment above EUR 3. We keep trying with selective ideas.
