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Commented by André Will-Laudien on February 24th, 2021 | 08:29 CET

Saturn Oil & Gas, Royal Dutch Shell, BP, Plug Power - The oil specialists!

  • Oil

Oil prices are currently moving at the upper edge of the annual range. In the case of oil, market participants expect a pioneering indication of the economy's state after Corona. Price buoyancy came once again from the US, where freezing winter weather led to logistical problems in the oil supply. There is a general trend of rising commodity prices, and successively all segments are affected. Commodity experts at the US investment bank Goldman Sachs expect oil prices to rise further in the coming months. Accordingly, the Brent price could rise to USD 70 per barrel in the second quarter and reach USD 75 in the summer months. Goldman Sachs has thus raised its previous forecast by USD 10 per barrel.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on February 17th, 2021 | 11:54 CET

BP, Deutsche Rohstoff, va-Q-tec - here we have extreme catch-up potential!

  • Oil

Oil marches and marches. Since the Corona crash last April, when Brent crude bottomed out at USD 17.01, the black gold has now climbed back above the USD 60.00 mark to currently USD 63.00. The prospects of an easing in the pandemic, and thus a revival of the economy, promise even higher prices in the medium term. In addition to the major oil producers such as Exxon Mobil, BP and Total, smaller companies also need to catch up in terms of share price. They were able to act more flexibly during the crisis and thus even emerge as profiteers.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on October 29th, 2020 | 13:36 CET

ENI, Royal Dutch Shell, Saturn Oil & Gas - scandals and crash!

  • Oil

Six months ago, leading oil producers and the G20 energy ministers met to coordinate an emergency package of production cuts. The aim was to at least compensate for the drop in demand caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. At that time, it was impossible to know how significant the damage from the pandemic would be and for how long a real recovery would take. Now the production is somewhat lower, and existing oil stocks are gradually fading, but the uncertain prospects remain, as can be seen from the very low forward prices. In the longer term, producers are currently not very encouraged, as the curve shows that prices are unlikely to reach the USD 50.00 per barrel mark by the end of 2023. Those who want to bring about a shortage in the oil market have a monster task ahead of them, because "there is plenty of oil and a slowing economy".


Commented by Stefan Feulner on October 22nd, 2020 | 11:15 CEST

JinkoSolar, Saturn Oil & Gas, Plug Power - Here comes the second chance!

  • Oil

The markets are correcting on a broad front. Hydrogen and fuel cell stocks, which have been booming for months, are taking a breath of fresh air. In a long-term trend, this is good and quite the norm. It is time to take a look at the fundamental aspects once again, in addition to the chart support zones and trend formations. Some companies have managed to position themselves broadly and can continue to grow solidly in the future. Others have only swum with the current and will go down in time. Now it is time to put the pearls into the account.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on October 7th, 2020 | 12:24 CEST

BP, Royal Dutch Shell, Saturn Oil & Gas: The rebound with an announcement!

  • Oil

When someone talks about the largest commodities market in the world, they mean the oil market. Every day, almost 100 million barrels of black gold are produced and delivered worldwide, even though Elon Musk adamantly claims "Oil is out!” - He would be particularly well advised to find out how many oil products are used in a Tesla. More than 300 components are made of oil derivatives. According to British Petroleum, undoubtedly one of the major players in the industry, the global oil demand peaked in 2019. In its annual energy outlook, the energy company predicts a global decline in oil demand but a strong gas demand until 2050. Renewable energies are the fastest-growing energy sources over the next 30 years.


Commented by Mario Hose on September 24th, 2020 | 13:10 CEST

BP, Saturn Oil & Gas, Shell: Citigroup and Goldman Sachs see oil price at USD 60

  • Oil

Oil producers may be facing an exciting turnaround. The experts from Citigroup and Goldman Sachs see the price of oil in 2021 already back at USD 60.00 per barrel or even above. The statements of the analysts are supported by the assumption that the current oversupply will have been reduced by then. The recovery of economies around the globe will bring demand for oil back to pre-corona pandemic levels by the end of 2021.


Commented by Mario Hose on August 21st, 2020 | 08:00 CEST

BP, Saturn Oil & Gas, Shell - why this share is now interesting

  • Oil

The Corona pandemic is still keeping politics and business busy. The restrictions in everyday life are causing many changes for people. An end to the situation is not yet in sight and therefore great hope is being placed in the development of a vaccine against Covid-19. Those who want to position themselves for the time after this phase have excellent opportunities with the oil sector, one of the largest markets in the world.


Commented by Mario Hose on June 19th, 2020 | 07:42 CEST

BP, Saturn Oil & Gas, Shell - China's oil imports at new record high

  • Oil

The Corona Pandemic has turned the world upside down in many areas in recent months. The energy sector has not been able to escape the changes. First the demand for crude oil collapsed and then production was cut back. In the meantime, restrictions around the globe are being eased again and there are still opportunities to position oneself to benefit from the post-Corona upswing. The habits of the population in big cities have changed. Public transport is being avoided due to the risk of infection and instead cars are being moved more. In China, an average of 11.34 million barrels of crude oil were imported per day in May 2020. This record value exceeds the previous record from November 2019 by around 160,000 barrels per day.


Commented by Mario Hose on June 3rd, 2020 | 10:02 CEST

BP, Saturn Oil & Gas, Shell - Revenue and profit increase significantly

  • Oil

The oil price continues to gain momentum and is still trading around 40% below the January 2020 level, and now the right stocks are in the spotlight. In addition to the well-known major oil producers such as BP and Shell, there are also successful producers who are not yet so well known, but who certainly have potential. Last night the young Canadian oil producer Saturn Oil & Gas published the results of the past fiscal year. Due to the Corona Pandemic, the company had postponed the release, which is currently nothing special and is officially made possible by an extended deadline.


Commented by Mario Hose on May 19th, 2020 | 15:56 CEST

BP, Chevron, ENI, Saturn Oil & Gas, Shell, Total - what investors need to know now

  • Oil

About a month ago, market participants around the world learned that the end of a price slide does not have to end at zero on the expiry date of WTI contracts. Anyone who thought that a barrel of American WTI at USD 0.01, which is 159 litres of crude oil, would be a special bargain on the expiration date and took the chance was taught an expensive lesson. The expiration date of 20 April 2020 will go down in history with an initial negative settlement price of USD -37.63. The USA is known to be the land of opportunity and this seems to be another chapter.
