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Stefan Feulner

  • E-Commerce
  • Fintech
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  • AI

The native Franconian has more than 20 years of stock exchange experience and a broadly diversified network.

Before founding his own company, he held various positions as business editor, fund advisor, portfolio manager and finally as CEO of a listed investment company. He also held several positions on the supervisory board.

He is passionate about analyzing a wide variety of business models and investigating new trends, especially in the areas of e-commerce, fintech, blockchain or artificial intelligence.

Commented by Stefan Feulner

Commented by Stefan Feulner on February 17th, 2022 | 11:20 CET

Nel ASA, Power Nickel, Varta - Positioning for the price explosion

  • Electromobility

In the last two years of the pandemic, both private households and commercial enterprises felt the impact of blown supply chains, from chip shortages to lack of lumber, to packaging materials. Extreme consumption is also taking place due to the ambitious achievement of climate targets. Electromobility is gobbling up enormous resources of key raw materials such as copper, lithium and nickel. Due to the significantly increasing demand for batteries, the demand for nickel is expected to continue to rise strongly in the coming years.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on February 16th, 2022 | 12:29 CET

Glencore, Nevada Copper, Newmont - Commodities as an investment

  • Copper

An escalation of the situation in Ukraine and a possible war directly in Europe is keeping the stock markets in turmoil. In addition, a faster than expected rise in interest rates in the US is causing uncertainty among investors. As a result, the precious metal gold has risen to its highest level since mid-2021 and, at least in the short term, will live up to its status as a crisis currency. Companies from the commodities sector are also performing strongly. The price of a ton of copper, for example, once again exceeded the psychologically important USD 10,000 mark. Due to the strong demand resulting from the energy transition, this trend is also likely to prevail in the longer term.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on February 16th, 2022 | 11:14 CET

BYD, Phoenix Copper, Freeport-McMoRan - The supercycle is on

  • Electromobility

Inflation has risen again in the US, posting its highest level since February 1982 at 7.5%. Experts do not yet see any easing in the face of high energy and commodity prices. On the contrary, the inflationary spiral continues to spin and is being further fueled by policymakers' increasingly ambitious climate neutrality targets. Here, especially the required materials such as copper, lithium and cobalt could multiply. Due to high demand and low supply, further bottlenecks, delays in supply chains and thus rising prices are only a matter of time. Profit from it.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on February 15th, 2022 | 11:14 CET

Delivery Hero, dynaCert, KWS Saat - Fallen angels

  • Hydrogen

The German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock of the Green Party considers the Ukraine crisis to be "absolutely dicey". So far, however, she sees "no signs that the warlike confrontation is already a done deal," Baerbock said on ARD's Tagesthemen. The current situation at food delivery company Delivery Hero is also more than dicey. The DAX newcomer, included in the German benchmark index in place of Wirecard, has lost around 40% in stock market value. It could quickly fall back into the second tier.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on February 14th, 2022 | 12:17 CET

BioNTech, XPhyto, Steinhoff - Explosives for the stock markets

  • Biotechnology

The situation on the stock markets remains tense. Due to the persistently high inflation figures, voices are becoming increasingly louder, calling for far more than the originally planned 3 interest rate hikes by the FED for this year. The ECB should also not be long in finally abandoning its ultra-loose monetary policy. And to make matters worse, the situation in Ukraine is threatening to escalate. The US already reacted to the tense situation and withdrew embassy staff from the Ukrainian capital Kiev.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on February 11th, 2022 | 12:02 CET

Deutsche Börse, wallstreet:online, ThyssenKrupp - Better than expected

  • Investments

The earnings season is currently at its peak. Munich-based technology giant Siemens significantly exceeded analysts' expectations for sales and operating profit in the first quarter of fiscal 2021/22. The wholesale group Metro was also able to significantly increase sales and earnings thanks to the all-important Christmas business. On the technology stock side, Google parent Alphabet was celebrated. There are good conditions for further rising stock markets.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on February 10th, 2022 | 12:34 CET

Standard Lithium, Yorkton Ventures, Deutsche Bank - The new favorites

  • Lithium

For many years, shares of banks and financial service providers underperformed the overall market. With the end of the ultra-loose monetary policy of the central banks and several possible interest rate hikes due to continued high inflation, stocks are benefiting disproportionately and sometimes break through their downward trends that have prevailed for years. In addition to high energy costs, the blame for the enormous price increases lies with the further rise in raw material prices. Because of the demand side due to the energy transition, lithium, in particular, is rushing from high to high.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on February 9th, 2022 | 12:20 CET

BioNTech, Barsele Minerals, Pfizer - Markets facing a turnaround

  • Gold
  • Biotechnology

The vaccination pace in Germany continues to decline. According to experts, the Omicron variant could be the end of the pandemic and the change to an endemic. Is this why we have already seen the highs in vaccine manufacturers? With the FED's plan to raise interest rates in several steps, technology stocks corrected sharply, while new life was breathed into shares from the financial services sector. Companies in the gold sector should also be in strong demand over the long term because one thing is certain, even if the pandemic goes away, government debt will remain.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on February 8th, 2022 | 10:48 CET

BYD, Altech Advanced Materials, Standard Lithium - Battle for pole position

  • Electromobility

Germany is not the only country where the energy turnaround is at the top of the political agenda. Achieving climate neutrality in the transport sector by 2045 is a particular challenge. After all, according to the Federal Environment Agency, the sector is responsible for around 20% of total greenhouse gas emissions. In the passenger car sector, both the automotive industry and politicians are focusing on battery technology. As a result, a battle has broken out between electric car manufacturers for the longest ranges and shortest charging times. Young companies with innovative technologies are flocking to the market and could become the new stock market stars soon.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on February 7th, 2022 | 11:31 CET

Steinhoff, Meta Materials, QuantumScape - Milestones in development

  • metamaterials

Will the international retail group Steinhoff manage the turnaround? After the positively concluded settlement and the approval of the courts in South Africa, hope is germinating. Now the focus is on reducing the enormous debt burden and the possible sale of the silverware. While Steinhoff is still busy cleaning up the past, there is a constant stream of new innovations in the mobility turnaround and metamaterials. The still young companies have a dazzling future ahead of them. So far, however, this has hardly been noticed on the capital market.
