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Stefan Feulner

  • E-Commerce
  • Fintech
  • Blockchain
  • AI

The native Franconian has more than 20 years of stock exchange experience and a broadly diversified network.

Before founding his own company, he held various positions as business editor, fund advisor, portfolio manager and finally as CEO of a listed investment company. He also held several positions on the supervisory board.

He is passionate about analyzing a wide variety of business models and investigating new trends, especially in the areas of e-commerce, fintech, blockchain or artificial intelligence.

Commented by Stefan Feulner

Commented by Stefan Feulner on June 7th, 2022 | 10:54 CEST

Nel ASA, dynaCERT and RWE - End of the correction?

  • Hydrogen
  • GreenTech

Contrary to the well-known saying "Sell in May and go away", this year's merry month was a good time to enter the market. After marking a new interim low in the German benchmark index at 13,277.50 points in the first week, the DAX ended May with a rich green reversal candle above 14,000 points. Since then, it has continued to build on the positive development by jumping above the 14,500 point mark. Stronger recoveries can also be seen in the individual sectors, which have suffered significant losses in recent months.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on June 2nd, 2022 | 11:45 CEST

Shares before the breakthrough! News at Salesforce, Barsele Minerals and Rheinmetall

  • Gold
  • defense

The number season is coming to an end. SAP's competitor Salesforce was one of the last to report and shone in the outlook by raising its annual forecasts. The order books of defense contractor and automotive supplier Rheinmetall are also more than full at the moment. Although another major order has been added, the share price is reacting only slightly. The situation is similar for gold mining stocks. Despite excellent conditions and undervalued assets, prices continue to correct - a long-term, anticyclical entry opportunity.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on June 1st, 2022 | 14:03 CEST

After the slump in biotech stocks - Bavarian Nordic, XPhyto and Evotec under review

  • Biotechnology
  • Monkeypox

Biotechnology experienced a boom in March 2020, when the world realized what biotech innovations could do to fight COVID-19. Investors pounced on the many promising technologies, driving up the stock prices of vaccine producers and making it easier for companies to raise capital for financing. However, since September of last year, the biotech sector has been on a steep downhill slide, at least on the stock market. The NASDAQ Biotechnology Index has lost more than 30% of its value since its high of 5,449.26 points until today. This drastic decline is reminiscent of the bursting of the bubble in the year 2000. But where are the opportunities now, and which stocks should investors rather refrain from investing in?


Commented by Stefan Feulner on May 31st, 2022 | 13:22 CEST

Chip shares turn - Infineon, Nvidia and BrainChip in the next upward wave

  • AI
  • chips
  • Innovations

Despite the chip shortage that has persisted since last year and the associated booming business of manufacturers, they came under a lot of pressure on the stock market in recent weeks in the wake of the weak overall market. The prospects for the industry remain positive, the semiconductor shortage will continue until at least 2023, and the order books of the producers are full to bursting. Now, many companies are starting to bottom out. In the long term, Nvidia and AMD are likely to be quoted significantly higher. A newcomer is also making a run for the top again after a lengthy correction phase.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on May 30th, 2022 | 13:42 CEST

Great opportunities in alternative energies - BYD, Altech Advanced Materials, Nordex

  • Battery
  • Electromobility

Policymakers are accelerating the shift from fossil fuels to alternative energy sources, and the Ukraine conflict is adding further momentum to this process. In the field of electromobility, manufacturers are fighting for the best batteries with the longest ranges. A start-up may have succeeded in creating a game-changer in the lucrative battery market with a new coating process. Initial pre-feasibility studies show a huge discrepancy between the current stock market value and the project value.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on May 27th, 2022 | 10:30 CEST

Nel ASA, Erin Ventures, NIO - Using setbacks as long-term opportunities

  • boron
  • commodities
  • Electromobility

Since Russia invaded Ukraine, stock markets have corrected sharply, and volatilities have increased significantly. The S&P 500 Volatility Index VIX, for example, rose from under 20 to a high of over 35 points. Individual stocks are also still subject to high fluctuations, with market leaders in promising future-oriented sectors such as hydrogen fuel cell technology, photovoltaics and wind energy losing more than 50%. In such market phases, an anticyclical entry can represent a particularly worthwhile investment. A historic opportunity could also present itself in a critical commodity.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on May 25th, 2022 | 13:06 CEST

Asia on the rise - Good rebound opportunities for JinkoSolar, Hong Lai Huat and BYD

  • Asia
  • RealEstate

Asia has become the engine of global growth in recent years. Demographics and digitalization have driven economic and business expansion. Compared to the Western world, for example, the COVID-19 crisis was better managed, and the economy showed greater resilience. After the pandemic, the region is expected to return to a steep growth path. The real estate market is also experiencing strong growth. Alongside China, Hong Kong and Singapore, the Kingdom of Cambodia, in particular, is growing into a new region of prosperity.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on May 24th, 2022 | 11:23 CEST

Lufthansa, wallstreet:online, Rheinmetall - The mood brightens

  • Investments

At this year's World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Robert Habeck, Germany's Minister for the Economy and Climate Protection warned of a global recession. Specifically, he said, there were four sources of danger in the form of high inflation, an energy crisis, food shortages and the climate crisis. In contrast, the mood of the German economy brightened considerably in May, despite the Ukraine conflict. "The German economy is proving robust despite inflation concerns, material shortages and the war in Ukraine," Ifo President Clemens Fuest said. "Signs of a recession are not visible at present." Ideal conditions for further rising quotations. Thus, several indices are again on the verge of striking buy signals.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on May 23rd, 2022 | 13:01 CEST

BioNTech, Monkeypox, Defence Therapeutics, Valneva - Is the next threat coming after Corona?

  • Biotechnology
  • Monkeypox

The Corona pandemic is not over yet, but we should already prepare for future viruses. The next pandemic will come. When it will come is uncertain, and so is which pathogen will we have to deal with. Monkeypox is now spreading globally, and there are already the first cases in Germany. We find out what is known so far, where the dangers lie and what opportunities there are for the biotechnology sector from Dr Moutih Rafei, a renowned pharmacologist and head of research and development at the innovative company Defence Therapeutics Inc.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on May 19th, 2022 | 14:01 CEST

Barrick Gold, MAS Gold, Deutsche Bank - Patience leads to wealth

  • Gold

While the German benchmark index DAX continues to struggle with the psychologically important mark at 14,000 points, gold regained the USD 1.800 mark. The general conditions for investment are golden, but the price could again lose ground in the short term. Anticyclically, this creates almost historic buying opportunities. Be on the lookout.
