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Commented by Armin Schulz on May 21st, 2024 | 07:15 CEST

K+S, Globex Mining, Barrick Gold - Commodity stocks: Make money now

  • Mining
  • Gold
  • Commodities
  • fertilizer

The commodities market in 2024 is characterized by high volatility, driven by strong demand, supply bottlenecks, and technological shifts to renewable energy, which make lithium and copper, for example, more expensive. In addition, inflation concerns make precious metals attractive as a hedge against inflation, while the central banks' interest rate policy is also a factor. Geopolitical tensions further disrupt supply chains and drive up prices. In this context, investments in commodity shares are becoming increasingly important. This form of investment allows investors to benefit indirectly from price fluctuations and the increase in the value of commodities without having to physically invest in the commodities themselves. We are, therefore, looking at three commodity companies today and analyzing their potential.


Commented by Armin Schulz on November 2nd, 2023 | 07:55 CET

K+S, First Phosphate, Volkswagen - Phosphate: From fertilizer to high-tech application

  • Mining
  • phosphate
  • Electromobility
  • fertilizer
  • hightech

Phosphate is an important nutrient for plants and animals and is used in agriculture as a fertilizer. It is also used in the food industry as an additive. Recently, however, the raw material has been needed in the high-tech environment. Battery manufacturers have an increased need for phosphate to produce lithium iron phosphate batteries, which are already used in some electric vehicles. The phosphate content in these batteries contributes to their stability and durability. If this technology becomes standard in all electric vehicles, demand will increase dramatically. So today, we take a look at fertilizer producer K+S, introduce a future producer in First Phosphate, and look at how Volkswagen is progressing in the area of electromobility.


Commented by Armin Schulz on July 11th, 2023 | 07:55 CEST

K+S, Almonty Industries, Rock Tech Lithium - Europe arms itself against shortage situation

  • Mining
  • Tungsten
  • Lithium
  • fertilizer

European industry is transforming, with the ban on combustion engines from 2035 being just one example. The energy transition is creating an increased need for critical materials and raw materials to make the changeover in industry possible. The European Commission has also recognized this and launched a Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA). This is intended to optimize and diversify supplies. Recycling and research into resource efficiency are also on the agenda. We, therefore, look at three companies involved in critical raw materials.


Commented by Fabian Lorenz on June 7th, 2023 | 08:00 CEST

Commodity shares with price potential: Bayer, K+S, and Almonty Industries in the analyst check

  • Mining
  • Tungsten
  • chemicals
  • fertilizer

There are no signs of a deep recession in the US at the moment, which is positive for commodity prices and the corresponding companies. What do analysts say? They see a price potential of over 170% for tungsten producer Almonty Industries. With the commissioning of the flagship mine in South Korea, revenues and profits should increase strongly from 2024. After K+S earned brilliantly last year, there is a lack of positive impulses this year. Several analysts have spoken out. Can the DAX-listed company make gains again? At Bayer, the euphoria surrounding the change in the board of directors has faded, and the share price is almost back to where it was at the beginning of the year. But analysts see significant upside potential.


Commented by Armin Schulz on March 23rd, 2023 | 07:58 CET

Manuka Resources starts gold production. Can Varta and K+S manage the turnaround?

  • Mining
  • Vanadium
  • Gold
  • fertilizer
  • Batteries

On March 22, all eyes were on the FED decision. Will the balancing act between fighting inflation and stabilizing the banking system succeed? The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and the difficulties of Credit Suisse have caused plenty of uncertainty. The result has been significant premiums in the price of gold and cryptocurrencies as people try to protect their money. But regardless of the interest rate decision, there is interesting news on companies that have been under pressure recently and are waiting for a turnaround. We take a look at three of those candidates today.


Commented by Nico Popp on March 16th, 2023 | 11:57 CET

Interest roller coaster! This is how you profit! K+S, Saturn Oil + Gas, Deutsche Telekom

  • Mining
  • Oil
  • Inflation
  • fertilizer
  • Telecoms

Interest rates will remain high for longer - that was the expectation last week. After two bank failures, interest rate expectations have recently collapsed. Some investors in the USA are expecting the first interest rate cuts as early as June. Whether these scenarios are set in stone and what they mean for investors - we provide an analysis using three stocks as examples.


Commented by Nico Popp on March 1st, 2023 | 14:21 CET

Raw materials revolution from Africa: K+S, Globex Mining, Freyr Battery

  • Mining
  • Commodities
  • fertilizer
  • Batteries

Lithium, cobalt or even manganese - what reads like the list of ingredients for the mobility and energy revolution is available in abundance in Africa. However, China has been a major player in Africa for years and was already investing heavily when Europe was still seeing golden times for combustion engines. In the meantime, however, that has changed: As Handelsblatt reports, more and more African countries want to do their own thing regarding raw materials and turn from exporters into processors - for the countries of Europe, this is an opportunity.


Commented by Armin Schulz on February 22nd, 2023 | 13:20 CET

K+S, Tocvan Ventures, Rock Tech Lithium - Shares with doubling potential

  • Mining
  • Lithium
  • Gold
  • fertilizer

On February 22, the meeting of the US Federal Reserve FED will take place. The results are eagerly awaited, as economic data have recently been mixed and difficult to interpret. The Consumer Confidence Index recently climbed significantly. However, since inflation has fallen less than expected, this could point to another interest rate hike. Rising interest rates are bad for the equity markets, as some investors may prefer to put their money into US government bonds. Regardless of the news, some stocks offer great potential at current levels. We take a closer look at three of these stocks today.


Commented by Fabian Lorenz on December 28th, 2022 | 08:05 CET

Outperformer stocks in 2023? BioNTech, Steinhoff, Saturn Oil + Gas, K+S

  • Mining
  • Oil
  • Gas
  • Biotechnology
  • fertilizer

Will energy stocks continue to be outperformers in 2023? In any case, in 2022, MSCI World Energy clearly outperformed MSCI World. In the case of individual stocks, Shell, for example, has gained over 45% in the current year. Jefferies recommends the stock as a buy with a target price of GPX 3100 (pence). Warren Buffett has also invested billions in the oil sector in 2022. Chevron and Occidental Petroleum are among Berkshire Hathaway's seven largest holdings. Energy, after all, is likely to be in demand in 2023. Those looking to bet on a laggard should look at Saturn Oil & Gas. The Canadian oil producer faces a milestone in 2023, and analysts see over 200% upside potential. BioNTech enters the new year with solid newsflow. And what is Steinhoff doing after the horror news?


Commented by Armin Schulz on November 23rd, 2022 | 12:10 CET

K+S, Defense Metals, RWE - Profiting from stocks that fight shortcomings

  • Mining
  • RareEarths
  • fertilizer
  • Investments

The first supply chain problems occurred during the Corona Pandemic. With the outbreak of the Ukraine conflict, further deficiencies of Western countries were exposed. It has been known for a long time that the US and Europe are dependent on raw materials and energy from Russia and China. The Middle Kingdom, in particular, already has a monopoly on critical raw materials such as rare earths and tungsten. There has been a minor trade war between the US and China for some time now. Russia has supplied both Europe and the US with cheap energy. Now in times of tension, the dependencies are coming out in the open. So today, we look at three stocks that can combat the shortage.
