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Fabian Lorenz

  • Small-Caps
  • Micro-Caps

For more than twenty years, the Cologne native has been intensively involved with the stock market, both professionally and privately. He is particularly passionate about national and international small and micro caps.

He first came into contact with the stock market and shares during his banking apprenticeship. After completing this in 2000, he gained his first journalistic experience in the editorial department of a financial portal. During his subsequent studies in business administration, he also worked in the area of investor relations.

Since then, he has remained true to the capital markets and is excited to report on every newly discovered interesting story - as well as on long-standing success stories.

Commented by Fabian Lorenz

Commented by Fabian Lorenz on August 24th, 2021 | 11:27 CEST

BioNTech, Standard Lithium, Desert Gold - Before the breakout?

  • Gold

Following record highs, the stock markets consolidated last week. The same was true for high-flyer stocks BioNTech and Standard Lithium. Although investors continue to fear persistently high inflation, both companies can benefit from positive news and have started the new stock market week on a positive note. Thus, the lethargy is over and the old record highs are being targeted. Those who want to hedge against inflation fears should look at Desert Gold as a speculative alternative. The consolidation could soon be over for the gold explorer as well.


Commented by Fabian Lorenz on August 19th, 2021 | 12:35 CEST

First Majestic, Palantir, Silver Viper - Precious metals - The calm before the storm?

  • Silver

After the flash crashes, calm has returned to gold and silver. Is it just the calm before the storm? Currently, gold is working its way through resistance in the USD 1,790 area. Between USD 1,830 and USD 1,840 would then be the next critical zone. The purchase of gold by Palantir is raising eyebrows. Interesting: The tech company specializes in the use of big data to predict future developments. So does it know more? In addition, First Majestic has published strong figures, and junior explorer Silver Viper convinces with drilling success and takeover fantasy.


Commented by Fabian Lorenz on August 17th, 2021 | 11:32 CEST

Varta, Nordex, Saturn Oil & Gas - Buy or Sell?

  • Oil

It was a generally positive week on the stock market last week; however, things seem to be more unsettled this week. After the jump above the 16,000 point mark in the DAX, profit-taking is to be expected. On Monday, negative news from Asia weighed in on the mood: In China, the retail and industry's economic data were weaker than expected. In addition, the spread of the Delta variant of the Covid-19 virus is worrying market participants. On the corporate side, analysts are speaking out. Varta, for example, has failed to meet expectations, and the forecast hangs on Apple. In contrast, the shares of Nordex and Saturn Oil & Gas have been recommended as a buy. A 200% price potential beckons.


Commented by Fabian Lorenz on August 12th, 2021 | 12:21 CEST

Varta, Barrick Gold, Aztec Minerals - Before the showdown!

  • Gold

There is currently no sign of summer doldrums on the capital markets. Not only BioNTech is exploding, shares of lithium and battery producers are also rising strongly. On the other hand, the gold price is going crazy: After better-than-expected data from the US labor market, the gold price buckled significantly at the start of the week and has only recovered slightly so far. Nevertheless, the industry has positive news: heavyweight Barrick Gold increases profits, and at Explorer Aztec Minerals, investors ask when the knot will burst? The battery specialist Varta is also exciting at the moment, and Friday will be a showdown.


Commented by Fabian Lorenz on August 10th, 2021 | 11:57 CEST

Hot autumn for BioNTech, NanoRepro and XPhyto: Nothing works without testing and vaccination

  • Biotechnology

Shares of Corona vaccine and test manufacturers are in for a hot fall. Summer is drawing to a close, and the Delta variant is hard to stop. Calls for stricter measures are growing. Politicians are calling for vaccination premiums and mandatory testing for travelers returning home. The 1st FC Cologne recently announced that it would only allow vaccinated people into the stadium. BioNTech, NanoRepro and XPhyto are among the beneficiaries of this development. The latter Company could also benefit from demands from politicians. SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach called for mandatory "PCR" testing for unvaccinated people before visiting restaurants.
