Commented by Stefan Feulner on November 24th, 2022 | 13:01 CET
dynaCERT, Pathfinder Ventures, SFC Energy - Small caps on the upswing
After the sharp corrections of the last months, the time of suffering of many shareholders of growth companies seems to be over. The companies, which have been badly affected by the stricter monetary policy, are sending clear signs of life, both in terms of charts and fundamentals. Volatility is likely to remain in the coming months. From a long-term perspective, however, there are attractive entry levels at a significantly cheaper level with opportunities for a strong rebound.
ReadCommented by Fabian Lorenz on November 24th, 2022 | 12:40 CET
New year, rising prices? BASF, BioNTech and Manuka Resources - Shares in check
As the stock market year 2022 draws to a close, we look ahead to 2023. New year, rising prices? That is what many stock market players are hoping for. The chances are that we will see rising indices again with the end of interest rate hikes in the coming year. Today, we look at three companies likely to attract attention in 2023. At BioNTech, the research pipeline is full to bursting, and there are numerous study results to come. BASF is attractive due to its low valuation and high dividend yield. However, analysts warn of a write-off risk. Manuka Ressources convinces with a profitable core business, and an exciting project in the field of critical raw materials could lead to a revaluation.
ReadCommented by Nico Popp on November 24th, 2022 | 11:12 CET
What the heat turnaround means for copper: Siemens Energy, Kodiak Copper, ThyssenKrupp
Investors looking for the latest trends often focus on metals such as rare earths, vanadium and lithium. But if you want to get the future into your portfolio, you don't have to rely on exotic elements; copper offers the best conditions. As the British Building Services Research and Information Association (BSRIA) has shown on behalf of the International Copper Association, the demand for copper alone for climate-related refurbishment will increase to 160,000t by 2035 from the current 40,000t. That represents an annual growth rate of around 10%. We highlight three companies around the trend.
ReadCommented by André Will-Laudien on November 24th, 2022 | 10:17 CET
Sharp price movements at Uniper and Varta, E.ON and Tocvan Ventures on the launch pad!
The Federal Network Agency reports this week that German gas reserves will be sufficient for 9 to 10 weeks. According to Adam Riese, this means that without new supplies, a bottleneck would be imminent from mid-February. Gas buyers are still hoping that European partners will support our supplies accordingly. In the winter months, however, they will need a large proportion in their own countries. Therefore, we are entering this winter with question marks, which has now returned with the first snow. In the current environment, some stock movements appear with special movements, for example, the 100% rally of the state-owned company Uniper.
ReadCommented by Armin Schulz on November 23rd, 2022 | 12:10 CET
K+S, Defense Metals, RWE - Profiting from stocks that fight shortcomings
The first supply chain problems occurred during the Corona Pandemic. With the outbreak of the Ukraine conflict, further deficiencies of Western countries were exposed. It has been known for a long time that the US and Europe are dependent on raw materials and energy from Russia and China. The Middle Kingdom, in particular, already has a monopoly on critical raw materials such as rare earths and tungsten. There has been a minor trade war between the US and China for some time now. Russia has supplied both Europe and the US with cheap energy. Now in times of tension, the dependencies are coming out in the open. So today, we look at three stocks that can combat the shortage.
ReadCommented by Fabian Lorenz on November 23rd, 2022 | 11:43 CET
China causes a bang in Qatar: Opportunity for Nel ASA, Plug Power, First Hydrogen, ITM Power
Germany wanted to secure liquefied natural gas (LNG) from Qatar to reduce its dependence on Russia. But now China is digging in and securing LNG supplies from the emirate for the next 27 years. During this time, 108 million tons are to be supplied. Germany only wanted to commit for 5 years. While this does not necessarily take the German government's deal off the table, it does show that gas supplies will continue to be anything but secure or cheap in the future. And it shows how vital hydrogen will be in the future and that policymakers must push for its promotion because hydrogen from renewable energies can at least partially replace natural gas. Companies like Nel ASA, Plug Power and First Hydrogen can benefit from this. In 2022, however, only First Hydrogen was convincing.
ReadCommented by André Will-Laudien on November 23rd, 2022 | 10:06 CET
GreenTech takes off again: BASF, Meta Materials, Nordex, JinkoSolar - Is there a quick comeback?
For the rapid expansion of "renewable energies", the traffic light coalition has presented a 500-page package of measures this year. With its help, the share of alternative power generation is to be increased as quickly as possible from the current level of around 50% to about 80%. According to reports from Berlin, the necessary approval loops with authorities will be drastically shortened. However, a prerequisite for this would be the population's approval for any encroachments on property in terms of distance regulations, noise and residential quality. It is here where things are currently hitting a snag because the government's bill includes extensive encroachments on nature and major sacrifices by residents in order to serve the common good. But with no one pushing forward on this issue, skepticism about quick success is warranted. Who are the big beneficiaries of climate technology progress?
ReadCommented by Stefan Feulner on November 22nd, 2022 | 13:42 CET
Favorable starting positions for Commerzbank, Desert Gold and BioNTech
The suspected downward pressure due to uncertainties in the economy and geopolitics has so far failed to materialize. Instead, the most important stock indices, such as DAX or Dow Jones, were able to leave their short-term downward trends and are sending signals for a further upward push. In addition to the stock market, the precious metals sector was also able to turn around. Here, in particular, entry opportunities beckon at a significantly reduced level with the chance of long-term, disproportionate price gains.
ReadCommented by André Will-Laudien on November 22nd, 2022 | 11:53 CET
Triple AAA stocks take off: Amazon, Aspermont, Alphabet, Allianz - Sellout done?
Well, who would have thought: after 9 months of correction mode, the stock market is already returning to normal mode this year. The indicator for leaving the panic mode is the VDAX, i.e. the measured fluctuation range of the index in 12 months. Last week, it reached levels of 22 to 23 again, after peaking at 33 in September. By comparison, in the absolute panic phase at the start of the war, the volatility gauge was 48.6%. The mood has eased, so welcome to the year-end rally. Where are the best opportunities for investors?
ReadCommented by Nico Popp on November 22nd, 2022 | 10:44 CET
Batteries: The new premium class - BYD, Almonty Industries, Varta
When it comes to everyday products, we all have clear ideas about prices. For a long time, the EUR 2 mark, for example, was considered an average price for a piece of butter. But as soon as it becomes more expensive, it is worth a headline in a newspaper with big letters. It is a different story with cars or other high-quality products. Thanks to high-quality workmanship and technology, customers are willing to pay more than the actual market prices. In economics, the difference between the high price and the market price is called producer surplus. We present three companies that want to skim off this producer surplus.