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Commented by Stefan Feulner on November 11th, 2020 | 13:22 CET

NEL ASA, dynaCERT, Bayer: Reallocation offers excellent opportunities

  • Investments

After yesterday's triumphant announcement regarding a possible vaccine against the Corona Virus, a rift in the stock market seems to be in full swing. Highly praised tech shares and the profiteers of the Corona Crisis are falling through the bank. In contrast, there is a rebirth of the old economy and cyclical stocks. Oil stocks are also picking up again. The hope for an economic revival is becoming more tangible and creates excellent opportunities for the Fallen Angels.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on November 9th, 2020 | 10:50 CET

BioNTech, Defense Metals, Bayer: Earn money countercyclically

  • Rare Earth Elements

It is complete. After a tense struggle and four days of counting votes, Joe Biden is declared the 46th President of the United States of America. So the Twitter tirades of the defeated Donald Trump should be history. The traces Trump left behind during his four-year reign, however, are likely to keep the government busy for some time to come. Some things, such as the withdrawal from the climate agreement, can be quickly repaired. Biden will carefully weigh up what is "in" and what is "out" on different points of the "America First" program imposed by the predecessor.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on October 26th, 2020 | 09:45 CET

NEL ASA, Almonty Industries, Bayer - Nervousness brings the leverage!

  • Volatility

The stock market is restless. Too much uncertainty currently dominates the market. "Crazy Donald" or "Sleepy Joe"? What is the future of the pandemic? Will a hard Brexit with the E.U. follow the British threats? These are the short-term questions that are certainly not likely to ensure peaceful trading on the world's stock markets. However, high volatilities also offer great opportunities. In recent weeks, the Bayer AG share has also been subject to significant fluctuations. Is everything now included in the price, or is the decline continuing? It remains exciting.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on October 15th, 2020 | 13:16 CEST

Bayer, Triumph Gold, BioNTech - decisive phase!

  • Investments

Almost everyone knows the philosophies proclaimed by the great and wise stock market gurus. “Never try catch a falling knife" or "buy on the sound of cannons, sell on the sound of trumpets”. What is true? In the case of Bayer, after the Monsanto disaster, possibly higher than planned fines and a cracking profit warning, one might think that everything has already been priced in. However, it is still not known how and when the Monsanto disaster will end. The fact is, there are other, more appealing papers at the moment ...


Commented by André Will-Laudien on October 13th, 2020 | 13:34 CEST

Bayer, Barrick, Desert Gold: In Gold we trust!

  • Gold

The global economy moving at different speeds. In the USA, the ISM index for services is once again expanding slightly. In China, the mood in the service industry is once again pointing to a veritable recovery. In the eurozone, the economic sentiment examined by the analyst firm, Sentix, remains robust but without any new highs. Even with the rising infection rate, the pandemic will come to an end eventually. In Germany, economic data such as industrial orders, production, and exports, showed a slight slowdown in August. Nevertheless, the stock markets are swinging to new heights daily, as the latent threat from the infection necessitates further liquidity packages from governments. This monetary policy continues to imply very low-interest rates, a weakening USD, and rising inflation expectations. This environment should keep the demand for precious metals at least at a high level, so we remain on the lookout.


Commented by Mario Hose on September 29th, 2020 | 10:51 CEST

BioNTech, Bayer, Valeo Pharma: Share price jump ahead of quarterly results

  • Health

Investors' expectations of developments can drive the share price. When it comes to solving a problem or creating needs, the interest of the capital market is particularly high. Things get exciting for investors when the business model offers the possibilities of scalability. Attractive investment opportunities can be created in the fields of health and medicine, which offer extraordinary return opportunities.


Commented by Mario Hose on September 22nd, 2020 | 09:20 CEST

Almonty, BASF, Bayer: where is it worth starting now?

  • Investments

The start of the week was marked by price losses. In Europe and North America, the leading indices closed in the red. The fear of further effects of the Corona Pandemic has dampened market sentiment. Given that the banknote presses are still running, the breather on the capital markets is again likely to be short-lived. At the time when a vaccine against Covid-19 receives approval, the economy will once again experience an unleashed boom - provided that people can and may want to return to their jobs. Which shares are worthwhile now?


Commented by Mario Hose on September 10th, 2020 | 07:37 CEST

Allianz, Bayer, Newlox - Opportunities and risks go hand in hand

  • Gold

If the shares of the U.S. company Apple fluctuate, then the impact on market capitalization may well amount to the entire equivalent value of the fourth-largest DAX company, Allianz. Apple's market value is around EUR 1,640 billion, and against this, Germany's insurance giant, at around EUR 75 billion, looks like a delicate little plant. There are various reasons for this, which lie beyond the objective or fundamental valuation. For one thing, more German investors buy the shares of U.S. companies than the other way around, and moreover, premium smartphones and tablets are simply more exciting for the younger generation of investors than insurance policies. From this perspective, healthy diversification makes perfect sense.


Commented by Mario Hose on August 25th, 2020 | 11:56 CEST

Bayer, Siltronic, XPhyto - is it worthwhile to invest now?

  • Investoren

Tuesday began with green lights for most listed companies in Germany. The opinions of analysts and company announcements make the stock prices - or they are driven by the mood of economic data. The Ifo Business Climate Index, for example, rose by 2.2 points to 92.6 points in August 2020 compared to July. The survey data is collected every month from around 9,000 companies and makes it the most important leading indicator in Germany. "The German economy is on course for recovery," Ifo President Clemens Fuest announced. In this context, stocks that still have potential are now exciting.


Commented by Mario Hose on June 8th, 2020 | 11:30 CEST

Aurora, Bayer, XPhyto - scalable growth markets with potential

  • Health

Health is the most precious good in the life of a human being. The preservation and improvement of the quality of life is a large business area. Investors around the globe have the opportunity to participate in many different areas of research and development of products and therapies. The development of new markets and preparations usually requires a lot of risk capital before the fruits can be harvested. At the latest when a scalable solution has been found to improve people's lives, then the value of the company increases.
