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Commented by André Will-Laudien on November 6th, 2020 | 11:35 CET

MAG Silver, Silver Lake Resources, Silver Viper: Inflation may come!

  • Silver

Goldman Sachs is bullish for the commodity sector! In a memo to its clients, analysts predict a weaker dollar, rising inflation and additional monetary and fiscal policy incentives as reasons for a possible recovery in commodity prices. For the S&P GSCI, which tracks 24 commodities from all commodity sectors, a return of 30 percent is forecast over 12 months. Industrial metals, such as copper, could gain 5 percent, precious metals 18 percent and energy more than 42 percent. Goldman forecasts an average gold price of USD 2,300 per ounce in 2021, while silver is forecast to average USD 30 per ounce. Hear, hear - such a thing rarely comes from an investment bank!
