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Fabian Lorenz

  • Small-Caps
  • Micro-Caps

For more than twenty years, the Cologne native has been intensively involved with the stock market, both professionally and privately. He is particularly passionate about national and international small and micro caps.

He first came into contact with the stock market and shares during his banking apprenticeship. After completing this in 2000, he gained his first journalistic experience in the editorial department of a financial portal. During his subsequent studies in business administration, he also worked in the area of investor relations.

Since then, he has remained true to the capital markets and is excited to report on every newly discovered interesting story - as well as on long-standing success stories.

Commented by Fabian Lorenz

Commented by Fabian Lorenz on November 2nd, 2021 | 12:14 CET

Varta, Valneva, Almonty Industries: It is getting close!

  • Tungsten

Volkswagen, SMA Solar, Asos are just a few examples; hardly a day goes by without companies from a wide variety of industries complaining about shortages. Be it computer chips for the automotive industry, industrial raw materials for production or transportation options. But there are also winners. Among them is tungsten producer Almonty Industries with its project of the century in South Korea. Germany's Varta is looking to profit from the battery shortage, and excitement is building ahead of the numbers. And Valneva, after its successful capital increase, is hoping that corona vaccines will continue to be in demand.


Commented by Fabian Lorenz on October 28th, 2021 | 12:52 CEST

Nordex, Standard Lithium, Central African Gold: Raw materials for the energy transition

  • Commodities

The energy turnaround is supposed to save the climate and significantly reduce the consumption of fossil fuels. But what is often overlooked: In practice, this means that demand for other raw materials is rising massively. In the EU alone, demand for cobalt is expected to increase more than tenfold by 2030. Copper and lithium are also in hot demand. Nordex, for example, needs rare earths for the production of wind turbines. Standard Lithium benefits from the exploding demand for batteries and Central African Gold's raw materials are included in practically every future technology.


Commented by Fabian Lorenz on October 26th, 2021 | 13:56 CEST

Nel, BYD, BrainChip: This looks good

  • Technology

While shares from the technology sector have been very volatile in recent weeks, the knot has burst at BYD, and the share has risen to a new record high. Rumors about Tesla and Apple have contributed to this. Both are said to be in talks with the Chinese specialist around electric mobility. The shares of Nel and BrainChip have also developed very positively recently. Both have invested heavily and could now reap the rewards of these investments. All three shares have further room for improvement. You can read why here.


Commented by Fabian Lorenz on October 21st, 2021 | 11:22 CEST

HelloFresh, SAP, TalkPool: Tech stocks make a comeback

  • Technology

The frustration among tech investors seems to be over for the time being. After difficult weeks and months, shares from the technology sector are in demand again. This demand applies to tech giants from the US such as Apple, Alphabet as well as SAP. The DAX heavyweight was even able to shine with a forecast increase. Cooking box supplier HelloFresh can also convince investors and analysts with its foreign expansion. And the technology Company TalkPool reported a reference order. With the future topics SmartHome and IoT, the Swiss want to double sales in a few years.


Commented by Fabian Lorenz on October 19th, 2021 | 13:44 CEST

Barrick Gold, Standard Lithium, GSP Resource: Commodities booming

  • Commodities

Copper, lithium and oil are just a few examples of commodities whose prices are going through the roof. The shares of the producers of these commodities are benefiting as a result. In addition, there is now often a takeover fantasy. This applies, for example, to Standard Lithium. The US explorer has now also published positive data for its project. It also applies to GSP Resource. At least as far as drilling results and takeover fantasy are concerned. The share price, on the other hand, still has room for improvement. The same applies to Barrick Gold. The Q3 figures were convincing, with the gold company earning brilliantly on every ounce, but the shares are trading close to the year's low.


Commented by Fabian Lorenz on October 7th, 2021 | 12:54 CEST

Tembo Gold, Gazprom, Standard Lithium - Annual high or downward trend?

  • Gold

Developments in commodities could hardly be more different at the moment. While gas, oil and also lithium are in strong demand, precious metals are a tragedy. The development of the shares of the companies active in the respective sectors is corresponding. The Gazprom share is at a multi-year high, and energy prices will be a topic at the next EU summit. After the all-time high at the end of September, Standard Lithium is in a sharp correction. Debt-free Tembo Gold is currently interesting for anti-cyclical investors and has published positive news.


Commented by Fabian Lorenz on October 5th, 2021 | 11:40 CEST

BioNTech, Varta, Sierra Grande Minerals - Is the countermovement coming?

  • Commodities

The BioNTech share was under intense pressure in the past trading week. But even at the start of the week, the bulls could not prevail with a countermovement. There is also good news from the new German biotech star. Ripe for a rebound are also the shares of Varta and Sierra Grande. At Varta, the presentation of Apple's new Airpods could herald a share price recovery. Sierra Grande is suffering from weak precious metal prices. The Company has just published positive drilling results. Investors could soon look forward to rising prices for all three shares.


Commented by Fabian Lorenz on September 30th, 2021 | 13:54 CEST

Good News from Evergrande, Plug Power and Triumph Gold

  • Gold

Volatility has increased sharply on the stock markets in recent days. The overall mood is negative. Technology stocks, in particular, are suffering from rising interest rates. In China, energy shortages due to a lack of coal are slowing economic growth, and worries surrounding Evergrande's insolvency continue. The insolvent real estate group has sent a sign of life and gives investors hope. Investors also have renewed hope in hydrogen stocks like Plug Power. For the purchase of gold shares, one needs courage at present. However, this could soon be rewarded in the case of Triumph Gold, for example.


Commented by Fabian Lorenz on September 28th, 2021 | 13:31 CEST

Nel, JinkoSolar, Saturn Oil + Gas: It looks good!

  • Oil

Shares from the solar, hydrogen and oil sectors are in demand again. And the chances are good that it will continue. The federal elections are creating a good mood for solar and hydrogen; whether it is a traffic light or Jamaica, the new government will be greener. So good news for Nel and JinkoSolar. Both have also reported positive news. But oil stocks could also be in for a hot fall. That is because little work is being done on new projects, and demand will remain high for decades to come. So oil could become scarce despite the trend toward clean energy, according to one expert. Saturn Oil & Gas should benefit from this. The Canadians just bought huge oil reserves at a bargain price.


Commented by Fabian Lorenz on September 24th, 2021 | 14:10 CEST

BioNTech, Valneva, Defence Therapeutics: New highs for vaccine stocks?

  • Biotechnology

Investors in COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers have had little reason to rejoice in recent weeks. Top dogs Moderna and BioNTech have come back noticeably from their highs. Valneva's stock plummeted on Monday. Only newcomer Defence Therapeutics has held its ground at a high level. But for all of them, the calm could soon be over, and a new high could begin. Because people in other parts of the world are still not vaccinated. In addition, winter is just around the corner in Western countries, which means that Corona rates are rising. In addition, a new study shows the risk of long-COVID - such as memory and concentration deficits - even in children. With this mix, vaccine stocks face an exciting fall.
