The native Rhineland-Palatinate has been a passionate market participant for more than 25 years. After studying business administration in Mannheim, he worked as a journalist, in equity sales and many years in equity research.
Most recently, he headed a Hamburg-based investment research company as a member of the board for 8 years.
He is particularly interested in international small and micro caps and empirical capital market research (behavioral finance).
Commented by Carsten Mainitz
Commented by Carsten Mainitz on March 25th, 2021 | 08:35 CET
Linde, Royal Helium, Air Liquide - Two hydrogens, one helium. All there for an explosive mixture!
Nuclear fusion is the keyword of the future. Technically, this involves fusing two hydrogen atoms to form a helium nucleus. What is possible on a large scale on the sun without any problems (in fact, 564 million tons of hydrogen are fused into helium there every second), unfortunately, remains a dream of the future for us. This means 1. we cannot yet generate electricity from nuclear fusion, so we must continue to manage the energy transition with established sustainable technologies such as wind, solar and hydropower. Hydrogen will play a prominent role as an energy storage and transmission medium. And 2. helium will not be produced on an industrial scale in the foreseeable future in any other way than through conventional production. The following three companies should profit strongly from the energy turnaround.
ReadCommented by Carsten Mainitz on March 24th, 2021 | 07:26 CET
Siemens Energy, Enapter, ThyssenKrupp - hydrogen or battery? It doesn't matter! Why these companies will profit in any case!
The strong fluctuations in the price of hydrogen shares are evidence of the current war of faith surrounding our planet's most common element, which is also the simplest in structure: one proton, one electron. Perfection can be so beautifully simple. And yet, it has the potential to change our society from the ground up - the sun shows us how. Admittedly, we are still at the beginning of this development. In the short term, the focus of the capital market is more on the element's practical applications. In this context, many investors are looking at the topic of mobility. What will prevail? Batteries? Hydrogen? One possible answer was recently given by the VW commercial vehicle holding Company Traton SE: a Solomonic "both." Batteries for long-distance traffic, hydrogen for buses, which cannot be recharged for long periods in between. But hydrogen is also of great importance for many other areas of application. That is why the worldwide demand for hydrogen as an energy carrier will increase massively in the next few years in any case. Aurora Energy Research foresees an eightfold increase in hydrogen demand to 2,500 TWh per year by 2050. This estimate corresponds to annual sales of more than EUR 120 billion. The following companies are likely to benefit from the boom quite independently of the development of electromobility.
ReadCommented by Carsten Mainitz on March 23rd, 2021 | 13:56 CET
Varta, Rock Tech Lithium, Millennial Lithium - all signs point to growth
Electromobility and technology are inextricably linked to the topic of energy storage. Leading scientists predict lithium batteries and lithium-ion batteries will continue to dominate this decade. Market experts predict a fivefold increase in lithium demand by 2025. In this context, it is becoming increasingly important that lithium deposits outside China are developed to create the greatest possible security of supply. We introduce you to two companies that could become important lithium producers in the future. We also take a closer look at Varta's plans to enter the e-mobility market. Who is the most significant yield driver for your portfolio?
ReadCommented by Carsten Mainitz on March 22nd, 2021 | 08:40 CET
K+S, Goldseek Resources, Gazprom - those who wait for others to buy will lose out
Almost 70 years ago, economist Harry Markowitz published an article on how best to build an investment portfolio. At its core, it was about the benefits of diversification. By spreading risk across as many asset classes as possible, positive effects could be achieved, all the more so if the assets had a low correlation, i.e. if the returns developed as independently of each other as possible. His findings became an important part of portfolio theory. Markowitz was later awarded the Nobel Prize for his research. Unfortunately, the intuitively conclusive recommendation for action loses its "theoretical" advantages in crash phases since correlations and liquidity, as proven in several studies, change abruptly to the investor's disadvantage. Nevertheless, diversification makes sense and investors should not "put all their eggs in just one basket." Below we will give you a few ideas on how to build a portfolio of commodity stocks that are well diversified and rich in opportunities.
ReadCommented by Carsten Mainitz on March 19th, 2021 | 07:10 CET
Deutsche Telekom, Upco International, Vantage Towers - Not to be missed: important lessons for successful investing!
Takeovers, spin-offs, transformation of business models - these three buzzwords stand for change in many sectors of the economy and this also applies to the telecommunications sector. Even if an investor is betting on the right theme, it does not mean that he has bought a stock cheaply. In the following, we present three very different stocks from the telecommunications sector and give you suggestions on how to separate the wheat from the chaff.
ReadCommented by Carsten Mainitz on March 18th, 2021 | 09:30 CET
Kleos Space, PayPal, Airbus - Watch out: Performance rockets at the start!
You have to hand it to Elon Musk: Little of what he has tried has flopped in the end. He seems to have an excellent feel for feasible concepts. He was involved early on in PayPal, which came out of nowhere to become the world's most important payment service provider. Although not founded by him but protected very early on, Tesla developed under his aegis over the last 16 years from a startup to the world's most valuable car manufacturer. And Kleos Space? While not a company founded by Elon Musk either, it does have a business relationship with SpaceX, which depicts another field of activity for the go-getting and visionary "technoking." And as an established industry veteran, Airbus shares should not go unmentioned either. Who has the greatest potential?
ReadCommented by Carsten Mainitz on March 17th, 2021 | 07:30 CET
Royal Dutch Shell, Pollux Properties, Fresenius SE - Value stocks with some catching up to do!
Last year's Corona shock initially sent almost all shares into a tailspin. While some were able to recover relatively quickly and in some cases started massive price rallies, so-called value stocks had a hard time. Now, the rotation towards value stocks has partially begun. In the following, we will show you 3 stocks where you can still make a bargain. Seize the opportunity!
ReadCommented by Carsten Mainitz on March 16th, 2021 | 10:30 CET
Barrick Gold, Blackrock Gold, Berkshire Hathaway - is Warren Buffett always right?
Gold pays no interest and no dividends. The precious metal is in demand as a crisis currency and as an asset - for diversification and inflation protection. It can be assumed that with the increasing popularity of cryptocurrencies, there has also been a shift from gold to Bitcoin & Co. Physical demand is again coming from the jewelry industry. A rapid rise in the gold price, as seen last year, makes the profits of producers bubble and the prices of precious metal shares rise strongly across the board, especially in the explorer sector. The current consolidation of the gold price offers good entry opportunities because the next crisis is already on the doorstep.
ReadCommented by Carsten Mainitz on March 15th, 2021 | 09:03 CET
Bayer, dynaCERT, JinkoSolar - green performance stars!
Sustainable investing has developed from a "nice to have" to a "must-have." Many empirical studies have also shown that investors who invest "green" do not have to forego returns. On the contrary, there are indications that a skillful weighting of ESG factors - these stand for Environment, Social, Governance - can improve the risk-return ratio. We show you three ESG stocks with which you will outperform in the truest sense of the word!
ReadCommented by Carsten Mainitz on March 12th, 2021 | 08:56 CET
Steinhoff, SKRR, Aurelius - Watch out: Stockpickers, something is happening here!
"Buy shares, take some sleeping pills" is one of the most famous quotes by André Kostolany. Thus, the stock market veteran advocated the view that you should hold good stocks for a long time and not let the ups and downs on the markets make you nervous. Below, we present three companies where patience will pay off. Where are the most significant returns lurking?