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Commented by Armin Schulz on December 5th, 2022 | 11:18 CET

BYD, First Hydrogen, Daimler Truck - Green solutions as a booster for the portfolio

  • Hydrogen
  • GreenTech
  • Electromobility

With the climate crisis worsening, the need for viable solutions and systems to reduce emissions is greater than ever. One area that has a major impact on emissions is freight transport. As the demand for freight transportation increases, so does the emissions released into the atmosphere. This not only has a serious impact on the environment but also affects the sustainability of the freight transport industry. So the question is, what kind of drive system will prevail in freight transport? Will it be electric propulsion or hydrogen propulsion with its fuel cells? We take a look at three companies that are focusing on different drive systems.


Commented by Armin Schulz on October 24th, 2022 | 13:19 CEST

Daimler Truck, First Hydrogen, Plug Power - Transportation industry in upheaval: Which shares will profit?

  • Hydrogen
  • fuelcell
  • Electromobility

In the EU, a quarter of all CO2 emissions are caused by road traffic. Here, the transport industry, with its diesel engines, plays a major role. If the ambitious climate targets are to be achieved by 2030, the industry will have to undergo a major transformation. Road freight transport alone is expected to reduce emissions by 26% by the end of the decade. For a long time, electromobility was seen as the solution, but it is becoming increasingly clear that hydrogen will also be an option. It always depends on the use case, and at the same time, the infrastructure must be in place for the technology in question. So today, we look at three companies that could benefit from fleet modernization.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on October 6th, 2022 | 12:44 CEST

Hydrogen - the fuel for transportation and logistics stocks: Plug Power, dynaCERT, ThyssenKrupp, and Daimler Truck with imagination

  • Hydrogen
  • Logistics
  • Electromobility

Hydrogen technology finally seems to be gaining momentum on the industrial side. Time and again, companies such as Plug Power or Nel ASA are reporting various orders from the private and public sectors. Unfortunately, conventional diesel drives still dominate the transportation and logistics sector. However, the exhibitors at the IAA Transportation in Hannover have quite different goals: They want to lead truck transport into a climate-neutral logistics era. This requires a willingness to invest and appropriate technological support. Fleet operators, meanwhile, are already shuffling their feet and waiting for the producers to give the green light. There are great opportunities for investors to be involved right from the start.


Commented by Armin Schulz on August 17th, 2022 | 11:58 CEST

Daimler Truck, dynaCERT, Nikola - Which transportation stocks are taking off?

  • Electromobility
  • Hydrogen

The transportation industry faces many challenges. These were addressed on July 15 at the 15th Truck Symposium, hosted at Nürburgring. Here, 110 experts discussed staff shortages, lack of parking spaces and new drive concepts. The latter is still the subject of controversial debate. Are fully electric transport vehicles the future, or will the hydrogen fuel cell prevail? The fact is that the transport industry must significantly reduce its emissions by 2030. Today, we look at three companies that offer solutions for lower CO2 emissions.


Commented by Armin Schulz on July 6th, 2022 | 12:16 CEST

Plug Power, dynaCERT, Daimler Truck - Hydrogen market gets hot again

  • Hydrogen
  • greenhydrogen

A glance at the federal report on energy research 2022 is enough to tell you that the federal government is funding research and development into hydrogen. The term hydrogen appears 116 times in the document, far ahead of wind power or solar energy. RWE has recently announced that it is investing a lot of money into hydrogen production. Siemens Energy wants to produce electrolyzers together with Air Liquide. The French are also working with ThyssenKrupp to develop hydrogen-based steel production. The EU is promoting the hydrogen sector, so it is no wonder that more and more collaborations are being formed between corporations. Today we look at three companies active in the hydrogen sector.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on June 29th, 2022 | 11:44 CEST

First Hydrogen, Daimler Truck, Mercedes-Benz - Will the EU Parliament's exit from combustion engines provide the next boost?

  • Hydrogen
  • Electromobility

A few days ago, the EU Parliament decided to phase out combustion engines in cars and small commercial vehicles by 2035. The approval of the individual member states is still required to adopt the new directive. Although there are currently still disagreements within the German government as to whether Germany should agree to the ban, the directive can be passed with binding effect by a qualified majority even if Germany abstains. What impact would such a ban have?


Commented by Stefan Feulner on May 18th, 2022 | 10:21 CEST

RWE, Almonty Industries, Daimler Truck - Increasing signs of strength

  • Tungsten

The world's stock markets are staggering, but a further sell-off has so far been avoided. The German stock market barometer DAX is also showing strength. After another slide below the psychologically important 14,000-point mark, it has been possible to regain it significantly. Now, an important downward trend that has been in place since the beginning of the current stock market year awaits. Should this be broken, a more significant recovery should take place and provide further relief. The development of many individual stocks looks similarly positive. After stronger corrections, share prices are once again pointing north.


Commented by Armin Schulz on May 9th, 2022 | 10:37 CEST

BYD, First Hydrogen, Daimler Truck - Shares for the transportation of tomorrow

  • Hydrogen
  • Trucks

The transportation industry is on the verge of a radical change. According to a study by Bain & Company, every second vehicle will no longer require diesel as early as 2025. But while it is a done deal that the future of passenger cars belongs to the e-car sector, the outcome in the transport industry is still open. Yet freight transport is responsible for a large proportion of emissions. The problem is the heavy batteries, which still cause performance losses and longer charging times. Hydrogen can score points, especially in terms of charging times, and offers high fuel cell efficiency. Today, we take a look at three stocks for tomorrow's transportation.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on April 25th, 2022 | 10:48 CEST

Plug Power, First Hydrogen, Daimler Truck, Ballard Power - Revolution of transport: Hydrogen versus oil and gas!

  • Hydrogen

It is hard to find more arguments in favor of hydrogen than right now! The element burns cleanly, it can be produced infinitely from nature and is currently even competitive given the high prices for oil and gas. Now the governments must act and direct their one-sided firing of e-mobility in the direction of hydrogen. Given the raw materials crisis, the year 2022 should be defined as an initial departure into the future. The last climate conference in Glasgow in 2021 has set the course - now, we must not stand still but get out with the budgets. What helps the environment is ultimately also good for the economy. Hydrogen drive is an alternative to ecologically questionable battery production! As an investor, these shares should be kept in mind.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on April 19th, 2022 | 14:06 CEST

Nel, dynaCERT, Daimler Truck - Climate Targets: Hydrogen is the key technology!

  • Hydrogen

As early as the summer of 2020, the German government set an important point with the adoption of the "National Hydrogen Strategy", which has suddenly gained importance in view of the Ukraine war. Politicians and experts are convinced that hydrogen, as a versatile energy carrier, will play a key role in achieving the energy and climate targets. It is now essential that the defined, coherent, but often still too theoretical framework for action is quickly filled with life. With the right stocks, investors can benefit from these developments.
