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Commented by Juliane Zielonka on July 15th, 2022 | 14:27 CEST

Renewable energies in action: ThyssenKrupp, Altech Advanced Materials, Plug Power - Who is winning the race?

  • renewableenergies
  • GreenTech
  • greenhydrogen
  • Technology

Steel is responsible for 8 to 11% of global CO₂ emissions. It is essential for the automotive and construction industries and the manufacture of industrial machinery. It also forms the basis for a number of decarbonization technologies, including wind turbines, generators and smart grids. Without companies like ThyssenKrupp, it would not be possible to build electric cars, which will run faster than Elon Musk can tweet, thanks to innovative battery technology from Altech Advanced Materials AG. GreenTech companies like Plug Power also need steel for their green hydrogen plants. And ThyssenKrupp needs green hydrogen for CO₂-free production. Who is winning the race in the green energy play?


Commented by André Will-Laudien on July 14th, 2022 | 12:43 CEST

Attention: BASF, Viva Gold, ThyssenKrupp - Stocks with good turnaround opportunities!

  • Gold
  • Energy
  • renewableenergies

In view of continuing high inflation data, investors worldwide are looking for stability, which is currently difficult to find due to increasing geopolitical tensions. Strongly fluctuating stock and crypto prices are the daily companions. Even the real estate markets are affected by the sharp rise in interest rates in recent months, especially in the commercial sector. The bond market has already had its first sell-off, and bond prices have even trended upward again recently. The energy policy with Russia, an important supplier, appears to be decisive for the continuation of the economy. Should the gas tap be turned off, Central Europe will have a serious problem. We highlight a few anomalies from the equity sector.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on July 14th, 2022 | 12:27 CEST

New opportunities for copper - Rheinmetall, Alpha Copper, Nordex

  • Copper
  • Defense
  • renewableenergies

Last year, the expansion of renewable energies, for which copper is elementary due to its conductivity, proclaimed a new supercycle. The result was a new 10-year high for the red metal and prices above the USD 10,000 mark per ton. Currently, the specter of recession hovers over the markets, and the correction of the base price passed the 25% mark this week. However, copper will remain a scarce commodity in the coming years and the already tight supply will not be able to keep up with the substantial increase in demand. Thus, there is a second chance for investors in the long run.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on July 12th, 2022 | 14:12 CEST

Erin Ventures with multiplication potential, BYD on top, Nordex looking for the bottom

  • Electromobility
  • boron
  • renewableenergies

The capital markets are going crazy at the moment. Volatilities are rising on the one hand due to uncertainties regarding fears of recession, and on the other hand, due to worries about too large interest rate jumps. The safe-haven gold is losing more and more value every day, and the euro is heading towards parity. Shares in future technologies, the construction of which is expected to be significantly accelerated by Russia's invasion, also continue to be in correction mode. However, opportunities lurk here, especially in the long term, which can significantly outperform the market.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on July 6th, 2022 | 12:23 CEST

Aspermont, SAP, E.ON - Market leaders for challenging times on the stock markets

  • Digitization
  • Technology
  • renewableenergies

Digitization and the energy transition are two major megatrends that also carry great weight on the capital markets. Market position and scalability of the solutions offered often determine whether a company can stand out or float along with the broad masses. The companies discussed today are among the leading players in their industries and have set the course for growth.


Commented by Juliane Zielonka on June 30th, 2022 | 11:39 CEST

Almonty Industries, Plug Power, BASF - Energy becomes the most valuable asset

  • Tungsten
  • renewableenergies

Europe is at a crossroads: The energy supply crisis is hitting Germany particularly hard due to its dependence on Russian gas. Alternatives must be found as quickly as possible. In Belgium, a hydrogen plant is being built to make one of the largest industrial ports more CO2-neutral - Plug Power is the development sponsor. BASF is already feeling the gas loss and is changing its strategy. Investors are fleeing the stock despite an 8% dividend. And electric top dog South Korea is also building on economic independence. A metal for nuclear energy is of particular value here - and so is Almonty Industries.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on June 27th, 2022 | 11:08 CEST

The solution is here: BASF, Nordex, Barsele Minerals - Energy disaster across Europe

  • renewableenergies
  • Gold

Europe's energy supply cannot be managed from its own resources; many components of the energy mix have been imported for years. However, Germany is one of the leaders in the field of alternative energies. In the first four months of 2022, 174 TWh of electricity was generated here in Germany. The share of renewable energies in electricity generation was a high 52%. With 90 TWh produced, solar, wind & co. are the most important sources. The picture is rather gloomy in the case of fossil primary energy sources, which are important for industry. After the end of hard coal mining in 2019, Germany as an industrial location is 95% dependent on imports of crude oil and natural gas from abroad, 40% of which have so far come from Russia. A disaster from the current perspective. Which shares are worth watching out for now?


Commented by Stefan Feulner on June 14th, 2022 | 13:35 CEST

The stock markets are on fire! What is next for Nio, First Hydrogen and Nel ASA?

  • Hydrogen
  • greenhydrogen
  • renewableenergies

It has been brewing for weeks. The mixture of sharply rising inflation rates, market participants' concerns about further interest rate hikes, and uncertainties surrounding the Ukraine war broke the camel's back and sent global stock markets plummeting through the ranks. The losses cut across all sectors. Along with equities and precious metals, cryptocurrencies are losing disproportionately. Due to the emerging economic concerns, the oil price is also losing ground. The partly exaggerated corrections are already calling bargain hunters on the scene again.


Commented by Armin Schulz on May 27th, 2022 | 11:35 CEST

Nordex, Saturn Oil + Gas, JinkoSolar - Energy shares with potential

  • Oil
  • renewableenergies

The hunger for energy is increasing worldwide. The Ukraine crisis has further fueled this situation. Germany in particular is under pressure in this respect after the nuclear phase-out. Renewable energies are supposed to solve the problems, but they are not yet ready. A gas embargo would have dire economic consequences for Germany and is currently not possible. Here, too, we can see that the end of fossil fuels is still some way in the future. China and India are reportedly buying cheap oil from Russia at the moment. That is currently not depressing the oil price, as demand is too great. Today we look at a company from each sector: wind power, oil, and solar energy.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on April 28th, 2022 | 10:58 CEST

Plug Power, Altech Advanced Materials, Nel ASA - Ambitious valuations

  • renewableenergies
  • Lithium

There is everything to be said for the transformation from fossil fuels to renewable energy. Now that the Western world has broken away from the Russian aggressor, the expansion of "freedom energies" is to proceed even faster. Baerbock, Habeck and Co. have already announced the withdrawal from dependence on the Eastern European neighbor. It should now be exciting to see how implementation works in the near future. The listed companies in the respective sectors, such as fuel cells, hydrogen and photovoltaics, have already built up horrendous valuations despite a correction that has been ongoing for months. Thus, caution is advised for some shares against a further slide.
