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Commented by Nico Popp on February 25th, 2021 | 11:28 CET

NIO, Silver Viper, BYD: E-car investors should think outside the box

  • Silver

Electromobility is turning industries upside down, much more than many think. It has long been known that electric cars rely on lithium and copper. It is also an open secret that Chinese manufacturers now have a competitive advantage in electromobility and that manufacturers such as BYD and NIO are rightly being hyped. However, in this article, we will look at why silver can be an alternative for investors with a weakness for e-car stocks. But first, let's look at an auto stock that has it all.


Commented by Nico Popp on February 24th, 2021 | 08:55 CET

BYD, dynaCERT, Plug Power: Three shares for the next five years

  • Hydrogen

The future of mobility will not involve combustion engines - that much seems certain. But which technology will win the race? E-cars with appropriate batteries or fuel cells? Is it possible that technologies make valuable combustion engines or expensive machines with diesel engines "greener" and thus save essential resources? We introduce three companies and do the future check: What are the prospects for the coming years?


Commented by Stefan Feulner on February 22nd, 2021 | 20:43 CET

BYD, Aspermont, Commerzbank - The models of the future

  • Electromobility

Big data and data mining are becoming increasingly important in society today. Data is not referred to as the "gold of the 21st century" for nothing. Companies that are active in these sectors, such as the US data analysis Company Palantir Securities, already have stock market values of around USD 50 billion. There is currently a major transformation from a pure publishing company to a digital company in the media sector. One Company, which we present to you, is already one step ahead.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on February 19th, 2021 | 10:25 CET

Defense Metals, BYD, NEL, Plug Power - Rare earths, who is the fastest?

  • Rare Earth Elements

Scarcity is the issue in 2021! Western governments have completely miscalculated regarding technological progress. They are now being driven by the industry; decisions that should have been made 5 years ago are now being followed abruptly. Since Battery Day in mid-September 2020, it has been clear that a technology giant like Tesla, led by Elon Musk, will enter large-scale battery mass production. What is missing is the complete closing of ranks between battery and car manufacturers so that the produced and expensively developed high-performance batteries are also installed in e-cars through corresponding demand. In coordination rounds between the automotive industry and the EU, the decision has probably already been made: E-mobility will come, and it will come in the big version...!


Commented by André Will-Laudien on February 16th, 2021 | 12:53 CET

Nevada Copper, BYD, Varta: Now it's getting hot!

  • Copper

According to 2020 research from IDTechEx, the introduction of electric traction motors in road vehicles will lead to a significant increase in copper demand over the next 10 years. The study, commissioned by the International Copper Association (ICA), shows that by 2030, more than 250,000 tons of copper per year will be used as part of the windings in on-road electric traction motors. The current increase in copper demand follows the development of the global automotive market. Pure battery-electric cars are expected to gain the most market share at the expense of internal combustion engines and hybrid vehicles. Copper investments, therefore, remain the first choice!


Commented by Stefan Feulner on February 15th, 2021 | 10:25 CET

BYD, Kodiak Copper, Geely - the clock is ticking!

  • Copper

Electromobility is still at the beginning of its development. The demand for vehicles powered by electricity will explode in the coming years. However, this will also increase the need for the necessary raw materials. There is a threat of extreme shortages of some goods. Experts predict that more copper will be mined in the next 25 years than in humankind's entire history to date. The copper price is shooting from high to high at the moment. Take advantage of a trend that is sure to continue to gain momentum, driven by new technologies.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on February 10th, 2021 | 08:20 CET

Silver Viper Minerals, BYD, First Majestic Silver - Position in the silver boom!

  • Silver

The famous gold-silver ratio has been used again and again lately. It is currently about 67; in weak silver phases, it goes up sometimes to just under 100. At about 50, one would be able to identify a historically fair valuation of silver. At the moment, this would be about a spot price of USD 37. Measured against the price targets, which were recently proclaimed by the Reddit community, we are still about 30% away here. But in terms of commodity movement overall, we indeed haven't reached the top yet. Silver is also highly relevant in the context of COVID-19: It has a strong antiseptic and disinfecting effect!


Commented by Stefan Feulner on February 4th, 2021 | 09:41 CET

BYD, Revez, Alibaba - Profiting from the digital transformation!

  • Asia

Everything is going digital, and the Corona pandemic is accelerating the process. Shopping online at Amazon or Zalando was already relatively normal before the outbreak of the virus. Now, however, new things like homeschooling, home offices and Zoom conferences are being added. The world is becoming more and more digital. Companies' business models are also changing. Be part of it and participate in the digital transformation.


Commented by Nico Popp on February 4th, 2021 | 08:00 CET

BYD, Kodiak Copper, BMW: Investing in the future of mobility

  • Copper

The pandemic most recently is showing us that people want to meet, exchange ideas, experience life. Mobility is one of the most important keys to this. As classic combustion engines are politically sidelined in the face of climate change and air pollution in cities, the importance of electromobility is growing. But those who want to invest in this trend are often faced with a dilemma. Shares such as Tesla or BYD are costly, while traditional manufacturers such as Volkswagen and BMW have other problems to contend with. And what about suppliers of the electromobility trend? We present three shares and analyze the opportunities: BYD, Kodiak Copper and BMW.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on February 2nd, 2021 | 07:10 CET

BYD, dynaCERT, NIO - this is the solution!

  • Hydrogen

The share of e-cars compared to diesel and gasoline vehicles can currently still be described as low. However, the German government is promoting electromobility with, among other things, a purchase premium and the expansion of electric charging stations. In addition, manufacturers are continuously working on optimizing their vehicles and improving the range of the batteries. One can assume that e-cars will further boom in the coming years and replace cars with combustion engines. The plans of politicians to allow only e-cars from 2030 confirms this thesis. Whether or not electric vehicles save CO2 compared to conventional cars remains unanswered. But one Company has been working on a technology that is both logical and groundbreaking.
