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Commented by Armin Schulz on April 15th, 2021 | 07:33 CEST

SunMirror, 88 Energy, Gazprom - Commodity prices pick up

  • Commodities

US oil reserves are shrinking, and at the same time, demand forecasts are being revised upward by OPEC and the International Energy Agency. The reason for this is the assumption that the Corona pandemic will calm down in the current year and will ultimately lead to an increase in global oil demand.
In general, commodity prices are picking up on the expectation of an economic recovery. Thus, gold has also left the lows of 2 weeks ago and is currently struggling to break the critical USD 1,750 mark. The first attempt was rejected.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on April 15th, 2021 | 07:09 CEST

K+S, SKRR, Klöckner Co. - Where are the missing puzzle pieces?

  • Commodities

Cyclical investments have the advantage of a certain predictability. Nevertheless, each new chapter and the corresponding script differs, sometimes only slightly, sometimes quite significantly. As far as the cyclicality of commodities is concerned, very diverse categories exist within the asset class so that favorable entry opportunities lurk almost at any time. We have brought you a colorful bouquet of commodities, including potash, gold and steel. Which share is ahead?


Commented by Armin Schulz on April 13th, 2021 | 08:45 CEST

Barrick, BP, Scottie Resources - Commodities cannot be printed

  • Commodities

Last week was dominated by FED Chairman Jerome Powell's speech at the IMF. Powell reiterated that inflation, which had been a concern for some investors in the short term, was under control and not a cause for concern. He attributed inflationary pressures primarily to higher commodity prices. After all, you cannot print commodities - unlike paper money. For this reason, we will take a look at commodity stocks today.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on April 7th, 2021 | 09:58 CEST

SKRR Exploration, First Majestic Silver, Millennial Lithium - Commodities in demand as never before!

  • Commodities

Commodity prices are spiraling upwards almost daily. The demand for industrial metals is higher than it has been for the last 10 years, and it seems that industrial companies can hardly save themselves from orders despite the pandemic. Yesterday was also a day for precious metals, and they were able to gain 1-2% across the board. In gold, the critical line around USD 1,680 has recently held again, and now the market is trying to take out the upper boundary lines at USD 1,790 and USD 1,835. Due to the omnipresent inflation, the spark should also finally jump in gold. The other metal prices have long since followed the global inflation.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 29th, 2021 | 10:30 CEST

Xiaomi, SunMirror, Geely - An incalculable risk!

  • Commodities

Electric vehicles currently account for around 10% of the cars sold in Germany. Since the "VW Power Day," the race to see who can jump on the electric car bandwagon the fastest, has officially begun. Whether Volkswagen, BMW or Daimler, the manufacturers, also driven by politics, are overflowing with promises of how quickly they will replace gasoline and diesel with the battery. However, it is still unclear where the lithium for the battery cells will come from. Other required raw materials such as copper or rare earth metals are also in short supply and are produced almost exclusively in China. There is a threat of scarcity and thus a price explosion that cannot be calculated. You, too, can participate in this development.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on March 19th, 2021 | 10:02 CET

BP, Deutsche Rohstoff, Lynas - Attention: a long boom is going on here!

  • Commodities

Extreme shortages due to the enormous demand for raw materials of the planned energy turnaround and a dispute that continues to swell between China and the US could escalate at any time, even after Donald Trump. A new energy crisis due to a lack of resources is looming. The prices of copper, lithium and rare earth metals are rising rapidly. The demand overhang is likely to accelerate in the coming years. Significantly rising prices are also expected for oil.


Commented by Nico Popp on March 18th, 2021 | 06:05 CET

SunMirror, Barrick Gold, NIO, Volkswagen: Megatrend sustainable battery metals

  • Commodities

There is no doubt that the mobility of the future will be electric - at least if you believe Volkswagen. A few days ago, the global corporation presented a strategy for its battery production as part of its Battery Day. But batteries need raw materials and these raw materials have become increasingly scarce in recent years. There was already a boom around lithium in 2016. Prices have calmed down again, but many a small supplier went off the market. This is now taking revenge. When Volkswagen wants to double the number of electric cars it sells, raw materials are in short supply. How can investors use the situation for themselves? Read on.


Commented by Nico Popp on March 16th, 2021 | 07:08 CET

BYD, Almonty Industries, Varta: Comebacks and insider tips

  • Commodities

Shares related to electromobility and hydrogen have recently shown that trees do not grow to the sky on the stock market. Many a stock that was highly praised just months ago has since lost half its value. At the same time, however, it is clear that the trend toward new drive technologies will continue. In the fourth quarter of 2020, around one-fifth of newly registered vehicles in Germany were hybrids and pure electric cars. Reason enough to look at stocks that could still have potential now.
