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Commented by Nico Popp on August 15th, 2022 | 10:43 CEST

Who benefits from recession and inflation? BASF, Viva Gold, K+S

  • Mining
  • Gold
  • Commodities
  • climatechange
  • chemicals

The market is currently staging a minor bear market rally. The reason: Falling energy prices and the first signs of lower inflation are fuelling hopes that the central banks may pause their interest rate turnaround sooner than expected. The prospect of a soft landing for the global economy has even sent cyclicals rising again in recent days and weeks. But what if inflation stays or the economy shrinks significantly in 2023?


Commented by Juliane Zielonka on August 12th, 2022 | 10:10 CEST

Almonty Industries, K+S, E.ON - These companies benefit from the energy transition

  • Mining
  • Tungsten
  • renewableenergies
  • Energy

The situation on the energy markets remains tense. The German Minister of Economics received a rejection from Qatar. Alternatives are urgently needed, such as solar and wind power. Almonty Industries is well positioned to source materials for these energies. The world's leading supplier of tungsten can become a decisive player in the market for the hunt for raw materials. Rising prices are benefiting the Company in this regard. The changed prices, in turn, play into the hands of fertilizer producer K+S. Higher average prices in both customer segments compensated for increased costs. In Western Europe, prices fell due to demand, which led to increased sales in Eastern and Northern Europe. Energy network operator E.ON warned of "valuation risks for investments" when publishing last year's results in March and surprised with the current results.


Commented by Fabian Lorenz on August 11th, 2022 | 11:26 CEST

Alarm at Plug Power, problems for Nordex is good for Alpha Copper

  • Mining
  • Copper
  • renewableenergies

It is the summer of renewable energy stocks. Russia's attack on Ukraine, high oil and gas prices, and climate change are just a few arguments why investors are so electrified by the sector. However, there is also a lot of advance praise being handed out. That is the case with Plug Power. When a company makes more losses than sales, alarm bells start ringing. But the Plug Power share is taking this surprisingly well. According to analysts, Nordex continues to suffer from high purchase prices, and an impending copper shortage will not reduce the problems. Alpha Copper should benefit from scarce copper. Drilling programs are giving the share a tailwind.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on August 11th, 2022 | 10:57 CEST

BYD, Edison Lithium, Albemarle - It is getting problematic

  • Mining
  • Lithium
  • Commodities
  • Electromobility

The electrification of transport and the replacement of the combustion engine are essential to achieve the proclaimed climate goals of politics. Batteries are one of the main components of electromobility. According to a study by the consulting firm Roland Berger, the global market for lithium-ion batteries will grow by 30% per year until 2030. But electric car manufacturers are already struggling with the scarce metal lithium. Prices are skyrocketing and demand is far outstripping supply. Lithium producers are likely to continue to be the primary beneficiaries in the coming years.


Commented by Nico Popp on August 10th, 2022 | 13:40 CEST

Gold? What matters is what you make of it: Barrick Gold, Desert Gold, Amazon

  • Mining
  • Gold
  • Copper
  • Investments

"Perfect time to buy gold?" That was the question posed by Handelsblatt a few days ago while at the same time providing good arguments for the precious metal. Although the interest rate turnaround could once again weigh on gold in the short term, the focus could then turn to the future. Experts believe that gold has opportunities again in the medium term. The experts at Goldman Sachs see the precious metal at USD 2,500. We explain how investors can invest in gold and whether there are other inflation investments.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on August 10th, 2022 | 12:37 CEST

Oil will still be needed in 100 years! Fill up with these stocks: Shell, BP, Saturn Oil + Gas, BASF

  • Mining
  • Oil
  • chemicals

With a view to the future energy supply, major question marks remain, especially in Europe. The dependency on Russia is historical, and the future relationship with the largest owner of raw materials in our latitudes will probably be rather frosty from a European perspective. EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen recently presented a plan to break away from fossil fuels from Russia and, at the same time, accelerate the energy transition. But to become completely self-sufficient, the European Union would need to invest nearly EUR 300 billion in infrastructure and energy supply relationships by 2030. Meanwhile, there are secret winners in this predicament who are making a killing in the current environment.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on August 10th, 2022 | 11:21 CEST

Rare opportunities - Raytheon, Defense Metals, MP Materials, Rheinmetall

  • Mining
  • RareEarths
  • Defense

Heavy weapons for peace! This statement should make every pacifist's stomach turn, but in reality, this is the scenario currently playing out. It may not sound very comprehensible, but in order to guarantee peace, the world continues to arm itself. Companies in this industry, such as Rheinmetall, Raytheon and Northrop Grumman, are bullish. With the conflict in Taiwan simmering, tensions are again rising. China holds the reins of power with its raw materials. The West is trying desperately to reduce its dependencies on China, but this cannot be achieved in the short term.


Commented by Nico Popp on August 9th, 2022 | 13:03 CEST

From hands off to comeback: Rheinmetall, MAS Gold, Siemens Energy

  • Mining
  • Gold
  • Turnaround

When the government announces the big move, investors had better wait for the results first. Since the Rheinmetall share presented quarterly figures a few days ago, the stock has turned negative. The reason: the order books have not filled as quickly as expected immediately after Chancellor Scholz's turnaround speech. In uncertain times, we take a look at shares between hype and opportunity and highlight three shares with a unique economic cycle.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on August 9th, 2022 | 12:36 CEST

Buy after the price slide? Tocvan Ventures, Palantir, Bayer

  • Mining
  • Gold
  • Technology
  • Investments

The stock markets have continued to move upwards since their lows in mid-June, with the DAX easily breaking the 13,600 mark. The precious metals and crypto markets also look sunnier in the hot August. One reason for the good mood, in addition to the pleasant temperatures, is the positive course of the reporting season for the second quarter. Still, there are outliers to the downside that represent a potential long-term buying opportunity despite below-forecast numbers.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on August 9th, 2022 | 10:22 CEST

Split fantasy: Amazon, Alphabet, Viva Gold, Tesla - Shares with top prospects!

  • Mining
  • Gold
  • Technology
  • Investments

Now the tide has turned again. The crash hysteria has disappeared, and bond prices are gradually recovering. The yield for 10-year German government bonds fell in the last 6 weeks completely surprisingly from the high at 1.75% to under 0.90% - that does not look like a boom. The specter of inflation is also slowly losing its scare, with oil prices now consolidating by more than USD 25 from their recent highs. The pressure on central banks to raise interest rates is thus easing considerably, giving equities the necessary room for positive momentum again. We take a look at promising stocks.
