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Commented by Mario Hose on August 25th, 2020 | 11:56 CEST

Bayer, Siltronic, XPhyto - is it worthwhile to invest now?

  • Investoren

Tuesday began with green lights for most listed companies in Germany. The opinions of analysts and company announcements make the stock prices - or they are driven by the mood of economic data. The Ifo Business Climate Index, for example, rose by 2.2 points to 92.6 points in August 2020 compared to July. The survey data is collected every month from around 9,000 companies and makes it the most important leading indicator in Germany. "The German economy is on course for recovery," Ifo President Clemens Fuest announced. In this context, stocks that still have potential are now exciting.


Commented by Mario Hose on June 8th, 2020 | 11:30 CEST

Aurora, Bayer, XPhyto - scalable growth markets with potential

  • Health

Health is the most precious good in the life of a human being. The preservation and improvement of the quality of life is a large business area. Investors around the globe have the opportunity to participate in many different areas of research and development of products and therapies. The development of new markets and preparations usually requires a lot of risk capital before the fruits can be harvested. At the latest when a scalable solution has been found to improve people's lives, then the value of the company increases.


Commented by Mario Hose on April 20th, 2020 | 09:43 CEST

Bayer, EXMceuticals, Symrise - investing in the healthcare growth market

  • Healthcare

The Corona Pandemic brings with it many changes. The influences in the supply chain are affecting the economy to the point of stagnation. The lack of contact for people creates challenges in coping with everyday life. The term 'home office' is used in an inflationary way - and often misused, because the difference between 'home office' and 'working from home' is the noise and stress level around it. On top of this, there are also supply bottlenecks for hygiene products, basic foodstuffs and protective equipment. According to a recent statement by the Federal Minister of Economics, Peter Altmaier (CDU), Germany will need 12 billion masks per year to protect the population. But the well-being of the people also depends on other factors.


Commented by Mario Hose on March 23rd, 2020 | 15:00 CET

Aurora Cannabis, Bayer, EXMceuticals - ready for the time after Corona

  • Cannabis

The cannabis hype was over and then came the corona crisis. Investors who believed in the active ingredient of cannabis and put money into the shares of companies in this industry are now likely to be sitting on a huge loss in most cases. It all started with the idea of a few companies to make one of the oldest medicinal plants in the world acceptable for general use within the framework of legalization. However, high margins and a large market soon led to competition and a brokerage industry was earning a lot of money - soon several hundred cannabis companies were listed on the stock exchange.


Commented by Mario Hose on November 15th, 2019 | 13:40 CET


  • Water

Water resources around the globe are increasingly polluted by pollutants. The pursuit of prosperity, luxury and safety comes at a price. More people need more food and the yield per hectare must increase through the use of more fertilizers and pesticides. The intake of medicines by humans and animals is also not without its consequences and so drug residues are increasingly becoming a problem. But where there are problems, new business opportunities also arise.
