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Armin Schulz

  • IT
  • Trading
  • Technology

Born in Mönchengladbach, he studied business administration in the Netherlands. In the course of his studies he came into contact with the stock exchange for the first time. He has more than 25 years of experience in stock market business.

After graduating, he worked as an IT consultant for a listed company before becoming self-employed, during which time he worked for various DAX-listed companies and a large Swiss insurance company, among others.
Since 2009, he has been exclusively involved in the capital markets, where he was able to gain experience as a day and swing trader, in investor relations and at board level. He was able to live out his passion for numbers in the controlling department of a securities trading house.

For him, fundamental analysis paired with the correct reading of the price action of a market provides the basis for successful trading.

Commented by Armin Schulz

Commented by Armin Schulz on June 18th, 2021 | 12:33 CEST

Kodiak Copper, Deutsche Telekom, Varta - What is going on in commodities?

  • Copper

The hype around wood lasted until May 25, after which the rally ended and the price consolidated by a whopping 40%. Gold was trading above USD 1,900 last week. In parallel to this article's writing, the price is below USD 1,800. A minus of about 5.5% within five days, and the industrial metal for electrification and copper, dropped by 8%. Currently, all factors speak for a further increase in commodity prices. Real interest rates are still negative, and inflation should also remain high. The Fed could not help calm the markets, although interest rate hikes were not announced until 2023. However, the Fed intends to continue its bond purchases. Consolidation can always occur after strong increases, and so we will see long-term rising commodity prices, especially for precious metals and copper.


Commented by Armin Schulz on June 16th, 2021 | 11:59 CEST

Barrick Gold, Triumph Gold, Bayer - is a golden summer coming?

  • Gold

An old stock market adage says: Sell in May and go away. In German: Sell your positions; in summer, the market will consolidate. There was a slight correction at the beginning of May, but the DAX has been climbing since then. It is currently trying to reach the 16,000 point mark. The price of gold recently traded above USD 1,900 for the first time again, which can certainly be understood as a sign that investors want to secure their money from inflation. While the US Federal Reserve emphasized that it does not want to take any countermeasures for the time being, the US Treasury Secretary Yellen recently surprised with the statement that higher interest rates would be good for the United States. It remains exciting. There is the possibility of a golden summer on the markets.


Commented by Armin Schulz on June 14th, 2021 | 10:55 CEST

Plug Power, Troilus Gold, TUI - Step on the gas pedal

  • Gold

While the G7 summit agreed almost unnoticed on global taxes to make the big tech companies pay in the respective countries where they made profits, this news practically did not interest the markets at all. On the one hand, this may be because the introduction will still take years; on the other hand, such news takes a while until it has penetrated fully. Currently, one should therefore exercise a little caution with the large tech stocks. Today, we have picked three companies independent of this and whose share prices should rise in the near future, spurred by good news.


Commented by Armin Schulz on June 11th, 2021 | 08:05 CEST

BP, Royal Helium, Gazprom - Boosters for the Portfolio

  • Helium

Inflation is here. In the USA 4.2%, in Germany 2.5%. Meanwhile, it may be doubted that these values are of a short-term nature. Commodity prices have been rising for some time, and some craftsmen in Germany are switching to short-time work because they can no longer obtain materials or only at horrendous prices. Inflation means nothing else than a loss of value of money. So, where is the best place to invest at the moment? Dividends would be nice; ideally, more than 3% and additional price gains in stocks would be even nicer. We have picked out three stocks that we think are suitable inflation protectors.


Commented by Armin Schulz on June 9th, 2021 | 10:20 CEST, NSJ Gold, MorphoSys - High flyers of today and tomorrow

  • Gold

These are crazy times on the stock market and it is not easy to find the next high flyer. At the moment, even in Germany, there are gambler stocks, such as Adler Modemärkte. Markets are at their all-time highs and even if many cannot comprehend it, I guess you have to get used to it. Money that would otherwise have gone into government bonds flows into the equity markets, bringing a dividend yield instead of interest. Today we present three possible high flyers, whereby has probably already gone too far.


Commented by Armin Schulz on June 7th, 2021 | 11:06 CEST

QMines, BioNTech, Beyond Meat - Stock pearls with a lot of potential

  • Investments

Commodity prices are rising, Corona is still a major theme and stock gambles, like AMC last week, are still working. As a resourceful investor, you have to do your research and ideally get an information edge over other investors. If you read a lot, you learn a lot and can often profit from it. Today we have picked out three stocks with a lot of potential - one from the commodities sector, another the Corona flagship and a chance on the next AMC.


Commented by Armin Schulz on June 4th, 2021 | 11:12 CEST

Desert Gold, Endeavour Mining, Newmont - Gold is rallying as expected

  • Gold

I pointed out the double bottom in gold in one of my earlier articles, and since then, the price has risen over USD 200. Interestingly, the buy-side consists mainly of young investors up to 25 years old. According to research from several online brokers, they own 39% of gold - 3 years ago, it was only 26%. This percentage is three times higher than in the overall population. Inflows into physically deposited gold ETFs amounted to nearly 34 tons. Driven by inflation fears and political tensions, gold is enjoying a renewed revival. We take a look at three gold stocks today.


Commented by Armin Schulz on June 2nd, 2021 | 08:59 CEST

Aspermont, Commerzbank, SGL Carbon - Potential after renewal

  • Investments

Sometimes it is a gradual process, but sometimes it is a sudden event like the Corona pandemic. A company gets into trouble and the management has to develop strategies that will nevertheless lead the business into the future. But increasing efficiency and making quick decisions alone will not help. Ideally, business models should be checked for resilience early enough and not just when the tree is on fire. A realignment also always offers an opportunity. Today, we have taken a look at three stocks that are still in a state of upheaval but offer definite potential for your portfolio.


Commented by Armin Schulz on May 31st, 2021 | 09:29 CEST

Steinhoff, Osino Resources, Barrick Gold - From gambler stocks to gold pearls

  • Gold

What is the best way to invest your money? Opinions are divided on this question. Some want to make a quick profit and are prepared to accept significant losses to do so. But this path is psychologically complex for most people to cope with. Then there are the growth-oriented ones, who are willing to take calculable risks and make bigger profits. The last group invests conservatively and wants to build up a passive income over the long term through dividends. They shy away from risk. In line with this categorization, we have picked out 3 stocks today, taking into account the title of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: Has the commodity super cycle begun?


Commented by Armin Schulz on May 28th, 2021 | 09:12 CEST

First Majestic Silver, NewPeak Metals, K+S - Soaring commodity prices

  • Commodities

Commodity prices continue to soar. If we compare the first quarter of 2021 with 2020, we can assume an average price increase of 36.7%. As the raw materials market is currently unable to respond quickly enough to the high demand in many countries, prices are rising. An end to this spiral is currently not foreseeable, as more and more countries are slowly getting to grips with the Corona pandemic. Thus the demand for raw materials will continue to grow. We have picked out three exciting companies from the commodities sector today.
