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Commented by André Will-Laudien on November 17th, 2022 | 11:20 CET

The big catch-up - China Big Tech: Alibaba, Deutsche Bank, TUI and Desert Gold turn up the heat!

  • Travel
  • Investments

Investors increasingly look at the big losers in heavily sold markets because the size of the markdowns identifies potential for the future. Often shares fall because of the general market weakness, but sometimes the operating business also weighs heavy. At the end of the year, there is also "tax-loss selling", especially in North America. We look at some stocks that have suffered significant losses but could now take off again.


Commented by Nico Popp on November 16th, 2022 | 10:25 CET

Study shows how young people consume - TUI, Pathfinder Ventures, Amazon

  • Camping
  • Travel
  • ecommerce

Back in the 1980s, sunburn, cheese hedgehogs and bocce ball on the beach were simply part of the package for vacationers. Today, a vacation can be a bit more than that. Individual experiences and new cultures are in demand. As a study by the payment provider Klarna shows, young people, in particular, save significantly more than older generations in relation to their income. The most common savings goals are vacations, housing and pensions. Reason enough to take a closer look at some consumer stocks and their prospects.


Commented by Juliane Zielonka on November 3rd, 2022 | 10:50 CET

Pathfinder Ventures, TUI, Meta - What is worth investing in now

  • Camping
  • RV
  • Travel

The prices of tech stocks such as Meta, Alphabet and even Microsoft fall during periods of high-interest rates. The US Federal Reserve has strengthened the dollar, but exchange rate fees for internationally positioned companies are hurting profits. One complimentary to tech is the Canadian company Pathfinder Ventures. It operates state-of-the-art camping resorts in beautiful Canada and has seen a 47% increase in bookings for winter vacations. The 47% occupancy rate also represents a 9% increase over last year. Far from the buzzing server rooms and flickering office ceiling lights, families can relax in the great outdoors without sacrificing WiFi and other modern conveniences. Camping is the ideal alternative to package tour companies like TUI AG. The latter is currently cleaning up its board because the aftermath of the Corona pandemic is still ongoing.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on October 20th, 2022 | 14:03 CEST

Shock inflation, what is left in the wallet in 2023: TUI, Pathfinder Ventures, Deutsche Bank, Commerzbank

  • RV
  • Camping
  • Travel
  • Banking

In addition to an inflation rate of almost 10%, the first increases in utility costs are now fluttering into citizens' mailboxes. As already feared, the extreme increase in the cost of energy and electricity is putting a heavy strain on monthly budgets. Whether there can still be a vacation in 2023 will be decided by the length of the Russia conflict, which has kept fossil energy prices high so far. As investors can easily see, the high oil and gas prices are contributing to negative effects in almost all sectors; especially in winter, the supply situation in Central Europe is likely to be very tight. Which stocks should investors watch out for now?


Commented by André Will-Laudien on September 14th, 2022 | 10:20 CEST

Up and away! Lufthansa, TUI, Viva Gold, Aston Martin - Turnaround stocks take off!

  • Mining
  • Travel
  • Tourism
  • Gold

The warlike activities in Ukraine now seem to be entering a critical phase. It appears that the resistance forces have been able to wrest important sections of land from the Russian aggressor. While we should not dream of a quick end to the war, a spark of hope remains. With inflation data remaining high, investors are predominantly looking for stability. Wildly fluctuating stock and crypto prices have become daily companions, and even real estate markets are no longer immune to corrections in the face of rising interest rates and skyrocketing construction costs. Thus, the focus is on stocks that have already endured a long period of suffering.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on August 24th, 2022 | 12:16 CEST

Sellout completely exaggerated! Lufthansa, TUI, MAS Gold - Shares, 100 times cheaper than Plug Power!

  • Mining
  • Gold
  • Travel
  • Tourism

Rising commodity prices have recently pushed inflation in Europe above 8% and caused equities worldwide to fall into sellout mode. With ongoing geo-conflicts, economic forecasts for global growth are now becoming even gloomier. The travel market is suffering from high prices and ongoing staffing shortages. A war-torn environment is also not really an appetizer for exciting long-haul travel. Hopes are therefore pinned on a near end to the war in Ukraine and subsequent normalization of our daily lives. Which stocks could then benefit very quickly?


Commented by Nico Popp on August 23rd, 2022 | 12:23 CEST

When will these stocks be let off the leash? TUI, Barsele Minerals, ThyssenKrupp

  • Mining
  • Gold
  • Commodities
  • Travel

All investors have probably experienced this phenomenon at some point or another: Operationally and fundamentally, companies are making really good progress. But the share price does not get going. We explain whether this is a warning signal and how investors can deal with such a situation. Today we look at the travel group TUI, which currently has little travel fever priced in, the steel group ThyssenKrupp, which is suffering from the energy crisis, and Barsele Minerals, where a valuable gold project is not yet putting its horsepower on the road.


Commented by Juliane Zielonka on August 11th, 2022 | 12:28 CEST

Pathfinder Ventures, TUI, Lufthansa - Which tourism shares are worthwhile?

  • Travel
  • Tourism
  • Camping

The tourism industry has suffered losses in recent years due to the pandemic. Be it staff shortages like at Lufthansa and at the airports, with the resulting chaos of cancelled flights and passengers waiting for hours at check-in. This volatility is reflected in the shares. On the other hand, the growth of Pathfinder Ventures, a Canadian company specializing in campgrounds for RVs in the most beautiful places under the maple flag, is developing pleasantly positively. Pathfinder Ventures is upgrading its facilities and expanding by buying up more sites that are already well-attended. We look at the details.


Commented by Nico Popp on August 8th, 2022 | 11:53 CEST

New opportunities in space: Deutsche Lufthansa, Kleos Space, Airbus

  • Space
  • Travel

Ground staff at German airports are getting more pay, which solves a problem for Lufthansa and Co. But the personnel shortage remains. The really big opportunities are above the atmosphere anyway. In space, not only are the problems of our time being researched but solutions to pressing problems are also being developed. Unlike air travel, the competition is manageable. We explain how you can invest in aerospace.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on August 4th, 2022 | 10:50 CEST

Turnaround: TUI, Pathfinder Ventures, Lufthansa, Carnival - Shares for the Corona travel Summer of 2022

  • Tourism
  • Travel
  • Camping

It is exciting this summer! Can one really get out of Germany by plane? Lufthansa had recently significantly increased its program but then cancelled over 2,000 flights. Baggage and security handling is bursting at the seams, and those frustrated with the train will have to plan a few more hours to arrive with the 9 Euro ticket. The Corona pandemic has completely disrupted the travel market, there is a shortage of staff everywhere, and now a strike by the pilots' union is looming. We are looking for opportunities for investors.
