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Commented by Stefan Feulner on May 11th, 2021 | 10:12 CEST

BYD, Silkroad Nickel, Volkswagen - Exciting development in the electric car industry!

  • Nickel

So far, the development of the electric car industry has been trouble-free, the sales figures of e-car manufacturers have skyrocketed and the displacement of combustion engines seemed to be only a matter of time. But currently, the first major obstacle is approaching producers. The chip shortage is leading to production stops and short-time work. The issue of scarcity is likely to become the dominant theme of this industry over the next few years. Raw materials for production such as lithium, nickel or cobalt are scarce commodities. The primary beneficiaries of this development are the raw material producers, who are already barely able to meet demand.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on May 5th, 2021 | 10:00 CEST

NIO, Geely, IBU-tec, Silkroad Nickel - Attention, watch closely here!

  • Nickel

The first sharp correction occurred yesterday. The major indices lost between 1 and 4% - the TecDAX was hit the hardest with a minus of 3.7% at the peak. Is this the turnaround from the top? No, say the chart technicians. It is not yet a lost cause because the indices had demanded a correction for many months. Since March 2020, there have hardly been any significant corrections in most stocks. At the end of January, the hydrogen stocks began to fall, and now there is money to be had in the broader sense. No disaster - the selection of good titles is now the trump card.


Commented by Armin Schulz on April 28th, 2021 | 07:36 CEST

VW, Silkroad Nickel, E.ON - Mega electricity storage, the next big thing

  • Nickel

We all want clean electricity. Currently, we face the problem that some of the sustainable electricity "disappears" unused. The reason is that we cannot store it and so, hours of Gigawatt electricity go to waste.
Extensive electricity storage facilities are needed, such as the 300 megawatts Tesla has built in California. What hardly anyone knows - Tesla is planning the same mega electricity storage sales in the long term as its car division. In Germany, STEAG also wants to build a mega electricity storage facility with 250 megawatts, expanding to 500 megawatts. We, therefore, look at three stocks from this sector: VW, Silkroad Nickel and E.ON.


Commented by Nico Popp on April 6th, 2021 | 07:24 CEST

BYD, Silkroad Nickel, Nornickel: Who will profit from the electric boom?

  • Nickel

Visionaries often stand alone at the beginning of their journey. When Tesla invited German journalists to test drives sometime around 2011, the "electric car" project was still a vision of the future. But already after this press event, something had changed in the public's consciousness. The incredible acceleration of the first Tesla Roadster put a smile on the faces of all test drivers. Even the biggest doubters were at least appeased and interested in what was still to come from Tesla. The rest is history. Today, companies like Volkswagen and Daimler are also emulating Elon Musk's visionaries. But for electromobility to become mainstream, it depends not only on innovative manufacturers of electric cars but also on the supply of raw materials. We present three companies.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 31st, 2021 | 09:57 CEST

BYD, Silkroad Nickel, NIO - Elon Musk: "mine more nickel!"

  • Nickel

As electromobility emerges, global demand for certain metals will increase sharply in the coming years. The metals lithium, cobalt and nickel, are crucial for the production of lithium-ion batteries. Nickel, not lithium, takes the rank as the key metal, especially since an increased nickel content dramatically increases the efficiency of the batteries. The Tesla founder already addressed mining companies years ago with an urgent appeal.
