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Commented by André Will-Laudien on November 25th, 2021 | 15:19 CET

Varta, Graphano Energy, BYD, NIO: Who supplies the blockbuster battery?

  • Electromobility

There is no way around a high-performance battery when benchmarking for those who see electromobility at the forefront. In the last 3 years, there have been no real leaps forward in development. Still, at least power compression in lithium-ion technology achieved a doubling of range and, in parallel, also lowered the previously long charging times. As a result, this has made an electric vehicle suitable for long distances for the first time, even though recharging must be expected in winter due to non-engine services such as heating. But technological development continues, new materials are being tested, and one day it will be available - the super battery. We look at some industry players.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on November 23rd, 2021 | 13:02 CET

BYD, Noram Lithium, Siemens Energy - Door to door with Elon

  • Lithium

Business in the electric car industry is booming, and development is fueled by the even tighter targets set by politicians at the recent World Climate Conference in Glasgow. The transformation away from coal, oil and natural gas to battery-powered vehicles is creating an enormous demand for raw materials over the next few years. In addition to copper, which due to its nature, is existential for climate change, lithium for electricity storage is a crucial element for the future of battery-powered automobiles.


Commented by Nico Popp on November 16th, 2021 | 11:56 CET

Varta, Nevada Copper, BYD: Fast 100% with this future trend?

  • Copper

What does the future look like in German inner cities? If we take a survey of Hamburg residents as a blueprint, a lot will likely change in our cities very soon. Hamburgers would prefer to see their city centers car-free and promote electromobility even more strongly. So far, it is primarily city dwellers who are leaning toward the future. But as soon as e-cars paired with autonomous driving bring the surrounding areas closer to the centers, rural residents are also likely to renounce their diesel quickly. Don't believe it? Then let us convince you and find out how you can invest in tomorrow's trends today.


Commented by Nico Popp on November 10th, 2021 | 14:09 CET

BYD, Silver Viper, Varta: Is the discount battle for e-cars coming?

  • Electromobility

Experts, influencers and visionaries often hand out advance praise for years, but new technology often does not make it beyond the hip neighborhoods of Hamburg, Berlin or Munich. It is a different story with electromobility. Of course, anyone who commutes three-digit kilometers a day will still rely on diesel and may even have in mind the possibility of acquiring a modern annual car at a reasonable price in the foreseeable future. However, those who commute up to fifty kilometers and live in more densely populated areas often already opt for an e-car today. Fancy brands, such as Tesla and their affordable Model 3 journey, are doing the rest. We highlight three stocks that stand to benefit from the e-car breakthrough and ask whether the market is facing a discount battle.


Commented by Armin Schulz on November 8th, 2021 | 10:25 CET

Varta, Manganese X Energy, BYD - Batteries are becoming more and more important

  • Electromobility

Batteries have been around for a long time, but the old lead-acid batteries are gradually being replaced by lithium-ion batteries, which can be recharged much more often and thus have a much longer life. All these batteries require raw materials such as cobalt, nickel or manganese. The mining of cobalt does not have the best reputation, so Tesla has already reduced the proportion of cobalt. The alternative is called manganese, and this raw material is also absolutely needed by the steel industry. With the electrification of cars, demand will increase. The battle for the longest-lasting battery, greatest range and fastest charging capability is in full swing. We, therefore, take a look at three companies involved in batteries.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on November 5th, 2021 | 12:01 CET

Positive news at BYD, Nevada Copper and BMW

  • Copper

It is a first, delicate signal from the Fed concerning the tightening of the ultra-loose monetary policy. Starting in November, the purchases of securities to stimulate the economy are to be tightened somewhat. However, the Fed is still far from thinking about raising key interest rates. The monetary watchdogs are still insisting that inflation is only temporary. Given the high energy prices and holey supply chains, this problem will likely last far longer than previously assumed.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on November 2nd, 2021 | 13:26 CET

BYD, NIO, Defense Metals - Save the climate, make a profit!

  • RareEarths

No one at the G20 meeting had expected any great leaps forward in climate policy - the participants had already made sure of that in advance by lowering expectations considerably. Nevertheless, there was a common goal before the summit in Rome: to send a strong signal for the UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow. So postponed is not canceled. Of course, everyone is aware that this is the least that the heads of state and government of the 20 largest industrialized and emerging countries can do. After all, together, their countries are responsible for 80% of global greenhouse gas emissions. If they do not act, climate protection will be in a dire state. We take a look at exciting investments with climate relevance.


Commented by Nico Popp on November 1st, 2021 | 14:12 CET

BYD, BrainChip, Volkswagen: Insider tip on the megatrend of autonomous driving

  • Technology

German city centers are regularly congested and overcrowded. One of the reasons for city crowding is thousands of cars parked in the morning only to sit around all day. Given the price per square meter in big cities, that seems pretty inefficient. The fact that electric cars are often only economically and environmentally viable after many thousands of kilometers also suggests that they should be used differently today. Autonomous driving could be the key to mobility that gives people more space in the city, avoids traffic jams and even lowers the cost of mobility. We outline three exciting titles around the topic.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on October 27th, 2021 | 13:05 CEST

BYD, Manganese X Energy, Sixt - Do it again, Elon!

  • Electromobility

Tesla parks in the exclusive club of trillion-dollar companies, the share price of the pioneer of electric automobility exceeded the mark of USD 1000 for the first time. Congratulations, Elon Musk! Once again, the serial founder demonstrated foresight and was miles ahead of the competition. Musk also takes a pioneering role in the sourcing of materials for his cutting-edge technologies. He openly advocated replacing the controversial metal cobalt with manganese - a clear sign of the growing industry. Here, too, as with other materials, there is already an extreme shortage.


Commented by Fabian Lorenz on October 26th, 2021 | 13:56 CEST

Nel, BYD, BrainChip: This looks good

  • Technology

While shares from the technology sector have been very volatile in recent weeks, the knot has burst at BYD, and the share has risen to a new record high. Rumors about Tesla and Apple have contributed to this. Both are said to be in talks with the Chinese specialist around electric mobility. The shares of Nel and BrainChip have also developed very positively recently. Both have invested heavily and could now reap the rewards of these investments. All three shares have further room for improvement. You can read why here.
