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Commented by Stefan Feulner on September 3rd, 2024 | 07:00 CEST

AMD, VCI Global, Dell - The AI favorites after Nvidia

  • Fintech
  • AI
  • chips
  • Technology

The event of the past trading week was chip giant Nvidia's quarterly figures. Once again, the US giant exceeded expectations. Nevertheless, investors were disappointed, as expectations were too high. Following the exaggerated share price rally of recent months, quite a few experts are advising investors to focus on AI companies with more favorable valuations. In addition to established corporations, smaller companies stand out, particularly those with innovative business areas that could experience a similar upward trend.


Commented by Juliane Zielonka on August 30th, 2024 | 06:30 CEST

VCI Global, Intel, and Amazon: Paving the way for innovation and growth in the digital era

  • Fintech
  • AI
  • Digitization
  • chips

While established technology giants are looking for new ways to stay relevant, emerging companies and industry leaders are seizing the opportunities of the digital age. VCI Global demonstrates impressive growth in promising areas. Intel and IBM forge a promising alliance in the AI sector to regain lost ground. Amazon's AWS is driving scientific breakthroughs with its Parallel Computing Service that could potentially revolutionize the energy supply of the future. These three companies show how innovation, strategic partnerships, and bold visions are shaping the economic landscape of tomorrow - and offer investors fascinating insights into potential growth opportunities.


Commented by Armin Schulz on August 20th, 2024 | 06:45 CEST

Super Micro Computer, VCI Global, Palantir - Hot trends: Artificial Intelligence and Big Data

  • AI
  • bigdata
  • Digitization
  • Software

Artificial intelligence (AI) and big data are key topics driving digital transformation. They offer companies the opportunity to analyze large amounts of data in real time, identify patterns, and make intelligent decisions. This leads to optimized business processes and personalized services that meet specific customer needs. In view of the constantly growing volumes of data and the need to use this information efficiently, the importance of AI and big data will continue to grow in the coming years. We look at three interesting candidates.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on August 7th, 2024 | 11:40 CEST

CRASH - AI and high-tech now on a silver platter! Amazon, LVMH, VCI Global, Cogia, A2Z Smart Technologies, and Super Micro Computer

  • AI
  • hightech
  • Software
  • chips

Finally, a clear correction, say some; oh my goodness, say those who bought in recent weeks. The historical pattern is repeating itself. Attractive splits in the high-tech, followed by a new all-time high, and then the crash. Nvidia and especially the so-called "Magnificent Seven" have already had a first-class run with 100% returns in 2024. Now, the question is: can this euphoria be repeated? What is crucial now are also the cash reserves of traders and how much valuable capital has actually been lost in the recent collapse. US investment banks have done a quick calculation: USD 2.5 trillion in market capitalization was wiped out in just 48 hours. But as we know, money does not just disappear - it ends up somewhere else! We select interesting shares that offer more excitement at a reduced level!


Commented by Fabian Lorenz on July 31st, 2024 | 06:45 CEST

Nel, Bitcoin Group, VCI Global with Super Micro Computer: Shares on the verge of a mega rally?

  • Software
  • AI
  • chips
  • Bitcoin

The Nel share is driving not only investors to despair but also analysts. While some see 100% upside potential, others are advising investors to sell. And what is the Bitcoin Group doing? After tripling in value, the crypto exchange's share price has corrected significantly in recent weeks. Will the operating figures bring new momentum? VCI Global aims to benefit even more from the boom in artificial intelligence. To meet the demand for computing power, the Company, listed on the NASDAQ and in Frankfurt, plans to set up an AI data centre in Malaysia by mid-2025. Among its partners is the AI heavyweight Super Micro Computer, with chips likely to come from NVIDIA.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on July 22nd, 2024 | 06:45 CEST

Palantir, VCI Global, - Beneficiaries of the megatrend

  • AI
  • Fintech
  • Software
  • Technology

The emergence of ChatGPT brought artificial intelligence into the mainstream. Since then, companies developing various AI services have been springing up like mushrooms. This trend will undoubtedly continue to gain momentum in the future, as various technologies are already too firmly anchored in the economy and society. Despite the current sideways movement on the stock markets, we should continue to keep an eye on the developments of listed players who are likely to benefit from this super cycle in the future.


Commented by Juliane Zielonka on July 18th, 2024 | 07:00 CEST

BASF, VCI Global, Palantir - AI and digitalization as a market opportunity with high returns

  • Digitization
  • hightech
  • Fintech
  • data
  • AI

Future industries such as robotics, AI, and digitalization are accelerating the growth of companies through the automation of production processes. This also increases the opportunity for high-growth stocks. BASF has been using computer-aided technology in its various business areas for over ten years. Starting with machine learning in the chemical industry, they are now supporting countless smallholders and farmers in the agricultural business with artificial intelligence. No less a partner than Google is involved in this partnership. Does this bold move offer the traditional company a chance of above-average growth? One candidate in the high-growth sector is the Southeast Asian company VCI Global. The experienced management has an impressive track record of successful IPOs and has established itself as an expert in guiding companies through public listings. The Company also invests in future markets through an investment arm. Its focus here: Robotics, blockchain, AI. Palantir, on the other hand, is known for its big data technology, which uses AI for government institutions. Recently, some analysts have expressed concerns about the Company's high valuation. However, in Europe, one authority continues to rely on the US company's data networking. Where do the best returns lie for investors?


Commented by André Will-Laudien on July 11th, 2024 | 06:45 CEST

Mega rally on the cards - 500% plus is likely too low an estimate! Evotec, Desert Gold, Cogia, VCI Global, and Lufthansa

  • Mining
  • Gold
  • Commodities
  • Biotechnology
  • airline

The stock market keeps rising and rising - this much is revealed by the ever-new highs of prominent indices such as the NASDAQ 100, S&P 500, or the Nikkei index. However, a closer look reveals some inconsistencies. For example, only 6% of all traded stocks are currently reaching new highs, while over 70% of all listed stocks have fallen since the beginning of the year. In short, global liquidity is aggregated in just a few blockbuster stocks, with the rest being left behind. Such bubbles already occurred in 1999, 2007, and 2015, followed by a 25% to 50% correction. When exactly this will happen, no one knows, but the party is likely to continue for a while due to high liquidity. Gold and silver are in the process of forming interesting breakout formations. Now is the time to pick the cherries!


Commented by André Will-Laudien on July 9th, 2024 | 07:25 CEST

NASDAQ Super Boom! 100% returns still lurk with Alibaba, VCI Global, and Super Micro Computer; Amazon founder sells

  • hightech
  • AI
  • Software
  • computing
  • chips

Experts expect the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to lead to double-digit productivity gains in digitally configurable processes over the next few years. Not since the introduction of industrial robots have there been such leaps. The major Internet companies have long since prepared themselves for these developments. High computing power, automated sales processes, and a pool of trillions of user data points play into the multinationals' hands. They achieve billion-dollar profits with their networks almost effortlessly. Consumers are served exactly what interests them most and, above all, what they consume regularly. However, not all high-tech shares have been able to take off so far. What should investors pay attention to now?
