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André Will-Laudien

  • Energy
  • Ressources
  • Technology

Born in Munich, he first studied economics and graduated in business administration at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in 1995. As he was involved with the stock market at a very early stage, he now has more than 30 years of experience in the capital markets. In the historic year 2000, he trained as a CEFA analyst in Frankfurt and has since then accompanied over 20 IPOs in Germany.

Until 2018, he held various positions at banks as an asset manager, capital market and macro expert as well as fundamental equity analyst. He is passionate about the energy, commodity and technology markets as well as the tactical and strategic asset allocation of liquid investment products. As an expert speaker at investment committee meetings of funds as well as at customer events, he can still describe the course of the 1987 crash, one of the major buying opportunities of the last 33 years on the stock market.

Today, he knows that the profit in shares is not necessarily the result of buying cheaply, but above all of avoiding mistakes and recognizing in good time when markets are ready to let air out. After all, in addition to basic fundamental analysis, investing in stocks is above all a phenomenon of global liquidity and this must be monitored regularly.

Commented by André Will-Laudien

Commented by André Will-Laudien on August 27th, 2021 | 14:38 CEST

wallstreet:online AG, AMC, GameStop, Robinhood - The hunting season has begun!

  • Investments

As of September 20, the DAX, like its French counterpart CAC, will be expanded to 40 stocks, which means that 10 new stocks will move into the focus of major fund managers. One or the other may have been surprised by this decision because, after all, Germany's 30 most valuable companies have reflected the development of the German economy very well for decades. However, international investors and funds appreciate more diversity, especially sector diversification. It is also hoped that the new insolvency clause will mean that criminal incidents, such as those involving Wirecard, will not have to be discussed at index level for long and will continue to affect derived derivatives for months afterward. Entry and exit criteria are also to change, from now on, minimum liquidity counts instead of trading turnover, and the Corporate Governance Code will become binding from September 2022. Modernization has been long overdue since Wirecard.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on August 26th, 2021 | 12:04 CEST

Deutsche Rohstoff, Royal Dutch Shell, BP, Standard Lithium: Suddenly, oil is back!

  • Oil

Looking at the oil prices is really astonishing. Just last week, the price of a barrel was unwaveringly on its way down, with Brent crude even marking a 3-month low of USD 64.9 on the spot market. Then the direct reversal and a pronounced rally upwards to courses of USD 71.8 yesterday morning. The weaker US dollar and the dwindling fears of the Delta variant, which rages in China's major cities less than initially expected, are sought as reasons. As a result, the short-term demand worries have evaporated again. But another reason is also on the table: The events in Afghanistan are again bringing great unrest to an important oil and raw materials region. That pushes the prices further!


Commented by André Will-Laudien on August 25th, 2021 | 13:48 CEST

Abibaba, Aspermont, Teamviewer - The Big Data Analyst Boom!

  • Digitization

The market for information services has accelerated dramatically since the dawn of the mobile age. Whereas in the past, it was largely anonymous Internet users who were the first participants in the digital birth, today, the collection and processing of user-related data is the linchpin for every mobile service. The age of Big Data is the latest manifestation. Here information is collected and aggregated, which later flows into marketing campaigns or new services. Since 2007, the smartphone has ruled the digital business world. Never before have more user characteristics been offered for sale voluntarily and free of charge. The mobile customer has become a transparent consumer and today sees almost exclusively the content relevant to them on their device.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on August 24th, 2021 | 10:46 CEST

Triumph Gold, Tencent, Baidu - China is making a big push!

  • Gold

While Western aid organizations are flying their staff out of Afghanistan, the political interests of direct neighbors of Afghanistan are increasing. At the crossroads of South Asia, Central Asia and the Middle East, the landlocked country borders Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, the People's Republic of China and Pakistan. Three-quarters of the country consists of mountainous regions that are difficult to access. After the almost complete withdrawal of international troops, the new rulers announced the creation of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. China sees itself as a possible savior of the first hour and wants to come to the shattered country's aid quickly. Of course, access to critical raw materials is at stake.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on August 23rd, 2021 | 12:25 CEST

BioNTech, Defence Therapeutics, Dermapharm, NanoRepro - Vaccinate, Test, Treat!

