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Commented by André Will-Laudien on January 25th, 2022 | 13:27 CET

Volkswagen, Yorkton Ventures, BYD, NIO: E-Mobility 2022 - The Tesla hunters are coming!

  • Lithium

Are we on the verge of another big year for e-mobility? You might think that with all the hype surrounding Elon Musk, things should be going right for Tesla. That is only partially true. While Tesla clearly leads the sales list in Europe with the Model 3 with more than 115,000 vehicles sold, according to Statista, the Californians are far behind VW worldwide. In the meantime, the ramp-up of the new plant in Berlin Grünheide has been delayed, and the Tesla share price has been hit hard. We analyze the Tesla pursuers!


Commented by André Will-Laudien on January 19th, 2022 | 13:45 CET

BYD, Almonty Industries, Varta - E-mobility needs critical metals!

  • Tungsten

The pandemic has disrupted supply chains in the raw materials sector. In Brandenburg, a new Tesla electric car is expected to roll off the assembly line every 45 seconds in the future. But the permits for the water supply are dragging on. The new plant was supposed to go "online" in 2021. In addition to the regulatory requirements, however, it is primarily the availability of scarce raw materials that hamper the innovative spirit of the high-tech industry today. In particular, metals and battery raw materials are in high demand and have become a bone of contention in globalization. We look at both sides of the increasingly complex supply relationship.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on January 17th, 2022 | 11:20 CET

BYD, Nevada Copper, Nordex - Copper, the next run

  • Copper

After a prolonged sideways movement and a bottoming out in the USD 9,000 area, copper celebrated the recapture of the psychologically important USD 10,000 mark last week. The triumphant march of the red metal is likely to continue in the coming years due to the energy transition. Stronger demand is offset by scarce supply, which is being further fueled by the electrification of transport, among other things.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on January 14th, 2022 | 13:29 CET

BYD, Yorkton Ventures, BMW - An expensive boom

  • Lithium

The electric carmakers' annual figures are out, and they show rapid growth for both BYD and BMW. Despite the pandemic and the shortage of semiconductors, the automakers were able to double deliveries in some cases. The industry also expects a continued boom in e-mobility in 2022. The Association of International Motor Vehicle Manufacturers forecasts around 850,000 new registrations for electric vehicles in Germany in 2022. In addition to the sales figures, however, the prices for the raw materials required are also growing. Lithium alone, which is essential for batteries, has more than tripled in price since June of last year and is currently reaching new highs almost daily.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on January 12th, 2022 | 13:21 CET

Deutsche Lufthansa, Kleos Space, BYD - The picture is brightening up

  • Space

Exploding infection figures, contact restrictions, and no prospect of improvement are some of the impressions one could get from the current news situation. In contrast, individual scientists are cautiously optimistic that the new variant could be the beginning of the end of the pandemic and the change to an endemic. In an endemic situation, people continue to become infected with the virus; however, by that time, most people's immune systems have already been exposed to the virus or are protected by vaccination, so there is no longer a burden on the health care system. A more normal life would thus be possible again, with significantly fewer restrictions.


Commented by Nico Popp on January 12th, 2022 | 10:36 CET

BYD, Altech Advanced Materials, Volkswagen: Who is as innovative as Tesla?

  • Electromobility

For years, e-cars lagged behind conventional drives in many areas: The ranges were significantly lower, and comfort remained inferior to classic combustion engines. In the meantime, however, things have changed. Chinese manufacturers, in particular, are scoring points with ranges of 1,000 km. Modern e-cars have also long been packed with gadgets that make the hearts of tech-savvy car enthusiasts beat faster. Does this mean that the development of e-cars is at an end? Not at all! We present three companies from the industry and analyze their innovative strength.


Commented by Nico Popp on January 10th, 2022 | 12:47 CET

BYD, Noram Lithium, NIO: The lithium market is developing a life of its own

  • Lithium

Chinese state capitalism is characterized by promotion and demand. Young technology has always found good conditions in China. But as soon as companies become too powerful for Beijing, they face headwinds - or at least have to stand firmly on their own two feet. Most recently, the central government announced that it would provide less support to automakers like BYD and NIO in the future. We explain what this means for investors and whether there are alternatives.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on January 6th, 2022 | 10:25 CET

BYD, Tembo Gold, Deutsche Bank - Tesla has the competition breathing down its neck

  • Gold

The sales figures for the electric car manufacturers for the full year 2021 are out. Tesla remains the global leader, but its market share is shrinking. In China, BYD retains its place in the sun and plans to continue growing strongly next year. While everyone is talking about electromobility due to climate targets, the precious metal gold is currently living a shadowy existence. However, due to the current figures with rising inflation and growing debts of the states and companies, this should change soon.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on January 4th, 2022 | 07:10 CET

BYD, CoinAnalyst, JinkoSolar - Ambitious targets

  • crypto

What awaits investors in 2022? Will shares of vaccine makers such as BioNTech and Moderna continue to run upward, or will the massive overvaluation be reduced over the course of the year? Will industry leader Tesla keep its place in the sun? And what is next for cryptocurrencies and NFTs, which rose like a phoenix from the ashes last year? The new year offers many opportunities. Stay tuned and bet on the winners starting now.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on January 3rd, 2022 | 08:50 CET

BYD, Diamcor, LVMH - Impressive growth

  • Diamonds

Despite the Corona pandemic, travel bans and closed stores due to several lockdowns, demand for luxury goods continues unabated. Now add rising inflation to the mix. Tangible assets such as shares, precious metals and jewelry are the best protection against currency devaluation. The purchase of diamonds is growing in popularity. The choice of listed companies on the stock exchange is small.
