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Commented by André Will-Laudien on July 14th, 2022 | 12:43 CEST

Attention: BASF, Viva Gold, ThyssenKrupp - Stocks with good turnaround opportunities!

  • Gold
  • Energy
  • renewableenergies

In view of continuing high inflation data, investors worldwide are looking for stability, which is currently difficult to find due to increasing geopolitical tensions. Strongly fluctuating stock and crypto prices are the daily companions. Even the real estate markets are affected by the sharp rise in interest rates in recent months, especially in the commercial sector. The bond market has already had its first sell-off, and bond prices have even trended upward again recently. The energy policy with Russia, an important supplier, appears to be decisive for the continuation of the economy. Should the gas tap be turned off, Central Europe will have a serious problem. We highlight a few anomalies from the equity sector.


Commented by Juliane Zielonka on July 14th, 2022 | 12:31 CEST

Kleos Space, BYD and Alibaba: Protection of the states or protection from the state?

  • Space
  • Energy
  • China

The US dollar and the euro have reached parity. Which industries and countries still offer growth opportunities? A look at the industrial boom country China shows that investments there are still associated with increased risk. Are BYD and Alibaba still worthwhile? A well-known US American has managed to send the value of the electric car company plummeting on the back of a mere rumor. And Elon Musk is not the only one hanging around in space - security is a top priority there, too, as Kleos Space proves. A new CFO is on board.


Commented by Mario Hose on January 12th, 2022 | 13:17 CET

Energy stocks after oil price rise: BP, Saturn Oil + Gas, Shell

  • Energy

The price of energy continues to be the focus of the public and investors in the new year. The price of WTI crude oil reached a new high for the year on Wednesday at almost USD 82.00 per barrel. Brent crude is currently trading at over USD 84.00 per barrel. Also, the price of Natural Gas of February 2022 contracts has increased today by 4.73% to 4.45 USD. The development in the commodity market also usually reflects in the balance sheets of producers.


Commented by Nico Popp on June 15th, 2021 | 11:22 CEST

Varta, BYD, NSJ Gold: What investors should watch out for

  • Gold
  • Energy
  • RareEarths
  • RareEarthElements

The die is cast: Cars will go electric in the future. A clear course has also emerged in monetary policy in recent years: Central banks tolerate more inflation and stimulate the economy. Governments are also in a spending mood: infrastructure, state aid, investments for the future - at the latest since the outbreak of the pandemic, the powers that be have been governing according to the principle of "What is the cost of the world?" We present three shares that can profit.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on February 2nd, 2021 | 10:30 CET

Nikola, Saturn Oil & Gas, Exxon Mobil - Caution, risk of explosion!

  • Energy

Stocks can rise for a variety of reasons. As we saw last week, a group of primarily younger investment community members can sometimes shoot up a company's value several hundred percent, as was seen in GameStop. There are of course other reasons that are understandable and justified on a fundamental level. In contrast to the "Reddit shares," the newly achieved price level should be maintained here.


Commented by Nico Popp on January 19th, 2021 | 09:01 CET

Gazprom, Saturn Oil & Gas, Exxon Mobil: The cards are being reshuffled in the oil sector

  • Energy

The oil price reflects the state of the real economy. After the first Corona lockdowns last spring caused the prices to plummet - ultimately bringing economic activity to a complete standstill - oil has now stabilized significantly. Since the beginning of November, Brent crude has gained around 50%. In the wake of the futures exchanges, the shares of production companies have also performed well. But here, too, there is light and shade - we look at three stocks between dull and highly speculative.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on January 4th, 2021 | 09:07 CET

BP, Saturn Oil & Gas, OMV - Sector rotation for investment success in 2021!

  • Energy

Technology stocks were among the darlings of investors in 2020. However, in the meantime, company valuations in this sector have soared to dizzying heights reminiscent of the Neuer Markt boom. Thus, it could be very worthwhile to take a look at the losers of the past year. Oil stocks posted red signs in the face of a 22% drop in the commodity price. But now the situation should change. Leading economic research institutes are forecasting global economic growth of over 4% in the new year. The oil price should also continue to rise, Goldman Sachs even sees upside potential of 30%. We show you which stocks will help you profit.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on December 17th, 2020 | 09:46 CET

Saturn Oil & Gas, BP, Royal Dutch Shell: Now the right oil stock!

  • Energy

The stock market is like a pendulum that swings back and forth. The year 2020 was undoubtedly the year of electromobility - just one look at Tesla with its USD 600 billion capitalization is enough - and a year for the "hype topic" hydrogen, which though still needs at least 3 years of research and development for series production. Both are much-discussed alternatives to oil and other fossil fuels. Unfortunately, this comparison is somewhat misleading, as significant amounts of oil and coal are still used to generate both electricity and hydrogen. The drivers of electric vehicles like to pat themselves on the back because of their political compensation. Still, there is now a consensus in the research community that electric propulsion systems on a broad scale can in no way be described as a solution for sustainable economic activity. On the government side, of course, there are great tax incentives that probably reflect the intrinsic motivation of the e-belief community to a huge extent. However, if the battery goes on strike in the winter, fortunately, you still have the V8 in the private garage.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on November 26th, 2020 | 12:40 CET

Plug Power, Saturn Oil & Gas, JinkoSolar - Leverage your depot!

  • Energy

Successful tests and the imminent prospect of a vaccine against the coronavirus are causing the price of oil to explode. After the low in Brent oil in March at just under USD 18.00, the black gold more than doubled and is currently trading at USD 48.50. Even former pessimists such as the Bank of America see the price continuing to rise and forecast USD 60.00 per barrel by next summer. The easing of restrictions will lead to an increase in oil demand, according to the experts. Anyone who trades with leverage and wants to achieve disproportionate price gains should now look for promising oil producers.


Commented by Nico Popp on November 20th, 2020 | 10:59 CET

E.ON, RWE, Defense Metals: Energy investments - from boring to speculative

  • Energy

The experts of the investment house Clearbridge Investments report that the world could be facing a phase of economic recovery. Decisive factors for this development could be not only the measures of the central banks but also the investments in infrastructure. As the experts emphasize, investments of USD 100 billion would already create about one million jobs. Moreover, every dollar that is invested will pay off several times over in decades and contribute to growth. In contrast to previous years, not only the classic tech stocks should benefit from this growth, but also traditional sectors such as utilities.
