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Stefan Feulner

  • E-Commerce
  • Fintech
  • Blockchain
  • AI

The native Franconian has more than 20 years of stock exchange experience and a broadly diversified network.

Before founding his own company, he held various positions as business editor, fund advisor, portfolio manager and finally as CEO of a listed investment company. He also held several positions on the supervisory board.

He is passionate about analyzing a wide variety of business models and investigating new trends, especially in the areas of e-commerce, fintech, blockchain or artificial intelligence.

Commented by Stefan Feulner

Commented by Stefan Feulner on April 22nd, 2022 | 10:51 CEST

Rio Tinto, Ximen Mining, Barrick Gold - Shares to counter the crisis

  • Gold
  • Copper
  • Commodities

The precious metal gold has not yet been able to reach a new all-time high in the current reserve currency, the US dollar. However, the conditions for this to happen soon are extremely favorable. The uncertainties in geopolitics, not only in Ukraine, as well as continued high inflation rates and even higher debt levels in many countries, are a dangerous mixture that should speak for rising precious metal prices. The central banks are called upon to act if it is not already too late. It is therefore advisable to at least partially protect your portfolio.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on April 21st, 2022 | 11:35 CEST

Plug Power, Barsele Minerals, Nordex - Prepared for the crisis

  • Gold
  • Inflation

A ghost is haunting, not only in Europe. It is the ghost of stagflation. Stagflation means stagnating economic growth with rising inflation. Russia's invasion of Ukraine has now added another factor of uncertainty. The central banks are being challenged. While the Fed reacted by raising interest rates for the first time, the European Central Bank has shone by failing to act. The consequences for consumers are drastic, and inflation is likely to weigh on us for a long time to come due to the food and energy crisis.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on April 20th, 2022 | 12:57 CEST

BP, Saturn Oil + Gas, Deutsche Rohstoff - Continued clear dependence

  • Oil
  • Gas

We can spin it any way we want and make further ambitious plans for a faster transition from fossil fuels to renewables. Still, currently, the global economy is dependent on oil and natural gas. And this is likely to remain the case in the near future, as seen from the significant rises in Brent and WTI crude oil. The primary beneficiaries of this trend - JPMorgan declared a supercycle for oil as early as June 2020 - are undoubtedly the producers of the black gold.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on April 20th, 2022 | 11:34 CEST

SAP, Kleos Space, TeamViewer - Profiting from technological progress

  • Space
  • bigdata

It is a first in world history. The currently ongoing Ukraine conflict is the first major war in which commercially available satellite imagery plays an important role in providing information about troop movements, military buildups in neighboring countries, and refugee flows. These images are provided by private satellite companies, which provide global geolocation data as a service using AI-powered technology and deliver it to customers such as governments, intelligence agencies or insurance companies. The market for satellite-based data is growing enormously, and company valuations still promise significant upside potential.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on April 19th, 2022 | 12:10 CEST

Bayer, Defence Therapeutics, Formycon - Biotech stocks facing transformation

  • Biotechnology

The pharmaceutical industry proved to be a key industry in the Corona pandemic, developing tests, vaccines and drugs at record speed and making them available in large quantities. In the process, biotechnology emerged as the innovative engine. The development of new compounds is particularly important for the pharmaceutical industry, as patent protection for many blockbuster drugs will expire in the future or has already expired. For this reason, the pharmaceutical industry is now entering biotechs much more frequently in the early development phases of a new drug. As a result, early-stage development companies already offer opportunities for multiplication.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on April 19th, 2022 | 11:43 CEST

Volkswagen, Phoenix Copper, Nordex - Act quickly

  • Copper
  • renewableenergies

The German cabinet wants to minimize dependency on Russian oil and gas and, at the beginning of April, passed the so-called Easter Package at the suggestion of Vice-Chancellor and Federal Economics and Climate Protection Minister Robert Habeck. It has been the largest amendment to energy policy legislation in decades. The Easter package comprehensively amends various energy laws in order to accelerate and consistently drive forward the expansion of renewable energies. To put this amendment into practice, the demand for raw materials, which are already in short supply, will drastically increase, positively affecting producers.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on April 15th, 2022 | 12:11 CEST

Deutsche Bank, wallstreet:online, Commerzbank - Financial stocks about to jump

  • Investments

Rising and longer-lasting inflation is worrying market participants. The central banks, which held on to their ultra-loose monetary policy for too long in favor of possible economic growth, must act now. While the ECB is still in a deep sleep, the US Federal Reserve started with the first interest rate hikes, and more will follow. The beneficiaries of the interest rate turnaround are financial institutions, which also performed after the announcements. However, the war in Ukraine knocked them back. A possible second chance to invest in attractive financial service providers.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on April 13th, 2022 | 17:59 CEST

Commerzbank, Kodiak Copper, NIO - Unstoppable trend

  • Copper
  • Inflation

Remember last year when both Federal Reserve chief Jerome Powell and ECB frontwoman Christine Lagarde called rising inflation "temporary"? According to the Federal Statistical Office, consumer prices for March have come in fresh across the news tickers, showing a 7.30% increase, the highest level since reunification. On the one hand, of course, the Ukraine conflict impacts rising energy and commodity prices, but even after the end of the warlike activities, many goods in demand because of the energy transition are likely to at least maintain the high price level.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on April 13th, 2022 | 17:50 CEST

Infineon, BrainChip, Nvidia - Chip market facing the next wave

  • chips
  • semiconductor

Due to current events in connection with the Ukraine conflict and the announced sanctions against Russia, certain everyday goods are becoming scarce. Currently, consumers face empty supermarket shelves for sunflower oil, for example. It seems almost forgotten that there is also still a shortage of semiconductors. This crisis could worsen because of the war. One reason is that the noble gas neon, which is necessary for chip production, could run out. Intel CEO Gelsinger expects the chip shortage to last into 2023.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on April 12th, 2022 | 20:31 CEST

BioNTech, Desert Gold Ventures, BYD - Decisive steps

  • Gold

There is currently great uncertainty on the capital markets. While the Ukraine war and the fear of interest rate hikes due to the enormous increase in inflation are weighing on the minds of investors in Europe, investors in Asia are pulling back due to the tightened Corona measures in China. The zero-covid policy could result in widespread mass shutdowns, negatively impacting industrial production and domestic consumption. Electric car maker NIO, for example, has already halted production.
