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André Will-Laudien

  • Energy
  • Ressources
  • Technology

Born in Munich, he first studied economics and graduated in business administration at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in 1995. As he was involved with the stock market at a very early stage, he now has more than 30 years of experience in the capital markets. In the historic year 2000, he trained as a CEFA analyst in Frankfurt and has since then accompanied over 20 IPOs in Germany.

Until 2018, he held various positions at banks as an asset manager, capital market and macro expert as well as fundamental equity analyst. He is passionate about the energy, commodity and technology markets as well as the tactical and strategic asset allocation of liquid investment products. As an expert speaker at investment committee meetings of funds as well as at customer events, he can still describe the course of the 1987 crash, one of the major buying opportunities of the last 33 years on the stock market.

Today, he knows that the profit in shares is not necessarily the result of buying cheaply, but above all of avoiding mistakes and recognizing in good time when markets are ready to let air out. After all, in addition to basic fundamental analysis, investing in stocks is above all a phenomenon of global liquidity and this must be monitored regularly.

Commented by André Will-Laudien

Commented by André Will-Laudien on July 7th, 2021 | 13:01 CEST

Aston Martin, RYU Apparel, Hugo Boss, HanseYachts - Luxury Top Picks to get rich!

  • Apparel

Crazy times - Boris Johnson is abandoning all Corona rules because he wants to free the people. In Germany, vaccine doses are now being destroyed daily because registrations for the vaccine administration are canceled en masse. In dealing with people, politics often comes up against indefinable limits; certain adjusting screws have been turned too much and too far to steer and control behavior from above. The desire for life is now visibly apparent; the shopping streets are filling up, some products are simply out of stock or unavailable. Everything is in short supply - and because of rising prices, the manufacturers of luxury goods are looking forward to the new livelihoods who have learned in lockdown that pure possession of money does not make you happier.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on July 6th, 2021 | 13:49 CEST

Defence Therapeutics, CureVac, BioNTech - Successful therapy, earn billions!

  • Biotechnology

Since we have a large number of health-threatening issues on the table, there are just as many biotech and pharma companies that have taken up the cause of researching and combating them. Many of them are publicly traded or in the early stages of venture funding. Investors are spoiled for choice; besides good analysis, they need a fair amount of intuition and luck to find the right stock that will truly become a 500-percenter. The cancer research company CEL-SCI recently disappointed, as did the COVID vaccine expert CureVac - both shares ended in a price disaster. The question remains - which horses are the right ones?


Commented by André Will-Laudien on July 5th, 2021 | 15:37 CEST

Nel ASA, Barsele Minerals, Nordex - The profiteers of climate policy!

  • Commodities

June had to offer strong repetition effects to the last bull market in January and February. The typical stock market favorites made substantial gains again, especially the so-called "climate stocks." These are stocks whose business models fit into the decarbonization strategies of governments. On December 12, 2015, the Paris Protocol was adopted, and one year later, the international climate treaty came into force. A milestone of the agreement was that China and the United States also ratified it. Trump formally withdrew from the Protocol in November 2020, but his successor Joe Biden rejoined on February 19, 2021, while authorizing USD 500 billion per year by 2025 for climate investments.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on July 2nd, 2021 | 14:23 CEST

Deutsche Bank, Heidelberger Druck, Saturn Oil + Gas - These are the 200% opportunities!

  • Oil

The second half of the year has begun. We can still see that the ongoing bull market is reaching certain levels of maturity. However, liquidity-driven investment pressure is felt daily via central banks, and the invisible hand of market control has also been sighted a few times. Watch out for days starting weakly; this is often the case, especially in the DAX. No sooner is it 14:30, any weakness is leveled out, and the previously strong precious metals experience the next blow to their prices. In this way, almost daily pressure is brought to the skeptical public; short positions must be covered again, expensively. The next day the same game again, so one shimmies in the S&P 500 from record to record. We focus on current turnaround situations that should remain independent of general market developments.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on July 1st, 2021 | 13:49 CEST

NEL, Plug Power, dynaCERT - Hydrogen, here we go again!

