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Commented by André Will-Laudien on March 29th, 2021 | 08:15 CEST

Cardiol Therapeutics, Bayer, Formycon: These pharma stocks could explode!

  • Biotechnology

According to official statistics, diseases of the cardiovascular system, such as heart failure, coronary heart disease or myocardial infarction, are the No.1 cause of death in Germany. With 18.2 million deaths, they represented the most common cause of death worldwide in 2019. Thus, on a global average, a good 30% of all deaths are attributable to cardiovascular disease. In Europe, more than 4 million people die each year due to such a disease, 1.4 million of whom are younger than 75. But there are many other dangers to our health. Reason enough to take a closer look.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 16th, 2021 | 07:16 CET

Bayer, Cardiol Therapeutics, Xiaomi - Biotech: Blockbuster potential here!

  • Biotechnology

Germany is leading the race for a vaccine against the coronavirus With two companies - BioNTech and CureVac. The biotech industry is currently experiencing a growth spurt that will continue over the next few years, if not decades. In Germany alone, EUR 7 billion is invested annually in research and development. The goal is to develop new therapies to prevent, alleviate and cure diseases. The opportunity for disproportionate share price gains by investing in a company at an early stage of research is gigantic.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on March 15th, 2021 | 09:03 CET

Bayer, dynaCERT, JinkoSolar - green performance stars!

  • ESG

Sustainable investing has developed from a "nice to have" to a "must-have." Many empirical studies have also shown that investors who invest "green" do not have to forego returns. On the contrary, there are indications that a skillful weighting of ESG factors - these stand for Environment, Social, Governance - can improve the risk-return ratio. We show you three ESG stocks with which you will outperform in the truest sense of the word!


Commented by Stefan Feulner on February 9th, 2021 | 08:00 CET

CureVac, Cardiol Therapeutics, Bayer - roaring profits!

  • Health

The race for the best and most effective vaccine is in full swing. After BioNTech and its partner Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca were approved in Europe, but there are always obstacles. Over the weekend, for example, South Africa announced that it is forgoing the AstraZeneca vaccine for the time being. The background to this is its supposedly lower efficacy with the B.1.351 virus mutation. Somewhat unnoticed, another vaccine manufacturer is moving into pole position through innovative collaborations.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on February 5th, 2021 | 12:22 CET

Deutsche Bank, wallstreet:online, Bayer - The return of the giants!

  • Brokerage

The dinosaurs of the German economy report good news. Deutsche Bank has made it into the black for six years, and Bayer AG is making progress in settling the Monsanto debacle. Among online brokers, the wheat was separated from the chaff last week and we present you with an online broker you can trust!


Commented by Stefan Feulner on January 25th, 2021 | 07:35 CET

BYD, Royal Helium, Bayer - it's getting tighter and tighter!

  • Helium

Who will prevail in the battle for the crown in the electric car business? According to experts, the innovation leader Tesla has a technical lead of two to three years. In contrast, the Chinese government supports domestic carmakers such as BYD, NIO and Xpeng with financial injections to achieve climate policy goals in the country. The first winners are already in place. Because of the arms race, there is an extreme demand for the necessary raw materials. In the next few years, there is a threat of severe scarcity and thus dramatically rising prices.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on January 18th, 2021 | 09:54 CET

Enapter, NEL ASA, Bayer - the future can begin!

  • Hydrogen

Without a doubt, hydrogen will become one of the most important energy sources in the coming decades. According to a study by the Hydrogen Council, demand for hydrogen will increase eightfold by 2050. According to this study, hydrogen could account for one-fifth of global final energy consumption. Some listed stocks' valuations have already risen to dizzying heights due to the very optimistic forecasts for the future. In addition, a fierce battle for the best technologies and patents is going on at the moment. Some of the well-known companies will fall by the wayside, and new ones will move up.


Commented by Nico Popp on January 14th, 2021 | 18:34 CET

BASF, Bayer, Enapter: From top dogs to young guns

  • Hydrogen

When it comes to chemical products or other engineering services, the Germans are not easily outdone. Although emerging companies worldwide are sometimes hyped on the stock market, in practice, the motto is often still: Germany first! But it's not always dull corporations like BASF or Bayer that cause a sensation - there are now also innovative players from Germany, like Enapter in the hydrogen sector.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on December 11th, 2020 | 12:51 CET

Linde, Saturn Oil & Gas, Bayer – green return opportunities for 2021

  • ESG

The issue of sustainability is attracting more and more attention in investment decisions. Companies that do not adhere to ESG standards are likely to be increasingly left out in the cold in the future. ESG refers to the consideration of criteria from the environmental (Environmental), social (Social) and responsible corporate management (Governance) areas. But definitions of what is sustainable or green vary widely. We highlight three very different ESG stocks for you. Who has done its homework best?


Commented by Stefan Feulner on December 8th, 2020 | 10:02 CET

Nio, Desert Gold, Bayer - Don't miss these opportunities!

  • Investments

If in March 2020 before the first lockdown due to the Corona pandemic began you had consistently filled your portfolio with shares, primarily with papers from the technology sector, you would be happy to see growth rates of several 100%. However, one does not earn money on the stock market with ifs and buts. The good news is that there are always new opportunities that you can take advantage of without any ifs and buts.
