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Commented by Nico Popp on May 26th, 2021 | 09:36 CEST

White Metal Resources, BASF, K+S: How to react to 4% inflation

  • Commodities

As reported by Handelsblatt, the German Bundesbank expects an inflation rate of up to 4% by year-end. Within the eurozone, for which the central bank ECB is responsible, it could be well over 2%. This mixed situation is particularly tricky for Germans. While inflation in Germany is already very high, the lower price momentum within the eurozone could ensure that the ECB leaves its money floodgates open for even longer. In the long term, this could encourage inflation to overshoot. How can investors react to this? We present three stocks.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on May 25th, 2021 | 10:50 CEST

ThyssenKrupp, SunMirror, Siemens Energy - Putting the energy transition in jeopardy

  • Commodities

The pandemic issue is slowly fading into the background on the news pages. The energy transition is currently on everyone's lips again. Of course, the election campaign is beginning. The German Green Party positions itself and is calling for a complete switch to alternative energies. On its homepage, you can read the sentence: "We have a plan for the energy world of the future!" However, whether this plan has been thought through to the last point can be more than doubted. Phasing out climate-damaging coal and switching to completely alternative energies requires raw materials whose import is in no way guaranteed for the next few years due to scarcity.


Commented by Nico Popp on May 25th, 2021 | 08:44 CEST

Barrick Gold, Newmont, GSP Resource: With this stock from the start

  • Commodities

Gold is trading around USD 1,900 again. At the same time, inflation data is picking up and Bitcoin is proving extremely volatile. These are good conditions for companies in the gold and commodities sectors. Although the shares of the best-known representatives are already slowly picking up, there are still numerous laggards. Commodity stocks have a lot to offer, from conservative to speculative - we outline this below using three stocks as examples.


Commented by Nico Popp on May 11th, 2021 | 14:50 CEST

Deutsche Rohstoff AG, Gazprom, Barrick Gold: Commodities in demand as never before - how to profit

  • Commodities

Commodities have always been considered a sensible addition to portfolios. Now, however, the situation around wood, copper and oil seems to be getting worse. In many places, raw materials are already in short supply, and prices are rising, fueling concerns about rising inflation. Investors can bet on companies in the sector to guard against this and profit from the run on raw materials. We present three exciting stocks.


Commented by Nico Popp on May 5th, 2021 | 09:10 CEST

Varta, BYD, SunMirror: Short-term prospects in check

  • Commodities

Shares related to electromobility and hydrogen have been the yield drivers in recent months. But why are stocks like Varta and BYD weakening now? After the enormous price increases, speculators are pulling back. But this is not necessarily a bad signal. Stocks showing relative strength in the current phase could be at the forefront of the subsequent rise. We outline three exciting investment stories.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on May 3rd, 2021 | 13:53 CEST

Barrick Gold, Desert Gold Ventures, BP - The commodity bulls are getting ready to jump!

  • Commodities

Those who make proper use of the cyclicality on the commodity markets can earn a lot of money. In addition, commodity types are abundant such as precious metals, oil & gas, industrial metals or the broad field of strategic metals and rare earth metals. Precious metals stocks currently offer many opportunities. Goldman Sachs forecasts a gold price of USD 2,000 for the second half of the year. Demand for silver significantly exceeds supply, which should also lead to a price increase in the coming months. Already a year ago, the US bank JP Morgan drew a very bullish scenario for oil and was correct. In the following, we present three yield boosters for your portfolio.


Commented by Stefan Feulner on May 2nd, 2021 | 18:54 CEST

Aixtron, SunMirror, Everfuel - Emergency braking for electric mobility!

  • Commodities

The chip shortage triggered by the blow-up of supply chains due to the Corona lockdowns is hitting the automotive industry with full force at the moment. Daimler has already had to put thousands of employees on short-time work at its plants in Rastatt and Bremen. The situation is similar at VW and even at the Korean carmaker Hyundai. The procurement of the necessary raw materials, caused by the increased demand due to the energy transition, will also be a considerable challenge in the future, not only for the electric car industry.


Commented by Armin Schulz on April 15th, 2021 | 07:33 CEST

SunMirror, 88 Energy, Gazprom - Commodity prices pick up

  • Commodities

US oil reserves are shrinking, and at the same time, demand forecasts are being revised upward by OPEC and the International Energy Agency. The reason for this is the assumption that the Corona pandemic will calm down in the current year and will ultimately lead to an increase in global oil demand.
In general, commodity prices are picking up on the expectation of an economic recovery. Thus, gold has also left the lows of 2 weeks ago and is currently struggling to break the critical USD 1,750 mark. The first attempt was rejected.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on April 15th, 2021 | 07:09 CEST

K+S, SKRR, Klöckner Co. - Where are the missing puzzle pieces?

  • Commodities

Cyclical investments have the advantage of a certain predictability. Nevertheless, each new chapter and the corresponding script differs, sometimes only slightly, sometimes quite significantly. As far as the cyclicality of commodities is concerned, very diverse categories exist within the asset class so that favorable entry opportunities lurk almost at any time. We have brought you a colorful bouquet of commodities, including potash, gold and steel. Which share is ahead?


Commented by Armin Schulz on April 13th, 2021 | 08:45 CEST

Barrick, BP, Scottie Resources - Commodities cannot be printed

  • Commodities

Last week was dominated by FED Chairman Jerome Powell's speech at the IMF. Powell reiterated that inflation, which had been a concern for some investors in the short term, was under control and not a cause for concern. He attributed inflationary pressures primarily to higher commodity prices. After all, you cannot print commodities - unlike paper money. For this reason, we will take a look at commodity stocks today.