  • Hydrogen

What momentum! In just 6 weeks, hydrogen stocks have gained up to 60% again. Of course, those who missed the first wave are happy. Maybe it will work out now with the second one. The framework parameters are suitable because both the EU and Joe Biden have agreed on more hydrogen within the climate targets. Germany's significant contribution to climate protection can create applications in these sectors that operate with low emissions using hydrogen. An important focus in developing a German hydrogen economy and strategy should therefore be the commercialization of applications.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on July 1st, 2021 | 10:41 CEST

CureVac, Barrick Gold, Troilus Gold - Now it is important to keep your nerves!

  • Gold

The bull market is maturing a bit more every day. It is no longer young - because it has been running steadily since 2015. Admittedly, it stuttered a bit in March 2020, but the subsequent recovery was all the more violent. There are long-term fundamental trends, so-called megatrends, such as digitalization or e-mobility. At present, we can assume that the mining industry will also boom again in contrast to the crypto world. That is because the medium-term parameters here match the current economic trends. Here is a small selection of well-positioned stocks.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on June 30th, 2021 | 14:03 CEST

TUI, Lufthansa, Silver Viper - The doubling opportunities for 2022!

  • Silver

Things are about to get really exciting once again. The travel season is in full swing, hotel occupancy rates are rising, and airlines are enjoying high occupancy rates. But how long will the catch-up effects last? The constraints are still burdensome. Travelers who have previously stayed in high-incidence or virus variant areas must carry a negative test certificate with them when they enter the country and, if a carrier is used, present the proof for the purpose of transport. That does not make travel so easygoing. The first countries are already appearing on the Robert Koch Institute's blacklist again: Portugal and Great Britain. In the autumn, when the temperatures tumble again, this can become a problem.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on June 29th, 2021 | 11:47 CEST

Varta, JinkoSolar, Ballard Power, Sierra Growth - Energy technology on the test bench

  • Copper

What will mobility look like in 10 years? Will we all be riding bicycles because climate regulations make it impossible to move around using electricity or fossil fuels? Or are there still revolutionary developments that go beyond the battery as a universal remedy? Germany continues to experience an energy shortage because we buy cheap nuclear power from abroad. That is how things can go when a messed-up energy policy is associated with climate protection goals. No matter how things go, the world needs copper for modern technologies, and this raw material is in short supply.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on June 28th, 2021 | 13:38 CEST

Infineon, Nvidia, BMW, Defense Metals - Exploding commodity prices ahead!

  • Commodities

The explosion in commodity prices is foreseeable. Due to the fatal misjudgment of the governments on how the COVID pandemic will develop, the economies are currently in a supply shock. The months-long lockdowns have broken off some supply chains, and the breakdown in the Suez Canal has further aggravated the situation. Ever Given's wrecked ship is still stuck in the Egyptian Bitter Lake with 20,000 containers on board. Whether in cell phones, electric vehicles, non-fossil power generation and storage, or modern server farms - industrial metals are needed everywhere. For special applications, we even need rare earths, which makes it highly political.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on June 25th, 2021 | 12:32 CEST

NEL, Plug Power, Royal Helium - Things could get explosive here!

  • Helium

The energy turnaround in Europe is tied to several factors. On the one hand, it is about reducing emissions, especially of harmful climate gases. On the other hand, companies want to leave a green footprint because it is good for the public reputation and opens other doors of refinancing on the investor level. Concerning ESG criteria, we certainly want to attribute ethical, ecological reasons to most companies. Nevertheless, the road to greater climate neutrality is still rocky and cost-intensive for most. Another prerequisite is that substitute materials and environmentally friendly precursors are equally subject to scarcity since supply chains have been broken. Therefore, the pivotal point for climate-oriented business is the factual competence of the "how," then the necessary means, and finally, the material availability.
