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Stefan Feulner

  • E-Commerce
  • Fintech
  • Blockchain
  • AI

The native Franconian has more than 20 years of stock exchange experience and a broadly diversified network.

Before founding his own company, he held various positions as business editor, fund advisor, portfolio manager and finally as CEO of a listed investment company. He also held several positions on the supervisory board.

He is passionate about analyzing a wide variety of business models and investigating new trends, especially in the areas of e-commerce, fintech, blockchain or artificial intelligence.

Commented by Stefan Feulner

Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 21st, 2023 | 08:37 CET

Varta, Aspermont, Rheinmetall - Full speed ahead for expansion

  • Innovations
  • Technology
  • Defense

Changing conditions in terms of broken supply chains, high raw material prices and an uncertain geopolitical situation have put many companies in dire straits since the Corona pandemic, leading to a collapse in sales and liquidity bottlenecks. Nevertheless, few managed to adapt their business models to emerge stronger from the crisis.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 20th, 2023 | 09:37 CET

Evotec, Defence Therapeutics, Morphosys - Movement in the biotech sector

  • Biotechnology
  • Investments

Is a new wave of takeovers starting in the biotech sector? Already last year, acquisitions by Big Pharma were expected to increase, but these largely failed to materialize. However, this could accelerate in the current year. On the one hand, pharmaceutical companies, such as vaccine manufacturer Pfizer, have deep pockets and need new innovations for their product portfolio; on the other hand, second-tier stocks are attractive targets due to the strong correction.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 16th, 2023 | 12:01 CET

E.ON, Smartbroker Holding, Daimler Truck - Optimistic about the future

  • Investments
  • Brokerage

Despite challenging market conditions with high raw material and energy prices, many companies beat analysts' forecasts for the full year 2022 in the slowly fading figures season. There is no question that the current fiscal year is also likely to be shaped by many external uncertainty factors. Nevertheless, many companies are defying the negative conditions and are on the verge of setting new records in 2023.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 15th, 2023 | 10:21 CET

Deutsche Bank, Desert Gold, Commerzbank - Back to the safe haven

  • Mining
  • Gold
  • Banking
  • Investments

The willingness of investors to take risks increased in recent months despite further interest rate fears and geopolitical uncertainties, but this was abruptly interrupted by the surprising bankruptcy of Silicon Valley Bank. While some banking and financial stocks were dragged down by double digits, the precious metals gold and silver, as well as the cryptocurrencies, celebrated a comeback after a correction lasting several weeks. The next upward wave may have begun, especially in the precious yellow metal, with the climbing of new highs.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 15th, 2023 | 10:13 CET

Nordex, First Phosphate, ThyssenKrupp - Top news on the energy transition

  • Mining
  • phosphate
  • renewableenergies
  • Batteries

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has a vision. By 2045 the Federal Republic of Germany is to operate on a climate-neutral basis. However, this will require even greater investment in renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power. An average of four to five onshore wind turbines are to be built every day. Further investments in infrastructure are also planned concerning electromobility. Once again, an ambitious plan by the traffic light government.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 13th, 2023 | 13:04 CET

Nel ASA, dynaCERT, Enapter - Future green hydrogen

  • Hydrogen
  • greenhydrogen
  • GreenTech

With the announcement of the Inflation Reduction Act and the Green Deal Industrial plan of the European Union, politicians worldwide are pumping money into the development of green energies. As a flexible and easily transportable energy carrier, green hydrogen is seen as a key element to transform industry and transport. Of course, the road to final implementation still has a number of hurdles to overcome. However, favourites are already emerging that have long-term multiplication potential.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 10th, 2023 | 10:20 CET

Cameco, GoviEx Uranium, Fission Uranium - Elemental energy source

  • Mining
  • Uranium
  • nuclear
  • Investments

With the exception of Germany, the world's largest industrialized nations are focusing on expanding nuclear energy to achieve the climate targets they have set. However, due to the Ukraine conflict and possible sanctions against Russia, growing demand has been met with limited supply. The US alone obtains almost half of the uranium it needs from state-owned companies in Russia or Kazakhstan. But rising demand is meeting a supply that is too tight. The primary beneficiaries here are Western companies in production or close to it.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 10th, 2023 | 10:08 CET

Plug Power and Nordex disappoint, and a milestone for Manuka Resources

  • Mining
  • Vanadium
  • renewableenergies
  • Batteries

The shift to renewable energy is being accelerated significantly by policymakers and industry, but companies continue to struggle to meet their plan targets. Nevertheless, the market outlook is optimistic that the transformation to alternative energy will continue to gain momentum. One of the cost drivers is the high cost of raw materials, which has increased significantly again due to the sanctions against Russia. Manuka Resources is still a young player in the market that could significantly cushion the shortages of the critical raw material vanadium, which is needed for energy storage systems.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 2nd, 2023 | 21:45 CET

Nordex, Canadian North Resources, NIO - Strong growth in demand

  • Mining
  • greenmetals
  • Electromobility

The invasion of Ukraine and Europe's resulting dependence on Russian oil and gas has significantly accelerated the transformation to renewables as the largest part of the energy mix. However, wind power, photovoltaic systems, and electric cars require significantly more critical raw materials. This is already creating new problems. On the one hand, China owns the lion's share of many of these elementary metals; on the other hand, there is already excess demand for lithium, cobalt, nickel and even copper. Despite a short-term correction due to fears of recession, significant price increases are inevitable in the long term. The primary beneficiaries are raw material producers from Western countries.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 1st, 2023 | 14:10 CET

Aixtron, Altech Advanced Materials, Sixt - Prospects remain rosy

  • Batteries
  • Electromobility
  • semiconductor
  • Investments

Despite the continued uncertain environment of the Ukraine war, inflation and rising interest rates, many companies are surprising positively in their full-year 2022 figures. In addition, forecasts are extremely positive despite pessimism regarding the struggling global economy. In terms of innovations, too, the trend is steeply upward. In this context, one German company in particular could rise to become a leading player in battery technology.
