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Commented by André Will-Laudien on January 7th, 2025 | 07:30 CET

Super Rally 2025: Artificial intelligence, crypto and the hunger for energy! TOP performance with MicroStrategy, XXIX Metal, BYD and Mercedes

  • Mining
  • Commodities
  • AI
  • crypto
  • Electromobility
  • Copper

The sudden cancellation of the government environmental bonus for e-vehicles at the end of 2023 has led to a significant drop in the number of electric vehicles being registered. However, interest in electric vehicles remains, albeit constrained, partly due to the high prices of many electric models. New government measures are expected to boost electric mobility again starting in 2025, with potential incentives of up to EUR 3,600 – though the implementation will likely only happen after the elections. What is being treated as an election promise for Germany has become the norm for the rest of the world. The increasing demand for energy driven by the electrification of various sectors, from high-tech and artificial intelligence to the crypto arena, which is even now being considered as a "reserve currency," highlights how quickly the world is changing in this disruptive environment. However, what all economic and political trends have in common is the need for access to strategic metals, especially copper! Where are the opportunities for investors?


Commented by André Will-Laudien on December 17th, 2024 | 07:45 CET

Vote of confidence: What is the future of high-tech and crypto? SMCI, Myriad Uranium, MicroStrategy and Palantir in focus

  • Mining
  • Uranium
  • Software
  • Technology
  • crypto

Yesterday, Chancellor Scholz asked the Bundestag for a confidence vote. There were 394 no votes for a continuation of the federal government, thus paving the way for elections in February 2025. How will energy policy, in particular, change? CDU rival Merz wants to tackle the issue by including all available sources. Does that mean a return to nuclear energy? The situation in Germany is dramatic. After the shutdown of seven large power plants in 2024, a new term is making the rounds: 'dark doldrums'. The term describes periods when there is hardly any wind, and the sun does not provide any energy either. The remaining fossil fuel power plants are running at full capacity, fuelled by coal, oil and gas. Internationally, nuclear power has long been recognised as a central energy source, even under the 'NetZero' framework, and the development of new technologies is advancing. What should investors pay particular attention to now?


Commented by André Will-Laudien on December 5th, 2024 | 08:50 CET

Copper shortage, Crypto, and a hunger for energy! What is in store for Super Micro Computer, MicroStrategy, SAP and XXIX Metal Corp. in 2025?

  • Mining
  • Commodities
  • Copper
  • Software
  • computing
  • crypto
  • Energy

Sharp increases in energy commodities are hindering electrification projects. Copper is indispensable for these initiatives and will become one of the key resources driving innovation in the coming years. Without the red metal, electric motors cannot be built and huge amounts of electricity cannot be transported over land. Copper is also a critical component in designing a completely new energy infrastructure. Trends such as Web 3.0, high-performance computing, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence are further exacerbating the energy shortage. Significant demand increases are expected in China and India, whose resource hunger impacts the entire planet. The race against time is already in its third round; new copper deposits must be developed urgently! Which stocks are at the forefront?


Commented by André Will-Laudien on November 27th, 2024 | 07:10 CET

Artificial intelligence and crypto with a 200% opportunity! SMCI, Power Nickel, Infineon and ARM Holdings on the buy list

  • Mining
  • Nickel
  • AI
  • crypto
  • Technology

The crypto and AI boom is now quite advanced. Yesterday, Bitcoin hit a wall at just under USD 100,000, and Nvidia was also unable to reach new highs despite good Q3 figures. This suggests that a technical consolidation is underway, which could extend well into early 2025. However, some stocks have already fallen more sharply and are reappearing on investors' buy lists. 2025, the first year of the re-elected Donald Trump's term in office, is likely to bring a great deal of unrest, as the US will have to reposition itself in international trade. Announcements of introducing punitive tariffs are currently dominating the news, which are largely counterproductive. We highlight the opportunities for risk-conscious investors.


Commented by Armin Schulz on August 13th, 2024 | 07:00 CEST

Commerzbank, Desert Gold, Coinbase - Which assets retain their value in a crash?

