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Commented by Nico Popp on January 7th, 2022 | 12:51 CET

BioNTech, XPhyto, Valneva: 3 stocks for next week?

  • Biotechnology

Omicron is slowly but surely making its presence felt in Germany. After the holidays, when first there is less testing, and secondly the fax machines in German health offices are at a standstill, the official statistics are becoming a little more accurate again. There are already signs of where the journey might be headed. If the past week's growth remains constant, the incidence could already be above the 500 mark in 7 to 10 days. Although such projections are subject to error, it is worth looking at the typical pandemic stocks.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on December 28th, 2021 | 11:26 CET

Novavax, XPhyto Therapeutics, Bayer - Corona shares for 2022!

  • Biotechnology

The head of the Robert Koch Institute, Lothar Wieler, warned a few days ago that the healthcare system would be overburdened and critical care structures impaired if the feared Omicron wave could not be curbed. This situation illustrates that the pandemic is far from letting us go. Vaccine manufacturers and pharmaceutical companies will continue to benefit. Their shares should also be on the winning side next year.


Commented by André Will-Laudien on December 28th, 2021 | 07:15 CET

BioNTech, Pfizer, Defence Therapeutics, Valneva - The Corona year 2022 is coming

  • Biotechnology

The German government has moved its goal of vaccinating 80% of the population against the coronavirus at least once into the new year. The targeted quota is now to be achieved by the end of January, a government spokesman told the press. The background is that only 73.4% of the population has been vaccinated so far, and the missing 5.3 million first-time vaccinations could hardly be achieved by January 7. The interim goal of 30 million vaccinations by the end of the year, on the other hand, will most likely be met after Christmas, government sources say. The general vaccination obligation is to come on the agenda of the Federal Parliament in the first meeting week in the new year. Thus also the year 2022 will stand under the star "Corona". The following shares are part of the orchestra.


Commented by Nico Popp on December 22nd, 2021 | 13:50 CET

BioNTech, Novavax, Cardiol Therapeutics: This pandemic profiteer is as cheap as can be

  • Biotechnology

Omicron is coming; that much seems certain. But what does the virus mean for the stock market? Currently, the forecasts of the modelers are dominating the news. While some see it as scaremongering, others consider epidemiological models a rational approximation of what we face. Like a crystal ball, so to speak, but without the hocus-pocus. To assess the situation as an investor, it makes sense to assume neither the best nor the worst. We analyze the current viral situation and explain what this could mean for typical Corona stocks.


Commented by Armin Schulz on December 15th, 2021 | 11:35 CET

Valneva, XPhyto Therapeutics, Pfizer - Corona is far from defeated

  • Biotechnology

In an interview, new Health Minister Karl Lauterbach said, "We will not succeed in defeating Corona completely in the foreseeable period." By period, he probably means his term, which is four years. Thus, the hope that arose in the middle of the year related to a quick end by vaccination seems to have been dashed. The new Omicron variant cannot yet be fully assessed. It is causing uncertainty on the stock markets, which puts renewed pressure on companies that have already suffered from Corona. On the other hand, there are also the profiteers who are fighting Corona. Today we analyze three of these potential profiteers.


Commented by Carsten Mainitz on December 8th, 2021 | 12:53 CET

Pfizer, Defence Therapeutics, Novavax - Who will benefit from Omicron?

  • Biotechnology

The world is trembling before the new Corona variant Omicron. Stock exchanges are going down, panic reigns in the crypto markets and politicians are outbidding each other with calls for tighter lockdown regulations. However, some experienced epidemiologists already see the emergence of Omicron as an indication of an imminent change from pandemic to endemic, in which we will live with the Coronavirus as if it were the flu. However, everyone agrees on one thing: we will still need vaccination. Who is this good news for?


Commented by Stefan Feulner on December 3rd, 2021 | 12:38 CET

BioNTech, Defence Therapeutics, QIAGEN - End in sight?

  • Biotechnology

The federal and state governments have met and decided on a de facto lockdown for the unvaccinated. In the future, only vaccinated and recovered people will be allowed to shop in retail stores. The same applies to cinemas, theaters and restaurants. In addition, the unvaccinated will have to accept contact restrictions. According to the outgoing chancellor, this is an "act of national solidarity" and is necessary to get out of the current difficult situation - hard times, which the Omicron variant has just exacerbated. But according to US strategists, it is precisely the newly emerged mutant that could signal the approaching end of the Corona pandemic.


Commented by Fabian Lorenz on November 25th, 2021 | 12:44 CET

BioNTech, Valneva, Cardiol Therapeutics: Vaccination boosters also share boosters?

  • Biotechnology

The Corona pandemic has been with us all for a good 18 months now, and there is no end in sight. While the industrialized countries are boosting their vaccines, large parts of the world's population have still not been vaccinated for the first time. That means that shares of manufacturers of vaccines or drugs against COVID-19 will continue to be the focus of investors. Driven by the booster and mandatory vaccination discussions, BioNTech has left the correction behind, and the share is marching towards EUR 300. Drug developer Cardiol Therapeutics should now pick up again after the successful capital increase. In any event, analysts see price potential. Vaccine developer Valneva benefits from the EU order but has not yet recovered from Tuesday's "flash crash".


Commented by Nico Popp on November 24th, 2021 | 12:41 CET

BioNTech, Defence Therapeutics, Novavax: Another step towards vaccination against cancer

  • Biotechnology

In Portugal and Spain, vaccination rates are higher than in Germany. There are various discussions about the reasons for this. One argument is the fact that infant mortality was high in both countries for a long time. Those who still vividly remember the stories of dead or lifelong damaged infants are less likely to think twice when the doctor calls for vaccination. The recent experience with BioNTech and other vaccines could also give a new boost to the willingness to vaccinate. It is, therefore, quite fitting that vaccines against many different diseases are now emerging on the market.


Commented by Armin Schulz on November 19th, 2021 | 11:21 CET

Valneva, Cardiol Therapeutics, Novavax - Is the Corona emergency brake coming?

  • Biotechnology

Today, the Robert Koch Institute reported 65,371 new infections, a new sad record. In Berlin, politicians are currently discussing how to proceed. Abolishing the free tests to increase the pressure on the unvaccinated has proven wrong in retrospect. The fact that booster vaccinations might be necessary was also not considered when the vaccination centers were closed. Now the first state is discussing the next lockdown. If the numbers continue to rise, the emergency brake will be pulled in Berlin sooner or later. In parts of Austria, it is already a reality. We take a look at three possible winners of a lockdown.
