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Commented by Mario Hose on March 25th, 2020 | 08:04 CET

Barrick Gold, Desert Gold Ventures, Yamana Gold - all eyes on gold

  • Gold

The decade without recessions in Canada, Germany and the USA was hardly over when a mixture of different problems and shocks hit the people, politics and economy. The price of WTI oil collapsed to a historic low of around USD 20.00 per barrel, the US dollar gained dramatically in strength and the corona virus caused curfews, disruptions in supply chains and a slump in demand. The central banks in North America and Europe are taking measures to increase liquidity and the Trump Administration is determined to help citizens with 'helicopter money'.


Commented by Mario Hose on March 24th, 2020 | 06:24 CET

Daimler, dynaCERT, Tesla - who has the best Mobility shares?

  • Mobility

The Corona Crisis is omnipresent. The discussions about CO2 emissions and climate targets have given way to the pandemic. The streets are empty and the population stays at home. People around the globe are taking a break - or rather, they are being asked to take a forced break and avoid social contact. For the economy, the state of deceleration and standstill is a maximum stress test. Conveyors stand still. Supplies are stuck. The finished products cannot find a customer and salaries must continue to be paid. The German government wants to help quickly and offers support programs for salaries. The state basically distributes tax money that has to be earned sooner or later.


Commented by Mario Hose on March 23rd, 2020 | 15:00 CET

Aurora Cannabis, Bayer, EXMceuticals - ready for the time after Corona

  • Cannabis

The cannabis hype was over and then came the corona crisis. Investors who believed in the active ingredient of cannabis and put money into the shares of companies in this industry are now likely to be sitting on a huge loss in most cases. It all started with the idea of a few companies to make one of the oldest medicinal plants in the world acceptable for general use within the framework of legalization. However, high margins and a large market soon led to competition and a brokerage industry was earning a lot of money - soon several hundred cannabis companies were listed on the stock exchange.


Commented by Mario Hose on March 19th, 2020 | 11:25 CET

BioNTech, Gilead, Memphasys - modern science and COVID and IVF

  • Biotechnology

People around the world are worried about the extent of the consequences associated with the spread of the corona virus COVID-19, and politicians and the economy are called upon to deal with the situation appropriately so that the loss of life and financial damage to the citizens can be kept to a minimum. Medical experts are now working intensively to ensure that active substances for prevention and therapy are tested and made ready for the market.


Commented by Mario Hose on March 18th, 2020 | 11:11 CET

Barrick, First Majestic, Osino Resources, Scottie Resources - preparing for helicopter money

  • Gold

In the 1960s, the Nobel Prize winner Milton Friedman, an influential economist in the USA, studied various models of monetary policy. One of the models of how the Federal Reserve can boost consumption and achieve its inflation targets while preventing deflation would be by issuing cash to the population on a one-time basis. In his example, Friedman describes that a helicopter would drop USD 1,000 banknotes over a community for consumption purposes. This model led to the term 'helicopter money'. After the reduction of interest rates and quantitative easing, the USA will soon provide its citizens with checks to keep the economy going. All drastic measures within a month.


Commented by Mario Hose on March 17th, 2020 | 09:22 CET

Apple, Enthusiast Gaming, Lufthansa - Profiteers, victims and opportunities

  • Opportunities

Since the outbreak of the corona virus and its subsequent spread, more and more countries and regions have had to pass sanctions to contain the risk of infection. The first country to be affected was China, the country of origin of Covid 19, the current corona virus. With drastic curfews, general economic life comes to a standstill and the population has to avoid social contacts to prevent further spread. This new situation will permanently change our society. Younger generations are now making the experience that nothing can be taken for granted.


Commented by Mario Hose on March 12th, 2020 | 12:17 CET

dynaCERT, NEL ASA, Saturn Oil & Gas - Revolution of an industry

  • Energy

Modern society unites one goal, the world should become cleaner and more environmentally friendly. Responsible companies continuously strive to implement ways to improve the way they interact with people and nature. In line with citizens' desires for greater prosperity and security, advances in mobility and energy supply are among the priorities of politics and business. Hydrogen will become increasingly important in the coming years, but innovative technologies for now and today, based on existing engines, will make a valuable contribution to environmental protection. It is best to start positioning yourself now for the time after the corona crisis.


Commented by Mario Hose on March 10th, 2020 | 11:40 CET

Baytex Energy, Husky Energy, Saturn Oil & Gas - why Canadian oil now?

  • Oil

The oil industry around the globe had an unexpected start to the week, marked by a collapse in the price of oil. Last Friday, WTI was still trading at over USD 41.00 per barrel and at the start of the week the price fell briefly to below USD 28.00 per barrel. This was preceded by the announcement that Saudi Arabia will increase its production volume because Russia will not participate in a joint cutback. The defiant reaction of Saudi Arabia sent the oil price and the stock markets around the globe into a downward spiral.


Commented by Mario Hose on March 9th, 2020 | 12:41 CET

Kinross Gold, Triumph Gold, Yamana Gold - the beginning of a rally

  • Gold

The global economy is facing major challenges as the outbreak of the current corona virus disrupts supply chains in manufacturing and causes a collapse in demand for many products and services. Stock market professionals are reminded of 2008, when the US bank Lehman Brothers went bankrupt in the context of the subprime crisis and Hypo Real Estate in Germany had to be state-owned in order to avert the total collapse of the global economy.


Commented by Mario Hose on March 6th, 2020 | 10:21 CET

Barrick Gold, Desert Gold Ventures, Teranga Gold - a pure M&A play

  • Gold

The West of Africa is rich in raw materials. Well-known companies are present in Senegal and Mali and are exploring for gold deposits there. In 2018, Mali produced the fourth largest quantity of gold in all of Africa, with more than 2 million ounces. In addition to producers, exploration companies are also active there and are exploring the geology through appropriate drilling. Usually, the aim of these often smaller companies is to explore a portfolio of areas for deposits in order to subsequently sell them to producers if successful. A perfect environment for mergers and acquisitions.