  • Biotechnology

The vaccination rate in Germany is now just under 59% with complete second vaccination. The Ministry of Health had assumed a 70-80% rate by late summer. The situation has now changed, and the autumn in Germany will likely take place under different conditions. Since the beginning of August, the many travelers returning home have had to undergo a test at the entry border to Germany. Presumably, the number of infections will also rise again, making testing mandatory for social life. Vaccination and testing, therefore, remain ongoing issues for the capital markets.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on August 20th, 2021 | 13:28 CEST

TUI, Troilus Gold, Lufthansa - The golden summer of travel!

  • Gold

The "Second Summer with Corona" has seen a resurgence in international travel, even though not all corners of the globe have returned to pre-pandemic levels. At least, however, the lockdowns have largely disappeared, restaurants are open again, and cultural life is gradually returning. The travel industry is experiencing this period in different ways. For example, first, there were problems with the allotments due to many hotel bankruptcies, but then these were increased at short notice and ultimately, special promotions had to be called to sell them off. In the end, price increases could not be implemented. People's travel behavior is changing in the long term, as is society as a whole. The travel industry is, therefore, seemingly only at the beginning of a far-reaching structural change.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on August 19th, 2021 | 13:27 CEST

BYD, Fisker, Kodiak Copper, E.ON: Copper remains the linchpin!

  • Copper

According to the Paris Protocol, the implementation of the climate targets is based on the conversion to electric drives, the use of renewable energies, and sustainable raw material management. In addition to the development of new raw material deposits, especially in the field of battery metals, the topic of recycling is coming up. Here, too, it is crucial which resources are used to recover the metals. Currently, some copper projects are under development, but it will take 2-3 years before they can deliver. Part of the whole castling will also be the power companies because they have to provide the planned power purchase for the coming years, and this could be tight, especially for Germany.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on August 18th, 2021 | 10:43 CEST

Bayer, Cardiol Therapeutics, CureVac: The Champions League of Bio-Pharma!

  • Biotechnology

Biopharmaceutics is the first port of call in the fight against a wide range of diseases. It studies the relationship between drugs and excipients' chemical and physical properties and their form of administration in a living organism. Biological effectiveness results from the entry of the drug into the diseased organism, its distribution in tissues, and the chemical reaction called metabolism. When dealing with recent pandemics, good advice is expensive, and research into pharmaceuticals costs billions. When an active ingredient is found and registered, the patent clock starts ticking for the inventor. As a result, the hope of the biopharmaceutical company is to remain the sole provider in their healing segment for as long as possible.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on August 17th, 2021 | 13:01 CEST

Barrick Gold, Blackrock Silver, Glencore - Inflation is coming and commodities are taking off!

  • Silver

In recent months, it has become clear to investors that the global economy will have to contend with price increases after the pandemic. The greatest inflationary pressure comes from scarce raw materials, especially for high-tech industrial goods. The trend toward climate protection is forcing the industry to adapt its manufacturing processes to conserve resources. It requires investment in new equipment, filter systems and more efficient energy use. Explorers and mature commodity companies face different challenges: they now have to invest intelligently in future projects without certainty of how high the demand will be in 5-10 years and at what prices they can sell then. It is all a question of foresight and the validity of mathematical models!


Commented by André Will-Laudien on August 16th, 2021 | 12:41 CEST

Alcoa, FYI Resources, Varta, Nordex - Ready for takeoff in the high-tech sector?

  • Commodities

The current climate trend makes a necessity obvious - our planet needs relief from CO2 and further investments in sustainable energy generation. Global warming is already well advanced, and we will likely no longer stop the dangerous basic trend. Therefore, the decisive factor for our future actions remains the "impact", i.e. the intensity and quantity of the production of pollutants. Many companies have already taken hold of the baton and are converting their processes, while others are trapped in old operating procedures and are acquiring pollution certificates. The industrial value chain starts with explorers and mining companies, followed by the basic materials industry. We look at some representatives of this supply chain.
