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Commented by Carsten Mainitz on May 4th, 2022 | 13:57 CEST

Phoenix Copper, Glencore, Rheinmetall - High demand is intact

  • Copper
  • commodities

In its latest report, the World Bureau of Metal Statistics (WBMS) provided an interesting insight into the general conditions of the metal markets at the beginning of the year. According to this report, there is still a global demand surplus for copper - just as there is for lead and nickel. In the first two months alone, the deficit already amounted to 83,000t of copper, up from 476,000t in 2021. In contrast, mine production rose by just 2.8% in January and February. However, coal and defense products are also currently in demand globally.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on April 25th, 2022 | 12:55 CEST

Rheinmetall, Defense Metals, MP Materials - Until the next bubble bursts

  • RareEarths
  • armaments

In every crisis there are winners and losers. Due to the numerous lockdowns of the past two years, shares such as Netflix, Delivery Hero and Peloton, in addition to vaccine manufacturers such as BioNTech and Moderna, are the winners. However, since Russia invaded Ukraine, defense shares, which were recently classified as "socially harmful", have become the new stars in the stock market sky. The call for rearmament by several countries is creating enormous valuation bubbles that are likely to burst again in the near future.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on April 20th, 2022 | 14:01 CEST

Rheinmetall, thyssenkrupp, Defense Metals: The scarce metals matter!

  • RareEarths
  • armaments

Some companies have been in the international spotlight since the outbreak of the Ukraine crisis. This is primarily because they are seen as having an important role in resolving and ending the armed conflict. It is generally assumed that the Ukrainian people can only free themselves from Russia's grip with international support. Thus, it is perfectly legitimate to make investments where no need has been seen in recent years. The peace dividend that has been withheld for years is likely now coming back into circulation - the Ministry of Defense is now rearming after years of consolidation! Who can profit from these orders?


Commented by Nico Popp on April 15th, 2022 | 11:58 CEST

Regionalization as an investment idea: BYD, Defense Metals, Rheinmetall

  • RareEarths
  • armaments

The peace dividend has been depleted. For years, Europe imagined itself in a world without wars. Interdependence and joint trade were supposed to create a world order that would provide stability and balance. But for the past fifteen years or so, this concept has not been running smoothly. First, Putin set foot in Georgia, and later, he annexed Crimea. Since February, it has been clear even to the German government that peace and security will have to be worked hard for again. At the same time, as climate change necessitates action, the world is facing change. We highlight three stocks that could benefit.


Commented by Nico Popp on April 12th, 2022 | 18:33 CEST

The biggest crisis since 1945: Rheinmetall, Kleos Space, Airbus

  • armaments
  • Space

Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock has spoken out in favor of supplying "heavy weapons" to Ukraine. For years, arms deliveries were a thorn in the side of the Greens. It is remarkable that Baerbock, who has always been considered "Realo", is now even counted among the "hawks" on the big international political stage. Even though critics from all ranks may interpret the move negatively, Baerbock is demonstrating pragmatism and toughness. These qualities could be the key to de-escalation in the most profound crisis since World War II. We examine the current economic climate and look at three companies and their shares.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on April 9th, 2022 | 07:27 CEST

BioNTech, Triumph Gold, Rheinmetall - Uncertainties everywhere

  • Gold
  • Inflation

The ongoing fighting in Ukraine and concerns about an escalation of the situation are worrying capital markets worldwide. Nevertheless, the leading stock market barometers were able to distance themselves significantly from their lows. Now, the next blow has followed with the publication of the FED's meeting minutes. The US Federal Reserve wants to accelerate the reduction of its balance sheet total and let bonds worth up to USD 95 billion expire without buying again. In doing so, the monetary authorities are hitting technology stocks in particular, which have already been in a sharp correction since the beginning of the year. Gold, on the other hand, is barely reacting despite the expected interest rate hikes, a strong sign for the precious metal.


Commented by Armin Schulz on April 4th, 2022 | 12:21 CEST

BASF, Defense Metals, Rheinmetall - Shares that depend on rare earths

  • RareEarths
  • armaments

The Ukraine crisis has shown us how dependent we are on Russian energy imports. The German government now wants to step on the gas pedal even more for renewable energies. The problem is that new technologies such as electric vehicles or wind turbines almost always require rare earths. But rare earths are not only needed there; the defense industry needs these raw materials to optimize steel or as magnets in a wide variety of weapons technologies. But rare earths are also present in the household, in smartphones, notebooks and many other technological devices. Today we take a look at three companies around rare earths.


Commented by Nico Popp on March 30th, 2022 | 10:09 CEST

Turn of the times! Stock winners and losers: Rheinmetall, Ximen Mining, ThyssenKrupp

  • Gold
  • armaments

Disputes surrounding the Ukraine war are taking on various dimensions drawing wide international circles. After China, India's role in the conflict could now also increase. According to reports by Deutsche Welle, there have been lively exchanges between Russia and India in recent weeks. India is seeking a permanent seat on the UN Security Council and has recently begun to buy Russian oil. Cooperation between the two financial systems is also conceivable. That would give Russia access to the capital markets again.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on March 28th, 2022 | 13:40 CEST

Rheinmetall, Hensoldt, Kleos Space - These stocks have the Ukraine perspective!

  • Space
  • armaments

No one would have thought that the sense of peace and security that Europe has built over the past 75 years could dissolve in just 4 weeks. The war in Ukraine is taking on unimagined traits, with threats between East and West intensifying at what feels like 24-hour intervals. With each verbal attack by Joe Biden, communications become tighter and more threatening. What will our world look like after another 4 weeks? We do not know. At any rate, the capital markets are trying to price in the consequences of the war. They are still relatively optimistic, possibly even too positive, considering the enormous inflationary pushes and the still unclear economic effects. We look at some price outliers in this explosive environment.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on March 25th, 2022 | 13:13 CET

Defense Metals, Hensoldt, Rheinmetall - Special boom for the defense industry

  • RareEarths
  • armaments

The war in Ukraine is giving the defense industry more weight. But what is the focus? Defense, deterrence, or war of aggression? The shares of industry representatives have recently benefited significantly from higher defense budgets and orders. What one thinks of this from a moral point of view is another matter. On a more sober note, stronger demand and earnings growth lay the groundwork for higher share prices.