  • Mining
  • Gold
  • crypto
  • Banking

Following the financial crash, investors are increasingly seeking safe and profitable investment opportunities. Traditional savings methods at banks offer security but often only yield low returns. Gold, on the other hand, has been considered a crisis-proof store of value for centuries and experiences a resurgence in uncertain times. At the same time, cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are gaining popularity, both because of their high return potential and their decentralized nature. We therefore take a look at one company from each sector and see how the shares have reacted in the latest setback.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on August 5th, 2024 | 07:15 CEST

BYD, Globex Mining, Coinbase - New opportunities after the price storm

  • Mining
  • Gold
  • Commodities
  • Electromobility
  • crypto

Weak labour market data from the US, which once again increased fears of a recession, the Intel shock, and the further escalation of the situation in the Middle East, put additional pressure on stock markets around the globe. The Dow Jones fell by just under 3% over the week, while Germany's leading index, the DAX, lost over 4.5% in the same period. The market's overall weakness meant that positive company reports took a back seat. This creates opportunities at a discounted level.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on March 11th, 2024 | 07:00 CET

Bitcoin USD 70,000 - High-tech and artificial intelligence - a perennial favorite! Nvidia, Defense Metals, AMD and Super Micro Computer

  • Mining
  • RareEarths
  • hightech
  • AI
  • crypto

It happened over the weekend: USD 70,000 - and no end in sight for Bitcoin? A never-ending rally seems to be taking its course after the cryptocurrency turned upwards at USD 25,000 last September. Will the upswing continue unabated? Due to the upcoming halving in April, this could continue for a few more weeks, with the crypto following growing daily. Suppliers in the high-tech sector are riding the same wave: fast computers, graphics cards, big data and artificial intelligence. Almost infinite growth is expected behind these megatrends. However, valuations are already very advanced. Where are the opportunities for newcomers now?


Commented by Juliane Zielonka on March 1st, 2024 | 17:05 CET

Cardiol Therapeutics, Bayer, Coinbase - Which share will generate profits in the long term?

  • Biotechnology
  • Pharma
  • crypto

The world of pharmaceuticals and life sciences is characterized by precisely documented studies in clinical research. If an active ingredient makes it to approval, there is the potential for a blockbuster worth billions. Cardiol Therapeutics has an active ingredient in the second phase of clinical research for the treatment of heart disease in people under 35 years of age. This active ingredient can also restore the quality of life of 26 million people worldwide who suffer from heart failure. Bayer continues to clean up the unresolved issues left behind by the former CEO. Did the weedkiller RoundUp® from the Monsanto deal possibly lead to improper treatment due to a lack of consumer protection information? The five-figure lawsuits still pending against Roundup are dampening the share's profit prospects. The situation is currently quite different in the cryptocurrency market. Bitcoin is outperforming everyone, and the Coinbase share is benefiting from it. Which investment generates profits in the long term?


Commented by Juliane Zielonka on February 29th, 2024 | 08:15 CET

Defense Metals, Coinbase, Volkswagen: Critical metals for pioneering technologies

  • Mining
  • RareEarths
  • crypto
  • AI
  • Electromobility

The demand for critical metals is increasing rapidly worldwide. From growing digitalization to the increased use of cryptocurrencies and AI, from advances in medical technology to electromobility and defense technology - all these areas rely on these critical raw materials. Defense Metals Corporation is an experienced explorer in British Columbia whose Wicheeda project is designed to provide these critical metals. Forward-thinking companies like the crypto exchange Coinbase serve many users who use rare earth metals to power their hard drives for crypto mining. Volkswagen also requires this raw material because car consumers in China have very different needs when it comes to vehicle software than those in the European market. A new CEO for the subsidiary and software company CARIAD knows exactly what needs to be done...


Commented by Stefan Feulner on January 29th, 2024 | 06:45 CET

The next upward wave is underway - Coinbase, Desert Gold Ventures, Infineon

  • Mining
  • Gold
  • crypto
  • Digitization

The opinions of so-called experts vary widely regarding the largest cryptocurrency on the planet. After Bitcoin marked a new interim high of over USD 48,000 at the beginning of the year, disillusionment followed with a correction of 20%. While crash prophets are already predicting the end of decentralized digital currency, for others, such as star manager Cathie Wood, Bitcoin is "one of the most important investments of our lifetime". However, not only cryptocurrencies offer unique opportunities; other asset classes affected by the correction also offer significant potential.
