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Commented by André Will-Laudien on October 29th, 2020 | 13:36 CET

ENI, Royal Dutch Shell, Saturn Oil & Gas - scandals and crash!

  • Oil

Six months ago, leading oil producers and the G20 energy ministers met to coordinate an emergency package of production cuts. The aim was to at least compensate for the drop in demand caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. At that time, it was impossible to know how significant the damage from the pandemic would be and for how long a real recovery would take. Now the production is somewhat lower, and existing oil stocks are gradually fading, but the uncertain prospects remain, as can be seen from the very low forward prices. In the longer term, producers are currently not very encouraged, as the curve shows that prices are unlikely to reach the USD 50.00 per barrel mark by the end of 2023. Those who want to bring about a shortage in the oil market have a monster task ahead of them, because "there is plenty of oil and a slowing economy".


Commented by Stefan Feulner on October 29th, 2020 | 13:19 CET

SAP, Triumph Gold, JinkoSolar - Mutti blows to get started!

  • Investments

It seems done. Yesterday afternoon, the German Chancellor Angela Merkel (German nickname: Mutti) decided on the second lockdown of this year due to the vastly increasing number of cases in the Corona Pandemic. Although this lockdown is supposed to be somewhat "lighter and more social" than the first, it is causing uncertainty among the population and the capital markets. It remains to be seen whether the stock markets will reach a new low after the experience in spring, or whether they will only get shaken vigorously for a short time. Should the worst-case scenario occur, the central banks with their money printing machines will undoubtedly be ready again. So a second chance to get started? In any case, keep an eye on gold stocks.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on October 28th, 2020 | 09:38 CET

BYD, Defense Metals, VW - the next boom after hydrogen!

  • Rare Earth Elements

Tesla wants to break the sound barrier of one million vehicles with delivery in 2021. The biggest competitor from China, BYD, has at least as ambitious goals and is rushing from record to record with its new model, Han. Even German car manufacturers like VW have awoken from their deep sleep and now find electric cars sexy. The production of rechargeable batteries is increasing rapidly, but so is the demand for the necessary materials. Surpluses in demand, supply bottlenecks, and exploding prices are threatening.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on October 27th, 2020 | 10:17 CET

Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, EXMceuticals - Research in competition

  • Health

By the end of 2020, the drug market is expected to more than double to USD 1.3 trillion, with the E7 countries - Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Russia and Turkey - accounting for about one-fifth of global drug sales. Also, the incidence of chronic diseases in developing countries will increasingly resemble that in industrialized countries. The evidence is abundant that the pharmaceutical industry business model is both economically unsustainable and operationally lethargic to produce the types of innovative treatments demanded by global markets. The industry must fundamentally change the way it operates to take full advantage of future growth opportunities. PwC's management consultants expect the industry to shift its focus from treatment to prevention. The traditional blockbuster sales model will disappear, and sophisticated direct sales channels will diminish the role of wholesalers. Let's take a closer look!


Commented by Nico Popp on October 27th, 2020 | 09:50 CET

Deutsche Telekom, Freenet, Upco International: Where telecommunications creates returns

  • Telecommunications

If investors were looking for high returns a little more than twenty years ago, they often found them in telecommunications stocks. In addition to the big network operators, such as Deutsche Telekom and Vodafone, the mobile phone stocks of the first hour, such as Nokia and Ericsson, also caused euphoria among investors. The telecommunications sector has become uninteresting for investors. This does not mean telecommunication shares do not play a vital role in the portfolios of investors or that they can even increase the yield noticeably as a speculative addition.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on October 26th, 2020 | 11:28 CET

Adva Optical Networking, Desert Gold, Va-Q-tec: Does it start now?

  • Investments

"Good numbers, bad numbers." What does that even mean? Often it is the figures or news the Companies publish, only the deviation from expected values or developments. Ultimately, the decisive factor is whether or not a company passes the bar. But the devil is in the details. Here are three companies that have benefited from positive figures or news or where a good news flow is only a matter of time. Who offers the best opportunities?


Commented by André Will-Laudien on October 26th, 2020 | 11:10 CET

Yamana, Glencore, Scottie Resources - Accurate analysis required!

  • Gold

Gold fluctuates with every political news item like never before. Let's take a quick look at the chart technique to understand the recent movements. After a three-part downtrend since August 2020, which pushed gold from a new record high of USD 2,074.00 to support at USD 1,850.00, a recovery began at this level in late September. It initially moved the gold price to the hurdle at USD 1,920.00 in early October. After a short, sharp correction, the gold price gained momentum once more, reaching the USD 1,935.00 resistance level. However, there was a further slide in the price on Friday, with the entire previous week's profit being equalized again with closing prices around USD 1,902.00. It will be exciting to see how gold performs in the election campaign for the US presidency. We are looking at some exciting gold stocks.


Commented by Nico Popp on October 26th, 2020 | 10:17 CET

Bechtle, PayPal, wallstreet:online: Which digitisation winner has potential?

  • Brokerage

Digital is better! Digitalisation has become a fact of life for all industries. Investments in technology are no longer limited to names like Amazon or Alphabet. Even retail brands such as shoe manufacturer, Crocs are benefiting and offering attractive opportunities to investors: During the lockdown, Crocs were almost able to maintain its sales and thus outperform the competition - why? The Company had invested in its eCommerce strategy early on. A true pioneer when it comes to IT is the expert Bechtle. Whenever Companies or public authorities recognise a need for digitalisation, Bechtle is there to help and support them.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on October 26th, 2020 | 09:45 CET

NEL ASA, Almonty Industries, Bayer - Nervousness brings the leverage!

  • Volatility

The stock market is restless. Too much uncertainty currently dominates the market. "Crazy Donald" or "Sleepy Joe"? What is the future of the pandemic? Will a hard Brexit with the E.U. follow the British threats? These are the short-term questions that are certainly not likely to ensure peaceful trading on the world's stock markets. However, high volatilities also offer great opportunities. In recent weeks, the Bayer AG share has also been subject to significant fluctuations. Is everything now included in the price, or is the decline continuing? It remains exciting.


Commented by Nico Popp on October 23rd, 2020 | 14:36 CEST

Grenke, Delivery Hero, Desert Gold: Momentum shares on hold

  • Investments

There are stocks where there is something in the air. For some of them, the trend is ultimately negative, others never pick up speed, and others just take off. Three of these potential momentum stocks are Grenke, Delivery Hero, and Desert Gold. At Grenke, the eyes of the market are focused on the accusations of balance sheet manipulation. Although the Baden-Baden-based Company has hired external auditors, suspended supervisory board posts, and announced a complete investigation, the share price is still not getting off the ground. For experienced investors, this means that something is coming to a head!
