Commented by Armin Schulz on October 11th, 2021 | 11:30 CEST
Allianz, wallstreet:online, Commerzbank - Quo vadis stock markets?
The markets are highly nervous at the moment. First, the Corona numbers went up again, then the Chinese real estate giant Evergrande was on the verge of collapse, and the supply chains are still not back in step. The result was falling indexes. That automatically leads to more fear, as the Fear and Greed Index also showed. Last week, the market calmed down slightly, and the fear index dropped from 27 to 34 points. In Germany, there is also the fact that more people have dabbled in equity investments due to a lack of interest rates. According to the Global Wealth Report, the purchase of securities grew by 65%. Many of the newly added shareholders know only rising stock markets. Consolidation would not hurt the market. On the other hand, there is hardly any alternative to investing money at the moment. It remains exciting.
ReadCommented by Stefan Feulner on October 7th, 2021 | 12:00 CEST
Palantir, wallstreet:online, Commerzbank - Significant steps
Stock market trading experienced a real boom last year as a result of the Corona lockdowns. New shareholders, primarily from Generation Z, took a liking to trading in companies. Online brokers' revenue and profit numbers shot through the roof. During the second quarter of 2021, growth now stagnated. The wheat is separating from the chaff. Companies with unique selling points, such as wallstreet:online AG, will continue to grow. Many others will disappear from the playing field.
ReadCommented by Nico Popp on October 1st, 2021 | 10:35 CEST
ProSiebenSat.1, wallstreet:online, FlatexDEGIRO: Investing in the power of the media
When Sebastien Thill of Moldovan Champions League participant Sheriff Tiraspol scored the 2-1 winning goal against Real Madrid at the time-honored Bernabeu Stadium a few days ago, the euphoria knew no bounds. When Thill glanced at his smartphone in the hours after the final whistle, the Luxembourger must have been amazed once again: He had received hundreds of messages via social media. The example of the footballer, who was largely unknown until a few days ago, vividly illustrates the power of the media. Just a few seconds in the spotlight are enough to draw millions of people's attention to a topic. The three companies we are presenting today show that money can also be made from this phenomenon.
ReadCommented by Carsten Mainitz on September 20th, 2021 | 11:05 CEST
wallstreet:online, Commerzbank, MorphoSys - Things are looking up again!
The stock market environment remains positive. High inflation coupled with low interest rates makes stocks the right investment vehicle. If you are looking for stocks that are noticeably behind the course highs of the last 12 months, you should take a closer look at the following somewhat different companies. Who is ahead at the end of the year?
ReadCommented by Stefan Feulner on September 10th, 2021 | 11:16 CEST
GameStop, wallstreet:online, Nikola - It goes on blithely
The ECB is following the lead of the FED. Although some council members warned not to ignore the risk of too high inflation, an end to the ultra-loose monetary policy is not in sight. Only the purchase of government and corporate securities under the Corona emergency purchase program should be "moderately" lower in the fourth quarter. The pro-growth decision is a balm for the stock markets. New highs should follow after the last mini-corrections.
ReadCommented by Fabian Lorenz on September 2nd, 2021 | 11:30 CEST
HelloFresh, TeamViewer and wallstreet:online: Up to 50% price potential
Record levels wherever you look: DAX, MDAX, TechDAX. Apart from minor corrections, the past few months have been a lot of fun for stock market players overall. In particular, companies benefiting from the Corona pandemic were among the high flyers. These included vaccine manufacturers such as BioNTech and Moderna, the cooking box mail order Company HelloFresh, the software Company TeamViewer and wallstreet:online. The latter is not only a stock market portal operator but is also shaking up the online broker market with their Smartbroker. All three companies have also consolidated in the meantime - sometimes more violently, sometimes less - and are still recommended by analysts. The price targets are up to 50% above the current values.
ReadCommented by André Will-Laudien on August 27th, 2021 | 14:38 CEST
wallstreet:online AG, AMC, GameStop, Robinhood - The hunting season has begun!
As of September 20, the DAX, like its French counterpart CAC, will be expanded to 40 stocks, which means that 10 new stocks will move into the focus of major fund managers. One or the other may have been surprised by this decision because, after all, Germany's 30 most valuable companies have reflected the development of the German economy very well for decades. However, international investors and funds appreciate more diversity, especially sector diversification. It is also hoped that the new insolvency clause will mean that criminal incidents, such as those involving Wirecard, will not have to be discussed at index level for long and will continue to affect derived derivatives for months afterward. Entry and exit criteria are also to change, from now on, minimum liquidity counts instead of trading turnover, and the Corporate Governance Code will become binding from September 2022. Modernization has been long overdue since Wirecard.
ReadCommented by Carsten Mainitz on August 18th, 2021 | 12:07 CEST
wallstreet:online, Lang & Schwarz, MorphoSys - Long or Short?
(Neo) Brokers and securities trading banks have been achieving record profits for several quarters. Many new investors have discovered the stock market for themselves. The prices seem to know only one direction. In an environment with low-interest rates and, in some cases, zero order fees, this is leading to unprecedented transaction volumes. Who are the winners?
ReadCommented by Armin Schulz on August 6th, 2021 | 12:12 CEST
Allianz, wallstreet:online, Commerzbank - DAX on the way to an all-time high?
Can anything at all shake the DAX? Neither the expansive monetary policy of the European Central Bank and the resulting inflation can slow down the DAX, nor Corona or the flood disaster. The IFO business climate or purchasing manager index also shows a positive picture. Looking to America, where most companies have already announced their figures, most have not disappointed. Currently, there is a stock market lull due to the summer months. September is statistically often the weakest month of the year. So one should be on guard. If there is a subsequent lockdown, the tide may turn - at least in the short term.
ReadCommented by Stefan Feulner on July 26th, 2021 | 12:18 CEST
Twitter, wallstreet:online, Snap - Rally or Crash?
What is next for the global stock markets? Several experts are already passing around price targets of 20,000 points for the DAX due to a lack of investment alternatives. At the same time, the bear camp sees the bursting of the bubble, which was created by the massive financial injections of the FED, coming our way as early as this summer and predicts a crash of unimagined proportions.