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Commented by Nico Popp on December 23rd, 2020 | 08:00 CET

Bitcoin Group, BIGG Digital Assets, Nvidia: Which crypto stocks can go 100% in 4 weeks?

  • Blockchain

Bitcoin has been riding high for weeks. In November, Bitcoin was still trading below USD 15,000, and most recently, the digital surrogate currency even reached a level of USD 24,000. Bitcoin is considered the gold standard in the crypto world and has a high reputation. Whenever capital is to be parked within the crypto scene, Bitcoin is the first address. In addition, Bitcoin is the first choice for many private investors when it comes to coins. In the slipstream of Bitcoin and Co., some stocks are also climbing rapidly.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on December 9th, 2020 | 10:00 CET

Bitcoin Group, BIGG Digital Assets, Deutsche Pfandbriefbank - double-digit price gains within a few days

  • Blockchain

Promising business developments and advantageous trends brought shareholders of the above-mentioned Companies significant share price gains within a week. We shed some light on the background. Who has the most significant short-term potential?


Commented by André Will-Laudien on November 30th, 2020 | 12:12 CET

BIGG Digital Assets, Alibaba, Square: Crypto & Technology - the new empire makers!

  • Blockchain

Many probably did not expect such a sharp correction. After weeks of rushing upwards, the Bitcoin and the entire crypto market has let off steam. To 25.11.2020 BTC/USD reached its 52-week high of USD 19,480.50, other prominent cryptos like Ethereum, Ripple or Litecoin also stood on new high marks. However, this was probably too big a sip from the bottle, a sell-off shortly before the magic USD 20,000.00 in Bitcoin captured the entire market and led to short-term discounts of up to 50% in the side stages. Bitcoin itself corrected a temporary loss of a good USD 3,000.00 or 15% up to USD 16,300.00. Yesterday, Sunday, however, the weak phase seemed to be over again, and the most popular Internet currency climbed again by 10 percent to USD 18,100.00. If that was the correction, then there are likely still some hot weeks left in the year ahead!


Commented by André Will-Laudien on November 11th, 2020 | 13:55 CET

BIGG Digital Assets, VISA, American Express: Pay per Coin & Click!

  • Blockchain

The stock markets are on a rollercoaster ride - so are the cryptocurrencies. For the past 48 hours or so, the stock markets have experienced unparalleled volatility. While some stocks are taking off in the hope of a quick end to the pandemic, others are losing ground, while in recent months have been able to benefit from the pandemic restrictions. The crypto world is even more volatile, but the individual coins are developing very differently. Up-to-date there are according to 7,637 Coins, which are traded on 32,540 markets and represent an added value of USD 441.2 billion. The old father of the movement, the "Bitcoin" stands alone for USD 282.7 billion or 64% of the total market. It has grown by 60% in 2020. Service providers and payment processors are active in this market, but with different objectives. PayPal announced its entry a few weeks ago, and now the hunt for successors begins. We take a look at the protagonists of this not so new market segment.


Commented by Nico Popp on November 4th, 2020 | 14:02 CET

Bitcoin, BIGG Digital Assets, PayPal: What is the best crypto investment?

  • Blockchain

Once the genie is out the bottle, you can't get it back in. It's the same or similar with digitalization. The advantages are so overwhelming that only a few people want to do without it - even if there are disadvantages. When it comes to the electronic transfer of capital, supervisory authorities and public prosecutors point out the dangers of money laundering. Cryptocurrencies are unfortunately the preferred field of activity of criminals. Nevertheless, the price of Bitcoin is currently going through the roof again. The best-known of all cryptocurrencies developed rapidly after the start of the second Corona wave - within a month alone, the replacement currency to the Euro rose by around 25%.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on October 19th, 2020 | 10:24 CEST

Wirecard, Paypal, BIGG Digital Assets: Crypto - soon normal means of payment?

  • Blockchain

The crypto world is constantly developing, and the user numbers are increasing considerably. The more the discussion about the abolition of cash takes shape, the more people are interested in a liquid alternative means of payment. Even if system critics hold on to gold, once certain acceptance hurdles have been overcome, cryptocurrencies must be said to have grown rapidly. In 2016 there were less than 10 million registered wallets with cryptocurrencies, since the end of 2019 this number exploded to over 40 million, an increase of 300% in three years. Compared to other key figures, especially concerning the Bitcoin exchange rate, this number seems low, but there is an anticipation of further growth.


Commented by Mario Hose on July 17th, 2020 | 13:56 CEST

BIGG Digital Assets, NetCents, Northern Data - who is the best blockchain pearl?

  • Blockchain

The Blockchain phenomenon has kept the world in a state of excitement in the second half of 2017. A revolution by many young entrepreneurs and investors seemed to be on the way. Business models were springing up like mushrooms. There were almost no barriers to market entry, as most investors were greedy freeloaders and pursued the illusion that in the near future everything will be tokenized and would end up on the Blockchain. Because most market participants had no idea about encryption technologies, critical questions were rarely asked. Sounds bizarre, but that's how it was. Three years later, a number of companies are still active, either because they were able to develop a business model or because they have not run out of money yet.


Commented by Mario Hose on February 13th, 2020 | 08:57 CET

BIGG Digital Assets, Bitcoin Group, Chainalysis - why invest now?

  • Blockchain

The blockchain hype was around two years ago and a lot has changed since then. A consolidation phase has cleared the market and what has remained are the companies and teams that have been able to convince the market and investors of their products and business models. The interest in the sector is often reinterpreted by market participants into the price development of the most famous crypto-currency. The price of a Bitcoin was quoted in the morning at over USD 10,400.00, the highest level since September 2019, and about two months ago the digital currency changed wallets at less than USD 7,000.00. This volatility enabled a speculative gain of about 50%. But the market offers more.
