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Commented by Nico Popp on March 22nd, 2021 | 08:00 CET

BYD, Blackrock Silver, First Majestic Silver: The greener the world, the better for silver

  • Silver

It was unclear for a long time when the automotive industry would focus on electromobility. For too long, German manufacturers, in particular, continued to bring large, heavy and powerful combustion engines to the market. But now Volkswagen and Daimler and Co. have rethought and are fully committed to electromobility. The consequences are manifold: In addition to rising share prices, such as VW, the prices of potential suppliers are also climbing. This much is clear: The mobility revolution requires one thing above all: more raw materials.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on March 11th, 2021 | 10:40 CET

Silver Viper, Plug Power, FuelCell Energy - Silver and Hydrogen - Get in or get out?

  • Silver

The battle has broken out on the stock exchange. One side thinks the level has been way too expensive for a few months. The other side talks about momentum and unprecedented liquidity that will not immediately dwindle even with minor interest rate adjustments. Still, there was a tech sellout last week that disappeared as quickly as it appeared. Back and forth and back and forth - no one knows where stocks will end up in the coming weeks. One thing is sure though, the trading volume is gigantic and exceeds the highs of the last bull markets many times over. We take a look at silver and hydrogen.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 2nd, 2021 | 09:39 CET

Ballard Power, Silver Viper, First Majestic Silver - How to participate in the supercycle!

  • Silver

We are at the beginning of a new supercycle in commodities. The reason for this is, among other things, the policy that demands and subsidizes a low-carbon economy. However, this requires an enormous demand for industrial metals, which will become increasingly scarce in the future. Silver is one of these raw materials. The solar industry demand for the precious metal alone can hardly be supplied in the next few years. For this reason, the shortage of supply should cause prices to rise sharply.


Commented by Nico Popp on February 25th, 2021 | 11:28 CET

NIO, Silver Viper, BYD: E-car investors should think outside the box

  • Silver

Electromobility is turning industries upside down, much more than many think. It has long been known that electric cars rely on lithium and copper. It is also an open secret that Chinese manufacturers now have a competitive advantage in electromobility and that manufacturers such as BYD and NIO are rightly being hyped. However, in this article, we will look at why silver can be an alternative for investors with a weakness for e-car stocks. But first, let's look at an auto stock that has it all.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on February 18th, 2021 | 10:08 CET

First Majestic Silver, Silver Viper Minerals, Endeavour Silver - After the Short Squeeze is Before the Short Squeeze

  • Silver

Silver has performed much better than gold in recent weeks and months. Investors were able to book profits with the precious metal, while losses were made with gold investment. Often the prices of precious metals run relatively in unison. The fact that the demand situation of silver also includes the industry it can lead to short-term deviations, but also speculation can move prices powerfully in the short term. Some stocks in the silver sector began to rally during January as the market bet on a short squeeze in some candidates based on short-sale data. We give you an update and tell you where it's worth being involved.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on February 10th, 2021 | 08:20 CET

Silver Viper Minerals, BYD, First Majestic Silver - Position in the silver boom!

  • Silver

The famous gold-silver ratio has been used again and again lately. It is currently about 67; in weak silver phases, it goes up sometimes to just under 100. At about 50, one would be able to identify a historically fair valuation of silver. At the moment, this would be about a spot price of USD 37. Measured against the price targets, which were recently proclaimed by the Reddit community, we are still about 30% away here. But in terms of commodity movement overall, we indeed haven't reached the top yet. Silver is also highly relevant in the context of COVID-19: It has a strong antiseptic and disinfecting effect!


Commented by André Will-Laudien on February 3rd, 2021 | 09:24 CET

Desert Gold, First Majestic, Pan American, Endeavour Silver - Bet on the Gold & Silver Squeeze!

  • Silver

Reddit and Robinhood - the new stock platforms! Investors, day traders and banks are watching spellbound for the next announcements from a new investor community - the social media traders. One call at 3pm is all it takes and there are already 25,000 buy orders ready for the opening. Seasoned stockbrokers no longer know how to satisfy this virtual demand. The Avino Gold & Silver share stood out yesterday in particular, doubling at the stock exchange opening. At the beginning of the week, silver was declared the new instrument. Some silver stocks went through the roof immediately, gold stocks followed out of sympathy, and spot prices in commodities were chaotic. Silver rose to USD 30.08 and then fell back in the evening to USD 27.25.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on January 29th, 2021 | 13:50 CET

First Majestic, Silver Viper, Blackrock Gold - What is the next Reddit target?

  • Silver

The stock markets are going crazy. The Gen Z traders' battle, who have networked via the broker Robinhood and the community platform, continues. After the trial of strength escalated between the hedge funds Melvin Capital and Citron, which bet on a falling price in the GameStop share, and the pack of gamified traders, who bought the paper in a concerted action, it now goes into the next round. The target has been proclaimed on It is mining stocks, primarily in silver.


Commented by Nico Popp on January 25th, 2021 | 08:00 CET

Samsung, Xiaomi, Silver Viper: Business is booming here

  • Silver

After the pandemic outbreak last year brought global economic activity to a brief standstill, business is now buzzing again. If you look at the statistics for sea and air freight, many transport capacities from Asia are currently fully utilized. The main reason for this is the high demand from many consumers in Germany and the USA for electrical appliances. Here's how investors can profit from this boom and why it pays to think outside the box.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on January 21st, 2021 | 14:21 CET

Silver Viper, General Electric, Aurelius - Silver will fly!

  • Silver

Democrat Joe Biden was sworn in yesterday as the 46th President of the USA. Accompanied by the stars and convinced Trump opponents, Lady Gaga and Jennifer Lopez, he made his oath on the Bible. His inglorious predecessor Trump still gave a speech about his considerable governmental successes and still sees himself as a pioneer of the USA's resurrection as a superpower. Of course, what sticks is society's division into super-rich and relatively poor; after all, 75 million Americans now live on government aid, that's 25% of the population. Joe Biden wants to promote modern and, above all, green technologies, reunite the people and invest at least USD 3 trillion in the economy. Besides a wall to Mexico, the last government programs have not increased employment but have fueled asset inflation vigorously. In this environment, precious metals must rise; perhaps yesterday was the start of this still missing bull market.
