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Commented by Stefan Feulner on May 21st, 2021 | 10:44 CEST

BASF, White Metal Resources, Deutsche Telekom - The winners of future trends

  • Mining

By 2025, there will be around 1.5 billion vehicles on the road worldwide. This figure is alarming since today we have to contend with rising air pollution and the consequences of climate change. However, the energy transition, which is being accelerated more and more by both politics and business, will increasingly require scarce raw materials and novel technologies. These requirements give rise to young companies that will benefit in the long term from rising sales and bubbling profits.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on May 20th, 2021 | 08:23 CEST

Varta, PlugPower, FuelCell, Mineworx Technologies - Environmental stocks are booming!

  • Mining

The stock market is showing initial downward reactions. Having trended close to its high of 15,508 points again at the beginning of the week, the DAX saw a sell-off in growth stocks yesterday. Again, hydrogen stocks, e-mobility and especially crypto stocks were targeted by sellers. The crypto collapse of up to 50% was once again fueled by the Chinese government yesterday. The nationwide trading ban declared since 2013 was repeated accordingly. One can well imagine that trader turnover will soon be controlled and sanctioned on the Internet as well. The crypto community reacted in shock to this news.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on April 28th, 2021 | 07:38 CEST

Orocobre, Goldseek Resources, First Majestic Silver - Falling interest rates and inflation fears boost commodity stocks

  • Mining

Interest rates on 10-year US Treasury bonds fell to 1.56% in April. At the same time, US inflation climbed to 2.6%, the highest level since March 2018. Typically, this is the time when investors seek salvation in commodities as an asset class. Gold, silver, and other precious metals such as palladium and titanium are in greater demand. But also rare metals, such as lithium or cobalt, are experiencing a substantial increase in demand due to the current energy transition and the switch to electric mobility. Below are two securities that everyone should have in their portfolio and one that is better avoided at the moment.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 3rd, 2021 | 08:42 CET

Zoom, Goldseek Resources, Palantir - Attention: With these shares, you earn money!

  • Mining

The fact that anti-cyclical trading can pay off disproportionately should have become apparent to every investor since the Corona Crisis. In March 2020, in the greatest panic and after the first lockdown announcement, the DAX was quoted at 8,011.0 points. One year later, the German stock market barometer marked a new all-time high at over 14,000 points. Such opportunities come up again and again. At the moment, with the precious metals gold and silver. And in individual stocks, which lost value by various measures.


Commented by Nico Popp on December 23rd, 2020 | 09:00 CET

Anglo American, Fokus Mining, Newcrest Mining: Strategy and timing lead to success

  • Mining

The fact that gold has lost none of its status as a crisis metal can sometimes be seen in small price movements: While the overall market initially went into reverse gear at the start of the week given the new virus mutation, gold gained ground. For long-term investors, such small movements do not make much difference, but they show that certain correlations are still intact: When nervousness rises in blue chips, gold benefits. Reason enough to also take a closer look at some companies from the sector.


Commented by Nico Popp on November 12th, 2020 | 09:23 CET

Newmont, SolGold, Anglo American: When does the takeover carousel turn?

  • Mining

Commodities have been an exciting asset class again for a few months now. Despite the pandemic and the economic setbacks, the prices of commodities such as industrial metals or oil developed positively. The gold sector also picked up significantly, thanks to the support programs of the states, and the measures of the central banks. As the large gold companies, in particular, have shrunk healthily in recent years and worked on their cost structures, the ruble is rolling. Commodity giant Newmont reported a free cash flow of USD 1.3 billion in the third quarter alone, and free funds are also bubbling up at Barrick Gold. In an ordinary world, such figures lead to takeover speculation. But the pandemic is making travel and detailed due diligence on commodity projects difficult.
