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Mario Hose

  • Business models
  • Ressources
  • Energy
  • Innovations

Born and raised in Hannover, Lower Saxony follows social and economic developments around the globe. The large number of journeys and participation in events have enabled him to build up a personal network.

As a passionate entrepreneur and columnist he explains and compares the most diverse business models as well as markets for interested stock traders. Besides precious metals and energy sources, innovations from various industries are of particular interest.

Since the 1990s, extensive experience in the capital market from various perspectives has been gained. The anecdotes from this time are now paired with the expert knowledge from his business studies in the current commentaries in an entertaining way.

Commented by Mario Hose

Commented by Mario Hose on September 22nd, 2020 | 07:35 CEST

NEL ASA, Newlox, Shell: golden profits with environmental protection

  • Environmental Protection

Future expectations for companies are valued into their prices on the stock exchange. Depending on the industry and business model, shares are either in high demand or 'out'. Conservative investors usually use valuation models to limit how much the value of a share can rise and under what premises. In practice, however, theoretical calculations can also be wrong, so they serve as a guide. The two classic cases are boom and crash. In one situation, the share price runs away from you and in the other case, the return comes under pressure.


Commented by Mario Hose on September 21st, 2020 | 07:22 CEST

Grenke, JinkoSolar, Velocity Minerals - continue buying gold or are there alternatives?

  • Investments

Nowhere in the world, was more gold bought in the first six months of 2020 than in Germany. Coins and bars in the amount of about 83 tons went into the hands of the citizens. According to the World Gold Council, this represents an increase of 120% compared to the same period last year and equates to roughly EUR 4.4 billion in value. Those investors who do not want to be involved in the storage of gold, but still want a well-diversified portfolio with precious metal content, should look at shares in the value chain.


Commented by Mario Hose on September 18th, 2020 | 09:22 CEST

Lufthansa, Silver Viper, TUI - does diversification and patience pay off?

  • Investments

After 6 months of Covid-19 restrictions the world we knew no longer exists. We have had to accept many sacrifices, but did we also feel a loss every time? No more vacation trips abroad and business had to be concluded online without personal contact. Suddenly things started to work out in a way that we never thought possible. Our new world, with adapted everyday rituals, is in the making and with it new investment opportunities are arising.


Commented by Mario Hose on September 18th, 2020 | 06:00 CEST

BioNTech, CureVac, EXMceuticals - reaching their goal with government support

  • Covid-19

In the fight against the spread of the Corona Pandemic, a great deal of commitment is required from companies. This situation also offers the opportunity to rethink and change existing work processes and procedures. Product ranges are being expanded and new possibilities and active ingredients are being sought to combat Covid-19. Above all, the common good of all is the primary focus of political institutions and for this reason they are not letting research-based companies down and are attracting them with special permits and subsidies. Ultimately, everyone around the world will likely benefit from this.


Commented by Mario Hose on September 17th, 2020 | 06:00 CEST

Almonty, BYD, Royal Helium - developments of great importance

  • Investments

We live in a global business environment, though currently we seem detached due to the fight against the Corona Pandemic, business goes on and this too shall pass. Elon Musk is already preparing for the conquest of space with SpaceX and the fierce battle for market share in the automotive sector continues. Raw materials are a key component of the manufacturing industry. Therefore those who can secure access to rare raw materials often gain a decisive competitive advantage. These raw materials can also come in the form of gases and are of crucial importance, especially if they are irreplaceable and cannot be produced artificially.


Commented by Mario Hose on September 16th, 2020 | 10:05 CEST

Blackrock Gold, Continental, Siemens: Spin-Off as driver of share price

  • Spin-Off

In the case of growing and large companies, the decision may be made in the course of development that part of the operational business be formed into a separate entity. A so-called spin-off or spin-out can have various advantages. On the one hand, capital-intensive businesses can separately tap the capital market independently in the form of a stock exchange listing and, in addition, the original company can also use the opportunity to sell shares. On the capital market, spin-off rumors and announcements can generate great interest among investors.


Commented by Mario Hose on September 15th, 2020 | 11:38 CEST

E*TRADE, flatex, wallstreet:online: the winners of the Corona Pandemic

  • Broker

Since the beginning of the Corona Pandemic, economic life has tended to shift from the offline to the online world. The winners of this trend are e-commerce service providers, such as Amazon and HelloFresh, and above all the operators of online brokerage platforms. This phenomenon affects not only Europe, but also the USA. The shares of these companies have been able to increase significantly since March 2020, and with a new generation of stock market winners, the trend can continue for a long time to come.


Commented by Mario Hose on September 15th, 2020 | 11:00 CEST

B2Gold, Barrick Gold, Desert Gold: Did Warren Buffett bet on the right horse?

  • Gold

The price of gold has stabilized above the USD 1,900.00 per troy ounce mark in recent weeks. Against the background that the Corona Pandemic is not slowing down and that a second wave is becoming measurable in many places, the actions taken by governments and central banks are continuing cheerfully, thus ensuring further demand for the world's oldest currency. Those who want to protect their assets are probably best off buying shares in a gold company like Warren Buffett, and for those who can't decide, there is also a solution.


Commented by Mario Hose on September 14th, 2020 | 12:28 CEST

Ballard Power, Nikola, Saturn Oil & Gas - Share price potential with good ideas

  • Investments

Last Friday, rumors led to an 185% rise in the shares of Canadian exploration company Giga Metals. According to several sources, Tesla plans to purchase nickel and cobalt from this company in British Columbia in the future. The main reason for this is that Giga Metals will be able to operate the mine with hydroelectric power. In addition, environmental regulations in Canada are among the strictest in the world. Against this background, Tesla is able to improve its own CO2 footprint. A sensible and overdue step that hopefully will be imitated.


Commented by Mario Hose on September 14th, 2020 | 04:50 CEST

BMW, Daimler, Tesla - Share price boost for Giga Metals and soon Defense Metals?

  • Battery

The Giga Metals stock closed Friday with a 184.5% gain, providing investors with a pleasant surprise at the end of the week. Behind this rise in the share price is the rumor that the U.S. carmaker Tesla wants to purchase part of its nickel and cobalt requirements for the production of batteries from environmentally friendly sources in the future. Not only does Giga Metals have large quantities of these raw materials, but it also has potential access to hydroelectric energy to make its mining environmentally friendly. By sourcing from Canada, Tesla would have the opportunity to reduce its own carbon footprint.
