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Commented by Mario Hose on January 14th, 2020 | 08:11 CET

Deutsche Telekom & Co with 5G challenge - Will Philion benefit in 2020?

  • Telecommunications

5G is not only a major challenge for Deutsche Telekom. All German network operators have to cope with the high investments required for the next generation mobile communications standard. They are still busy working on the 4G LTE standard. One example is the recent announcement that Telefonica Deutschland is not meeting its obligations for 4G network rollout. Only those who can ensure high network utilization will earn money. To achieve this, no network operator can avoid independent mobile service providers like Philion SE. The still young listed company has repositioned itself with the takeover of at the end of 2019. Profitable growth is expected to begin in 2020. There are good reasons why the small-cap stock could take off in 2020.


Commented by Mario Hose on January 13th, 2020 | 11:33 CET

Agrios Global Holdings LTD - still on track

  • Cannabis

Agrios Global Holdings is an agricultural technology company with a focus on the latest innovations in indoor growing and data analytics. The company's technology can be used for all types of indoor cultivation. The company rents and manages real estate and equipment for environmentally sustainable indoor agriculture. The company offers leasing and cultivation services in the field of data-controlled aeroponic cultivation systems for cannabis producers. Furthermore, the company provides consulting services to support the cannabis sector.


Commented by Mario Hose on January 10th, 2020 | 05:50 CET

E.ON, iWater Group, K+S - Water as a safety factor

  • Water

Clean water is a high social good. In water management, different standards apply to safety depending on the use. For example, the requirements for drinking water supply and wastewater disposal are particularly high, as these areas are part of the critical infrastructure in Germany. In this context, utilities and plant operators are subject to particularly high IT security standards. An impairment caused by a cyber attack could possibly lead to supply bottlenecks and disruptions to public safety.


Commented by Mario Hose on January 9th, 2020 | 05:50 CET

Memphasys, Merck, Novartis - Solutions for the desire to have children

  • Artificial Insemination

Many couples around the world long for their own children, but for many people, family planning by natural means is not possible. Modern medicine can help in the development of a pregnancy by means of artificial insemination, the so-called in vitro fertilisation, also known as IVF procedure. In this context, egg cells are taken from the woman and artificially fertilised with the man's sperm in the laboratory. If successful, embryos can then be transferred to the uterus. The need for artificial insemination in couples varies between 16 and 25% depending on the region - a large and global market.


Commented by Mario Hose on January 7th, 2020 | 10:42 CET

Ballard Power, dynaCERT, NEL ASA - higher, faster, hydrogen!

  • Hydrogen

The mobility of the future will be a mix of different energy sources. New technologies will make conventional combustion engines even cleaner and more efficient and, where it makes sense for the user, technologies with electronic drive motors will also be used. However, the German government is also attempting to influence the market by subsidising battery cars, a technology that is already being phased out in China. This political actionism from the Chancellor's Office is bypassing the market, and car manufacturers in Germany are noticing this too. A total of 57,533 purely electric cars were registered in 2019 until November - of a total of 3.6 million newly registered passenger cars.


Commented by Mario Hose on January 6th, 2020 | 05:50 CET

Rent cap keeps Vonovia & Co on its toes: MOREH offers 6% fixed interest rate with commercial property

  • Real Estate

The discussions surrounding a rent cap in Berlin and other cities have repeatedly caused uncertainty among shareholders of real estate companies such as Vonovia in 2019. No improvement is in sight for 2020. Anyone who focuses on commercial real estate is not affected by this. For example, the real estate portfolio owner M Objekt Real Estate Holding GmbH & Co. KG, MOREH for short. In the summer of 2019, the company issued a corporate bond with a fixed interest rate of 6.00 percent with a semi-annual payment and extensive collateral. The security with a term of five years can be traded on numerous German stock exchanges. MOREH is a classic real estate portfolio holder with a focus on commercial real estate in Western Germany. Experts consider the MOREH bond to be attractive and have invested.


Commented by Mario Hose on January 3rd, 2020 | 06:42 CET

Baumot Group AG - Upside potential and improved results

  • Retrofitting

The Baumot Group AG is a leading supplier in the field of exhaust gas aftertreatment. Baumot uses these products and services across all industries in the OEM (original equipment), retrofit and aftermarket (spare parts) business segments. The industries include, in particular, on-road e.g. cars, trucks and buses, and off-road e.g. construction machinery, agricultural machinery or stationary equipment.


Commented by Mario Hose on January 2nd, 2020 | 05:45 CET

NEL ASA, Saturn Oil & Gas, VARTA - which stock will be the top performer in 2020?

  • Investments

If it runs, it runs! This or something similar is how the demand for the stocks of trend themes can be described. Last year, shares of hydrogen companies were in great demand. Also the interest in energy storage was very high. But what did not work at all was the extraction of energy raw materials in the traditional way. A backlog demand has emerged, which will pay off in 2020 according to experts for investors who are there in time.


Commented by Mario Hose on December 30th, 2019 | 05:45 CET

E.ON, EnBW or RWE - who is restructuring Germany after Merkel?

  • Central planned economy

The planned economy is de facto the opposite of the market economy. In a market economy, the free market decides what is produced and offered in what quantity and type of products and services. In a planned economy, the state determines what is to be implemented - or rather: implemented - in what periods and how. The disadvantage of a planned economy is that plans are often implemented inadequately and with delays. In the past, communist governments have worked with the system of the planned economy, but due to the lack of success the states have failed economically. Under German Chancellor Angela Merkel, patterns of planned economy are increasingly becoming apparent and economic challenges are growing exponentially. At the turn of the year, the problems in the energy sector, among others, increase intensify.


Commented by Mario Hose on December 27th, 2019 | 07:20 CET

BMW, Daimler or Volkswagen - who gives up first?

  • Mobility

Ludwig Erhard, the second German Chancellor and economist, said in the 1950s the much-quoted sentence: "No state can give its citizens more than it has taken from them before". A conscientious government should therefore strive to keep the delta between tax revenue and benefit to the taxpayer as small as possible. In this context, government subsidies are always a sensitive issue. The economic sustainability of government support for technology and innovation must lead to industries and companies learning to stand on their own two feet and the market regulating demand. The solar industry in Germany is a prime example of how tax money can be wasted. No well-known German company in the solar industry has survived in competition with Asia. Is there any reason to worry that German electromobility will suffer a similar fate?
