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Mario Hose

  • Business models
  • Ressources
  • Energy
  • Innovations

Born and raised in Hannover, Lower Saxony follows social and economic developments around the globe. The large number of journeys and participation in events have enabled him to build up a personal network.

As a passionate entrepreneur and columnist he explains and compares the most diverse business models as well as markets for interested stock traders. Besides precious metals and energy sources, innovations from various industries are of particular interest.

Since the 1990s, extensive experience in the capital market from various perspectives has been gained. The anecdotes from this time are now paired with the expert knowledge from his business studies in the current commentaries in an entertaining way.

Commented by Mario Hose

Commented by Mario Hose on September 11th, 2020 | 09:59 CEST

BioNTech, CureVac, Valeo Pharma - Growth after capital injection

  • Covid-19

Anyone working in the medical sector knows that the development of therapies and products usually costs a lot of time and especially a lot of money. In the race against the spread of the current Corona pandemic, there are major changes in the industry, because whoever comes to the market with a product first is de facto guaranteed high sales and profits. However, there is not much time left for the development of a vaccine against Covid-19 and to reduce the economic damage, researching companies have virtually unlimited amounts of money available. Whoever finds a solution against Covid-19 will certainly have the right team in the starting blocks in the fight against the subsequent Corona viruses.


Commented by Mario Hose on September 10th, 2020 | 07:37 CEST

Allianz, Bayer, Newlox - Opportunities and risks go hand in hand

  • Gold

If the shares of the U.S. company Apple fluctuate, then the impact on market capitalization may well amount to the entire equivalent value of the fourth-largest DAX company, Allianz. Apple's market value is around EUR 1,640 billion, and against this, Germany's insurance giant, at around EUR 75 billion, looks like a delicate little plant. There are various reasons for this, which lie beyond the objective or fundamental valuation. For one thing, more German investors buy the shares of U.S. companies than the other way around, and moreover, premium smartphones and tablets are simply more exciting for the younger generation of investors than insurance policies. From this perspective, healthy diversification makes perfect sense.


Commented by Mario Hose on September 9th, 2020 | 06:26 CEST

Naga Group, Triumph Gold, UmweltBank - who has a crisis-resistant business model?

  • Covid-19

In times of the Corona Pandemic, many companies have learned the limits of their resilience. There are winners and losers as well as market participants who have not experienced any changes. When the panic in the markets was at its peak in March 2020, the price of gold was also on a downward trend. A few months later, the symbolic USD 2,000.00 mark was already exceeded. The measures taken by the central banks are leading to different developments in the various sectors of economic life and investors can benefit from this.


Commented by Mario Hose on September 8th, 2020 | 10:38 CEST

Blackrock Gold, NEL ASA, XIAOMI - success stories with potential

  • Success

Discoveries and innovations drive share prices on the stock markets. Yes, the more sustainable the success, the greater the increase in value for shareholders. It is therefore hardly surprising that changes and developments in everyday economic life mean that old names can disappear and be replaced by new companies. Apart from the oldest currency in the world, nothing is for eternity. Whether the historical investment approach: "buy and hold" is still valid today depends, as always, on the company.


Commented by Mario Hose on September 7th, 2020 | 05:50 CEST

Daimler, Lufthansa, Royal Helium - the crisis is an opportunity for wealth

  • Investments

As is well known, the future is traded on the stock exchange and for this reason investors are always looking for the right time to start a new investment. It can be political decisions or new technological trends that cause sales and profits to soar. In the case of Covid-19, restrictions imposed by governments around the world brought many industries to a standstill. Gradually the picture around the Corona pandemic is clearing up and normality is slowly returning in many parts of society with a new understanding of hygiene. Since mid-March 2020, the peak of the Corona panic on the world's stock markets, many share prices have more than recovered. But there are also some companies that still have potential or are waiting to be rediscovered.


Commented by Mario Hose on September 3rd, 2020 | 13:50 CEST

HAEMATO, MBH Corporation, USU Software - on the right path in 2020

  • Investments

The year 2020 will be a special year. The Corona Pandemic has turned many industries upside down. The travel industry and restaurants, for example, have enormous challenges to overcome and many companies will not make it despite government support. However, there are also business models that have been able to continue despite the restrictions or have not experienced any significant impairments. The analysts of GBC Research have studied various companies and published their evaluations.


Commented by Mario Hose on September 3rd, 2020 | 07:20 CEST

Desert Gold, dynaCERT, Valeo Pharma - good news and the right time

  • Investments

Investors and speculators have a common interest: they want to make money. While investors usually plan for a longer time frame, speculators often just wait for the next good company news, then exit and move on. Listed companies that are the focus of attention and show a certain degree of volatility offer an excellent opportunity for both investment profiles - especially on weak days. There are good reasons why three companies are particularly interesting at the moment.


Commented by Mario Hose on September 1st, 2020 | 11:56 CEST

BioNTech, CureVac, Valeo Pharma - COVID-19 wakes up the industry

  • Covid-19

In the past, people have accepted that it usually takes about ten years to get a vaccine on the market. Careful testing with proof of success is required for a preparation to receive approvals. Since COVID-19, the pressure to develop has increased dramatically and also the potential to close a lucrative deal, because a lot is at stake for politics and economy. The necessary tests are carried out at great expense in order not to endanger human life through a vaccination, but to protect it. There are great opportunities for investors.


Commented by Mario Hose on September 1st, 2020 | 05:55 CEST

TUI, SolGold and Klöckner & Co - Rediscovery with early warning

  • Turnaround

News makes share prices. All the more so when, after a long dry period, positive news heralds the turnaround of a company, share prices often shoot up within a very short time. Sometimes phases are also exciting when the market rediscovers companies that have been ignored for a long time or simply wrongly valued. And as the Berlin banker Carl Fürstenberg once said: "Unlike the streetcar, the stock market does not ring the bell to get in and out." We ring three times for you.


Commented by Mario Hose on August 31st, 2020 | 05:55 CEST

Ballard, Burcon, dynaCERT - stock market favorites with enormous upside potential

  • Environmental Protection

Investors love business models that are scalable and can change the world positively. Patents and profitability are then decisive factors for the amount of price gains. However, some business ideas also require patience, which can still be worthwhile, as we can see from three examples. Hydrogen, proteins and environmental protection will accompany us in the coming decades and with the right companies, investors will probably be able to achieve above-average share price gains. However, the momentum of the various stocks may vary over time and against this background diversification is particularly important for a forward-looking portfolio.
