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Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 31st, 2021 | 09:57 CEST

BYD, Silkroad Nickel, NIO - Elon Musk: "mine more nickel!"

  • Nickel

As electromobility emerges, global demand for certain metals will increase sharply in the coming years. The metals lithium, cobalt and nickel, are crucial for the production of lithium-ion batteries. Nickel, not lithium, takes the rank as the key metal, especially since an increased nickel content dramatically increases the efficiency of the batteries. The Tesla founder already addressed mining companies years ago with an urgent appeal.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on March 30th, 2021 | 11:19 CEST

Saturn Oil + Gas - BP - BYD: Can hydrogen replace oil?

  • Oil

A pious wish goes again and again through the political decision-making centers of the world. How do we get the planet clean(er)? The Paris Climate Agreement came into force on November 4, 2016, exactly 30 days after 55 countries had already waved through acceptance in their parliaments. In the draft resolutions, 163 states had drawn up their climate protection plans; for the Federal Republic of Germany, this is the Climate Protection Plan 2050 with a long list of politically controversial individual measures. The core element remains the financially neutral CO2 steering levy, and air traffic to and from countries in the European Economic Area is also included. Donald Trump saw it as one of his first acts to say "NO." Now Joe Biden is turning the wheel back in the right direction - we hope!


Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 26th, 2021 | 08:50 CET

BYD, SKRR Exploration, Adidas - These are clear signals!

  • Gold

The aid package of USD 1.9 trillion was passed by the Senate only last week, and now the Biden administration wants to follow up with the next stimulus package for the US economy. This time, it will be USD 3 trillion and will flow into infrastructure projects, climate change, and the education system's modernization. Once again, the Fed will be on hand to keep the printing press running hot. The threat of inflation is getting closer and closer. Prepare yourself.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on March 23rd, 2021 | 13:23 CET

Nevada Copper, BYD, Varta: Revaluation in copper?

  • Copper

Incredible, what speed! A few months ago, the German automotive industry was still sleepy and hardly reacted to Tesla's announcements to put the mobility of the future on a new footing. Then, last week, Volkswagen ignited the electric flock, and then yesterday came the announcement of the truck-electro cooperation from Traton Group, consisting of VW, Scania and MAN. They are to invest EUR 1.6 billion in the research and development of e-trucks by 2025. Daimler-Benz and Volvo had recently talked about a hydrogen powertrain. VW gained 7% yesterday and Daimler barely moved from the spot. So the capital market pendulum is seemingly swinging back in the direction of electromobility.


Commented by Nico Popp on March 22nd, 2021 | 08:00 CET

BYD, Blackrock Silver, First Majestic Silver: The greener the world, the better for silver

  • Silver

It was unclear for a long time when the automotive industry would focus on electromobility. For too long, German manufacturers, in particular, continued to bring large, heavy and powerful combustion engines to the market. But now Volkswagen and Daimler and Co. have rethought and are fully committed to electromobility. The consequences are manifold: In addition to rising share prices, such as VW, the prices of potential suppliers are also climbing. This much is clear: The mobility revolution requires one thing above all: more raw materials.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 19th, 2021 | 08:53 CET

BYD, The Very Good Food Company, Bitcoin Group - These are the growth rockets!

  • Vegan

Faster, higher, further! This saying is especially true for industries dedicated to future technologies such as electric mobility, hydrogen or fuel cell technology. Growth rates of more than 100% per year are the norm here. If a company stagnates, it will be overrun by its competitors. To grow faster than the market, it needs innovations to gain a speed advantage through unique selling points.


Commented by Nico Popp on March 16th, 2021 | 07:08 CET

BYD, Almonty Industries, Varta: Comebacks and insider tips

  • Commodities

Shares related to electromobility and hydrogen have recently shown that trees do not grow to the sky on the stock market. Many a stock that was highly praised just months ago has since lost half its value. At the same time, however, it is clear that the trend toward new drive technologies will continue. In the fourth quarter of 2020, around one-fifth of newly registered vehicles in Germany were hybrids and pure electric cars. Reason enough to look at stocks that could still have potential now.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 9th, 2021 | 07:25 CET

BYD, wallstreet:online, Xiaomi - This is a huge opportunity!

  • Investments

The real economies have been in a deep recession since the outbreak of the Coronavirus. In contrast, the stock market, especially technology stocks, celebrated one high after another. Now, the beneficiaries of the crisis, such as Amazon and Zoom, are correcting more strongly for the first time. Shares from booming sectors such as hydrogen or electromobility are suffering disproportionately. Did the bubble start to burst now, or was this just a correction in the upward trend, which will then lead to several new highs again?


Commented by Nico Popp on March 9th, 2021 | 07:15 CET

BYD, BioNTech, Kleos Space: A new trend starts here

  • Space

If you want to be successful on the stock market, you have to back those shares with prospects. Although an intact upward trend suggests that a story will be well received on the market, the fall height also increases with the price. Investors have recently had to experience this pain, especially with shares in the field of electromobility or hydrogen. Even vaccine hopefuls such as BioNTech have lost ground. Let us show you how the trend stocks are faring and which sector is only at the beginning of its trend!


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on March 4th, 2021 | 09:30 CET

BYD, Kodiak Copper, RWE - Quick profits: Use consolidation to enter!

  • Copper

The need for a secure supply of energy that is available at all times is growing as digitization and electrification advance. Many building blocks have to fit together before an electric motor can run. Raw materials such as copper are at the very beginning of the value chain. This industrial metal has excellent conductivity and is therefore linked to various facets of electromobility and power generation. Position yourself correctly ahead of the next growth spurt!
