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Commented by André Will-Laudien on December 30th, 2020 | 07:00 CET

Deutsche Bank, Palantir, wallstreet:online - Data Odyssey 2021

  • Big data

Every day, a single person generates about 1.7 MB of data. We are creating and publishing more information than at any other time in human history. At this rate, we can expect the Big Data market to reach 40 trillion gigabytes by the end of the year. That's more data than most of us can even begin to imagine. It includes everything from the pictures you upload to social media, to the comments we post somewhere and everything in between. A certain amount of this data won't be useful to anyone. But there is a lot of valuable data out there, especially if companies evaluate and use it commercially. Social media is a mecca for data collectors - used for credit scores, user profiles and advertising. Data protection has now been regulated by law - but most users give their data voluntarily.


Commented by Nico Popp on December 2nd, 2020 | 11:59 CET

Deutsche Bank, dynaCERT, NEL ASA: Two paths lead to returns

  • Investments

If you want to be successful in the stock market, you can pursue different investment styles: Known examples are value or growth strategies. Other investors, on the other hand, are more oriented towards market or chart techniques. Two approaches are promising here: Either one jumps on existing or emerging trends, or one buys completely counter-cyclically and tries to fish the bottom when prices are rising. The latter was a worthwhile undertaking in the case of the Deutsche Bank share. Within the past twelve months, the Deutsche Bank share has gained more than 40%. But what are the next steps for value?


Commented by Mario Hose on September 30th, 2020 | 10:42 CEST

Commerzbank, Deutsche Bank, Bigg Digital Assets: Getting off to a good start after a lean period

  • Environmental Protection

October 2020 will be uncomfortable for many entrepreneurs and banks in Germany. The reason for this is that the German government's special regulation in connection with the Corona Pandemic is expiring, and insolvent companies will have to file for bankruptcy. The aforementioned occurs when 10% of a company's liabilities cannot be paid within three weeks. But there are also rays of hope.


Commented by Nico Popp on September 23rd, 2020 | 14:13 CEST

Deutsche Bank, Daimler, Triumph Gold: What about these fallen angels?

  • Investments

When investigative journalists immerse themselves in the world of business, the name of Deutsche Bank is mentioned more and more often. Despite countless legal disputes and fines in recent years, the news flow does not end, the latest accusations being activities that observers call money laundering. The documentation surrounding the business relationship between Donald Trump and Deutsche Bank has cast what was once the world's largest financial institution, in a bad light. Although Trump had owed money to one department of the bank for a long time, another department of the bank lent money to the then dazzling real estate mogul to pay off his debts. Many investors would certainly not have thought that such a transaction, based on the principle of right pocket to left pocket would be possible at all. Deutsche Bank rejected a comment on the above-mentioned incident concerning banking secrecy.


Commented by Mario Hose on August 28th, 2020 | 06:30 CEST

Commerzbank, Desert Gold, Deutsche Bank - Money supply increases significantly

  • Monetary policy

There are various financial indicators in an economy that allow assessments of the current state. An important indication is, for example, the amount of money supply and its change. However, the amount of money is still divided into three classes according to its availability. The narrow money M1 is cash and account balances with immediate access. M2 are money deposits with a maximum term of two years and three months' notice. The broad money M3 comprises the total available money as well as debts and securities. The European Central Bank published the latest data on the accelerated increase on Thursday.


Commented by Mario Hose on April 15th, 2020 | 12:45 CEST

Deutsche Bank, Osino Resources, Vonovia - Asset classes for investors

  • Investments

It is well known that the future is traded on the stock exchange and for this reason it is particularly important for investors to be able to assess which topics and trends could lead to demand for services and products from companies. Anyone who wants to diversify their position must look beyond their own nose and also look at sectors and industries that are based in other regions.


Commented by Mario Hose on November 20th, 2019 | 11:47 CET

Allianz, Deutsche Bank, Triumph Gold - ECB warns against own interest rate policy

  • Monetary policy

Luis de Guindos, Vice-President of the European Central Bank (ECB), presented the semi-annual stability report this morning. In view of the continuing economic weakness and extremely low interest rates in the eurozone, the ECB warns of the dangers to the stability of the financial system. High debt levels and budget deficits in some eurozone countries could once again come to the fore in the market. Low interest rates also increased the willingness of investment and pension funds and insurers to take risks in order to generate returns on risky transactions. Unexpected price corrections in investments can thus have consequences for the entire financial system.
